SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(4)

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考虑到Sybase数据库的初学者或者没有购买原厂服务的Sybase客户情况,现提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息。
在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!

Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(1)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(3)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(4)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(5)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(6)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(7)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(8)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(9)

455707 Previously a server's preferences (such as number of lines of server log to retrieve) were lost when the server was cut and pasted. Now the preferences for the server are preserved when the server is cut.
455721 Need information update on the tempdb and indexing on Performance and Tuning Guide
455779 Problem:

Project execution might become unresponsive when database runs out of space.


When a database involved in a data transfer runs out of space, the execution of a project might stop responding. This is because the database driver does not return with an error message but waits until space is available to continue. Please ensure that sufficient space is available before running a project or job.

455781 The Historical Server reports an incorrect time value on the windows platforms.
455812 index name in sp_create_text_index should be from local db only, documentation needs to be corrected to reflect that.
455819 FTS core dumps when creating index with universal style
455826 If a kerberos login gets a timeslice error during security session establishment,

the engine-wide semaphore is not released, causing all the other kerberos logins on that engine to block.

455839 Concurrency problems are found when using MIT Kerberos client libraries version 1.3.x and 1.4.x

or earlier, causing ASE crash or blocking all Kerberos logins when there are concurrent Kerberos

authentication attempts.

ASE now supports concurrent Kerberos authentication requests by default.

Trace flag 7844 is no longer needed and can be used if concurrent Kerberos authentications is not required.

455842 Previously when you sort a table column of data type "binary" on Data panel, a ClassCastException stack trace would occur. This has been fixed.
455901 Entities in xml documents are not handled correctly on AIX FBO builds.
456048 When a sort node is used for a merge join, and an ORDER BY request is made by the query, that uses descending columns, then there is a possibility that the ORDER BY on those columns would be ignored, and only the ascending columns in the ORDER BY would be respected. This problem occurs when an attempt would be made to use the ordering available from the sort node, to also be used by the ORDER BY so that an extra sort node is avoided.
456052 Materialized status of a computed column cannot be altered from column properties in Sybase Central ASE Plug-in.
456061 When modifying or adding a buffer pool of a data cache, in Sybase Central ASE Plug-in, provide an option to set the "local async prefetch limit" for the buffer pool.
456080 Problem:

When using the [CIFS] section of GridNode.ini to store the user and password for connect to a file server, projects that should store Textfiles on a UNIX server fail with the message "tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED".


On UNIX, installations of Sybase ETL Server ini file settings are not read by the GridNode application unless you have a GridNode.ini in place.

To specify settings for the GridNode application you need to: 1. Make a copy of the Default.ini file named GridNode.ini in the etc subdirectory of your installation path. 2. Specify general settings (to be shared by all applications) in Default.ini. 3. Specify exclusive settings for the GridNode application in GridNode.ini. 4. Disable (remove or comment) the keys for general settings in GridNode.ini.

456094 DBISQL connects to wrong host in interfaces file when using standby addressing
456145 Wrong result could happen when "FOR BROWSE" mode is used and the query

has an ORDER BY on some expression.

456150 Update the bundled JRE release to address the following issues:

1) The implementation of RSA signature verification in SSL/TLS, or other application scenarios, may incorrectly verify forged signatures leading to security vulnerability. See for more details.

2) U.S. Daylight Saving Time Changes in 2007, see for more details.

456156 Enable "for xml all" within message payload for ASE messaging sending/publishing messages.
456218 SELECT INTO statements that source a union view that references a virtual

computed column will generate recompilation errors. In the case of a batch,

a 225 error is generated:

Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during

query optimization.

456223 The message "current process infected with 11" together with a stack trace may be reported in the

error log if a GROUP BY used on a comupted column with sum and count aggregates including a distinct


456225 Since CMC is no longer being supported by Microsoft the customer needs MAPI style added to the server. Prelimanary code that does this was given to the customer but it is not in the code line and I was unable to get it compiled on my server under 12.5.x.
456260 When using RTDS (version 4.0 and before) with MQ, messages larger than 1MB cannot be sent or received.
456314 Wrong result could happen if the query has an equality predicate between

two expressions (expr1=expr2) and through some other equijoin predicate(s),

all the columns referenced in the predicate can be completely mapped to

one joining table and at the same time also completely mapped to another

joining table. For example, "t1.c1+2=t2.c1*2 and t1.c1=t2.c1".

456393 Query with having clause with a subquery and correlated aggregate will not

evaluate correctly having clause if it uses IS NULL operator.

456429 UPDATE STATISTICS should be able to sample index columns
456431 Problem:

File Content display in Text Data Provider.


When entering the configuration window of a text provider component, the file content is read with the current (default is ISO-8859-1) encoding setting. It is not reread when a different encoding is selected. The preview section of the configuration window displays data correctly (according to the current settings) and the functionality of the component is not affected.

To read and display the file content with a specific encoding, either

select the encoding in the configuration window and click Save

or select the encoding in the Property section

and reopen the configuration window.

456498 A 804 error reading "Unable to find buffer '<Buffer Address>' from cache 'Named Cache' holding logical page '<Page Id>' in sdes 'Sdes Address' kept buffer pool for object '<Object Name>', together with a stack trace showing modules 'pg_getdatapage_forinsert' and 'pg_release_alloc_page' may be raised while many concurrent sessions are INSERTing into the same sliced DOL table having a placement index.
456532 On Solaris, if ASE is configured for High Availability with SunCluster, the HA agent ase_monitor may print misleading error messages on every thorough probe, though the error occured only once.
456534 When dataserver of sjis and backupserver of eucjis are used, the dump command outputs the error of open server.

Open Server Error: 16368.10.0.0 srv_senddone(): A message was initialized, but not completed.

456555 in some circumstances sp_monitorconfig may report the max used value greater than the configured value for the configuration parameters 'number of sort buffers' and 'procedure cache size'
456569 Some ALTER TABLE ADD <default> with MODIFY and/or DROP commands may fail with Msg 11050 in a HA environment.
456575 Inserting values into columns with defaults may get Msg 233 on a HA secondary server.
456598 Problem: ETL Server installs successfully, but the following is reported during the install: "Space needed for installation: 0 KB"

Resolution: The install scripts were changed to display the correct numbers.

456683 On platforms supporting directio, make directio as the default option for disk init/ reinit instead of dsync.
456736 The DBCC DBCACHEREMOVE command is allowed to uncache a user defined temporary

database from cache.

456747 For table with APL clustered index, sometimes a table scan is incorrectly

reported as an index scan in diagnostics (such as showplan) when there

is some predicate on the index column but not on the leading column(s).

456802 Previously in 15.0 or 15.0.1 ASE Plug-in, table Data panel would display null values after sorting a column multiple times. This has been fixed in 15.0.2 ASE Plug-in.
456828 A new configuration parameter "enable merge join" is added to enable/disable merge_join at server level. This configuration can be set to

0 - unset merge_join at server level.

1 - set merge_join at server level.

2 - set merge_join to default value (as per curent optgoal) at server level.

458666 Previously after changing the password for a login with an expired password, ASE Plug-in still remembered the old password. Now ASE Plug-in will remember the new password.
460673 Infinite 9835 errors raised by a parallel execution family after segmentation fault in HashBuf::HbBufSetRunInfo.
460687 The error 9947, "An attempt to allocate memory failed due to insufficient ASE memory." can be raised by DBCC CHECKVERIFY, if the number of faults found by DBCC CHECKSTORAGE is very big.
460775 Enable LDAP User Authentication feature on Linux Opteron 64bit platform.
460787 This CR fixed the statistic failure while upgrading a database from pre-15.0 server to 15.0.1 server on winx64 platform.
460805 Before you add or modify or drop columns on a table, you should run sp_depends to check

if the current database has any stored procedures depending on the table you are changing.

You might want to drop and re-create the stored procedures if necessary after changing table schema.

460825 Execute immediate queries referencing outer scope variables may sometimes fail with syntax error about non declared local variables.
460847 When Tools->Performance Monitor is selected within Database Expert an additional ASE_SDBE is requested. When using a served license there will be insufficient quantity and Performance Monitor will not start. Use of unserved licenses works around this problem as they have unlimited quantity for a specific host so will allow Performance Monitor to start correctly.
460869 SET PROC_OUTPUT_PARAMS OFF option incorrectly suppresses the return of the

result value via the output parameters for the outermost procedure call.

When this option is OFF, only the return of the output parameters to the

client stream should be suppressed, but the output @variable should continue

to return the result value to the application.

460898 In rare circumstances, stack trace which includes the modules 'traceassert' and 'dynmp__calc_objpoolsize' may be reported in the error log when running Diagnostic Server with large values of some configuration parameters.
460902 When a user changes the wash size of the smaller pool "sp_poolconfig ''default data cache'', ''2K'', ''wash=4444K''", though the wash size is changed in the sysconfigures table, it is not being written into the ".cfg" file. As a result of this, after reboot of the server, the wash size of ''2K'' pool is reverted back to DEFAULT
460907 Under certain circumstances, when ASE is using Java(enable java = 1) with multiple engines online, server may crash with signal 11 in kbfalloc routine.
460911 feature request to have a timeout option to resolve hangs from wait on an I/O which never completes
460936 Installer is not able to find JVM on HP-UX 11.31
461019 Migration tool support for new encrypted column features.
461066 Parallel query execution with runtime adjustment to serial execution may return incorrect results or fail with different unexpected errors if there are some DOL tables in the query and some expressions with result size bigger than 255 characters.
461074 ASE may return a wrong result set when a query is run at transaction isolation level 0

(dirty reads) on an All Pages Locked table and a covered non-clustered index scan is

chosen by the optimizer as reported by the set showplan option with message

"Index contains all needed columns. Base table will not be read."

461095 keycustodian is allowed to set the system encryption password.
461097 The uid of sysquerymetrics will be 0 when all table names in a query, which are not qualified by user name, are owned by the dbo. This change can be disabled by turning on Traceflag 15361.
461165 Asynchronous pre-fetch of data and index pages is incorrectly disabled during the recovery of a database or when a transaction is rolled back.
461167 When OMNI tables are involved and no parallel is turned on, ASE aborts queries saying that there is insufficient threads configured.
461169 A 511 error "Attempt to update or insert row failed because resultant row of size <num> bytes

is larger than the maximum size (1964 bytes) allowed for this table." may be reported during

upgrade to 15*, during "upgrade step [ID 60], alter table (table sysstatistics)" when there are small histogram boundary values at the end of a sysstatistics row.

461175 error 701 returns severity 17 and not 19 as is documented in TSG
461196 Update sp_lmconfig to allow the following license types to be specified: LP, LF, LR, LV
461201 Poll for all completed ct-lib I/Os issued from the engine every time the scheduler checks for I/O completion. Also, the engine does not relinquish CPU to the OS if there is any pending ct-lib I/O from that engine.
461305 A SELECT query with an OR CLAUSE may not return the correct results.
461310 Under random circumstances, the error "Cannot create msgqueue Xnnnnnnnn

because it already exists" could be raised by the backup server. The

chances are higher when there are several dumps running simultaneously.

461319 A distinct order-by query in a non-binary sortorder server may

return too few rows. This can happen if the sum of unique distinct

(from the select-list) and order-by columns is less than 32 and there are

no character columns in the select list that are not also in the

order-by list. Taking the following query as an example:

select distinct a.a, a.c from A a, B b

where a.b=b.b order by c

In this case, "c" is the only character column in select-list and

it appears in the order-by list. So, the bug occurs. If "a" was a

character column, then the problem would not occur.

461343 No support for manual migration of connections. The command can be used to migrate a connection into a logical cluster or instance for which the application or login is not bound.
461349 Description of the following manual is wrong.

Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0

System Administration Guide: Volume 1

Chapter 5: Setting Configuration Parameters

procedure cache size

The default value of procedure cache size of ASE 15.0.x is 7000.

461414 sp_deviceattr doesn't allow setting of the directio flag on AIX
461451 Improve the clarity of the description for the IndexID column in monCachedObjects table.
461453 New options: "with skip_global_index_rebuild" is added to drop partition


alter table table_name drop partition partition_name [with skip_global_index_rebuild]

* If "with skip_global_index_rebuild" is provided, the global index will NOT be

rebuild and the index of the table will be labeled as suspect.

** If "with skip_global_index_rebuild" is not provided, the global index will be rebuild.

This is the default value.

Given this qualifier, the command marks any participating global index as 'suspect',

rather than rebuilding the index as would normally be done.

This can make the command complete more quickly, at the expense

of making an index unusable. To be made usable again, a suspect

index must be dropped and recreated.

461461 An outer join query using DISTINCT and ORDER BY clauses

may return incorrect results for COMPUTE predicates on

expressions involving columns from the inner table or

may raise a 325 error: "Adaptive Server finds no legal

query plan for this statement."

461469 A timeslice error followed by a stack trace that includes the module db__diskremap_sysaltusages could result when trying to load a transaction dump on a big archive database.
461470 If reformatting plan is chosen and the worktable need to be filled more than once, it could cause wrong results.
461669 On PPC64/Linux, if a dump is made with the compress option, the dump archive

cannot be greater than 2GB.

461704 In certain rare circumstances a cursor opened for update can calculate an incorrect row size for the newly updated row. This causes the cursor to fail and report error 669: "The length computation of the row <rowid> is wrong. Ensure that row-length is no greater than max possible size of <maxrowsize>. This error was detected during cursor scan fixups for cursor <cursor_name>. This is an internal error."
461719 Problem: When using an XML file that has EUC-JP encoding with multi-bytes characters in the "XML via SQL Data Provider" component, an error occurs during execution of the engine.

Resolution: No workarounds exists - to be resolved in a future release.

461735 Stacktrace in CgpGlobal::CgpGenerate() might happen when a parallel

plan is chosen where there is an Xchg operator above a Sequence


461765 Documentation Request : reorg rebuild command is not supported for system catalogs.
461850 A new configuration parameter called 'bind to engine' added for Rep Agent. Using this Rep Agent may be forced to run on a particular engine.
461898 If an ASE user task causes a stack overflow exception on the Windows platform, this can cause the entire server to hang rather than terminating that one user task and continuing with others
461911 Previously Resource Limit Wizard failed to check whether the specified resource limit existed or not before creating the resource limit. This has been fixed.
461925 Change Unilib unisort_StringCompare function to include an option to consider ignorable characters to be given primary during sorting.
461964 Problem: If a fixed-length file includes multi-byte characters, the "Text Data Provider" doesn't appear to read the file correctly. The position of columns does not fit into a multi-byte file although it fit into single-byte file. The delimited file with multi-byte characters has no problem.

Resolution: All column numbers, lengths and sizes in the text source and target are counting Unicode code points and NOT bytes. This means that a code point/character will ALWAYS occupy the space of one code point/character, no matter what encoding is used and regardless of the space used by the representation on disk in the specified encoding. For example a Japanese character will always be counted as one code point, whether the encoding is shift_jis, euc_jis, UTF-8. UTF-16, or UTF-EBCDIC all of which will encode the code point with a different number of bytes.

461969 Problem: The export function of Text Data Sink component appears to be counting a Multi-byte character as 1 byte data. Therefore, when exporting the data by using type=Fixed(Variable Line), The number of the spaces can be confusing.

Resolution: All column numbers, lengths and sizes in the text source and target are counting Unicode code points and NOT bytes. This means that a code point/character will ALWAYS occupy the space of one code point/character, no matter what encoding is used and regardless of the space used by the representation on disk in the specified encoding. For example a Japanese character will always be counted as one code point, whether the encoding is shift_jis, euc_jis, UTF-8. UTF-16, or UTF-EBCDIC all of which will encode the code point with a different number of bytes.

462036 Instrumentation: ASE is unable to read TDS packets under load and reports invalid tdslength error
462072 As a result of fixing CR#336646, "2" was added to the value of xp_cmdshell context.

But the contents of a system management guide are not updated.

462159 A query with a lot of AND terms in a WHERE clause may cause stack guardword corruption.
462184 When ASE enable "net password encryption reqd" option, HS and MS failed login to ASE.
462189 If the configuration option "print deadlock information" is set and

a deadlock occurs, ASE activates trace flag 3605 for the deadlock report

but forgets to unset it after the report is finished, causing additional

subsequent output to be written in the error log.

462191 The message text for error 15082 has been changed to indicate that it is not an error "There are <value> OAM entries with zero used/unused page counts. This is not an error. Run DBCC <value> FIX on objid <value> indid <value> to remove these entries as doing so will improve OAM scan performance.". Furthermore the message will be reported on objects with greater than 10 OAM pages and having 50% zero used/unused page counts OAM entries.
462279 A simple 1 table query with a predicate that represents a FALSE condition as 8 < 5, will cause the query to stack trace. This is because the partition elimination functionality cannot deal with a predicate that has been marked FALSE and results into a stack trace.
462326 "auditinit" creates sysaudits_XX tables without "nodeid" column in "sybsecurity" database. Also, the column "objname" in sysaudits_XX tables have varchar(30). It should be varchar(255).
462331 soc_printpeername should print port number of client associated with invalid tds
462372 With multiple checkpoint worker threads, a 216 error: " Attempt to automatically drop temporary table failed" may sometimes occur, preceded by a 3702 error: "Cannot drop the <tablename> because it is currently in use."
462379 For query like insert ... select distinct ... union all, signal 11 and

stacktrace could happen in CgpUnion::_cgpInit().

462504 A query involving many AND/OR terms may cause stack overflow.
462671 In one process, if it use sp_showplan <spid> to probe another process and if the

target process which is being probed is blocked before entering new LAVA engine, it could

cause stack trace in _LeOpShowOp() if plan use worktables.

462696 When ASE reports an I/O failure as a result of a hardware error, it reports an incorrect virtual page number for the failure.
462732 Inserting data into a partition other than the last partition of a table which

has non-clustered indexes is very slow.

462810 If the first parameter passed to the built-in reserved_pages() is an invalid database id, the error 913 will be raised with a fatal severity 22 instead of a user severity 16.
462905 Update srvbuild/srvbuildres and its resource file to handle SDC cluster options
462928 enhance EFTS to support complex tags in XML doc and attribute-only zone searches where attribute names and attribute values are treated as zones.
462937 The HP-UX installer can't remove non-empty temporary directories when user exists the installer.
462943 In some cases, outer join on view or derived table with CASE expression may return wrong result.
462950 Wrong result or error 325 (no legal plan found) could happen

when a subquery from a view/derived table is referenced in the

parent query block's WHERE clause.

462956 Queries involving IN clause may perform with high logical reads even if the index covers the query.
462986 Incorrect results may sometimes be returned when

executing a query involving more than 2 tables

with outer join on a non equality clause and

using GROUP BY.

462989 Under rare circumstances, if the configuration parameters 'deadlock pipe active' or 'print deadlock information' are enabled or the switch 'print_deadlock_information' (traditionally trace flag 1204) is set, it is possible to get an error when trying to print the deadlock chain. The error text is "ubo_object_from_slot:Pss Invalid slot id <negative number>" followed by a stack trace that includes the modules pss_getunkept_pss() and lock__print_deadlockchain().
463003 When the result of messaging builtins (eg msgrecv, msgconsume) is obtained as TEXT datatype, and this result is converted to java.lang.String, we hit a stack trace.
463004 Stack trace may result when the view definition has a group by all clause and the target list has columns which are not in the group by or the user query.
463013 When RTDS is disabled and a messaging built-in is executed, the transcation is left allocated instead of being rollbacked. Later, this lead to error 11068 as the left transaction can be reused but with an expected state.
463040 When using messaging builtins (eg msgrecv, msgconsume) to return java.lang.String, if the return value is larger than 16k we get MEMMOVE error.
463071 Abstract plan related errors 1024 - 1048 are not documented in the Troubleshooting Guide.
463075 Installer and srvbuild use different default names for backup server and monitor servers when building new servers.
463111 When Q engines are onlined with ASE, messaging tasks and other DBMS tasks may hang.
463176 Schema count is not incremented correctly for a table when dropping a foreign key constraint on

if a table has multiple foreign key constraints. A stored procedure using this table will

not automatically be recompiled yielding a 3601 internal error.

463216 Following upgrade or cross-platform dump and load, procedures are rebuilt from the source code in syscomments the first time they are run. Procedures that drop and then create an object may not upgrade properly and fail with an error that the object already exists. To get around this error, manually drop the object and run the procedure again, or put the CREATE statement within an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE context.
463287 Error 11775 displays a negative number instead of the command name

when encrypted columns is not enabled and an attempt to grant permission

on encrypted columns commands is made.

463356 Previously when a table contains unsigned bigint columns, Data panel for the table would not show the data. This has been fixed. (Note Interactive SQL will show the data.)
463374 A 10852 message, "ASE is unable to get all the memory requested ...", may

be reported when making a large increase to the size of a cache using

sp_cacheconfig, despite sufficient memory being available.

463412 An incorrect remote sql statement could be generated for a proxy table when nested convert routines are used that specify a conversion style. The conversion style could be missing on the generated remote statement.
463456 Problem: When using Character Mapper component with cp932 encoded input and Japanese fonts installed, the multi-byte sequences are not mapped as expected.

Resolution: The Character Mapper component requires that Unicode values are

specified as <u{Unicode Decimal}> or <0x{Unicode Hexadecimal}> e.g. <u8256> ir<0x20A4>. The User Interface now automatically translates Unicode characters to the <u{Unicode Decimal}> notation.

463465 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may raise a 701 error "There is not enough procedure

cache to run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch. Retry later. etc." mistakenly, although

one or more engines have local procedure cache available.

463491 In this CR, a new column EngineNumber is added to the mda table monProcessNetIO. This new column is used to represent which Engine Number is used by a process. If a process need not network operation, this column will be NULL.
463492 Times recorded in historical server recording sessions do not properly adjust for DST 2007 changes.
463505 Several new SET optimizer set commands will now be able to used at compile time to affect the optimizer in stored procedures or batches. Previously, the optimizer set commands would not take effect until the stored procedure was executed or recompiled.

Note that care must be taken to reset the SET command prior from

returning from the stored procedure, otherwise the execution

of subsequent stored procedures may be affected. If it is

intended that subsequent stored procedures should be affected,

then the export_options feature should also be used, since

the intention is for a later change to localize the following

SET commands unless export_options is used (such as in a

login trigger).

The following SET commands were affected:





























463518 A timeslice error may be occur in the module 'th__oam_extent_count'

after an 11xx exception has occured. The modules

'ex_reraise_lasterror' and 'ex_raise' will be reported in the

stack trace.

463633 Problem: Data Calculator Java Script is not mapping multi-byte characters.

Resolution: To use Unicode characters in a calculation rule, the uUniChr() function must be used for specifying the Unicode character.

463634 Error 325, "Adaptive Server finds no legal query plan for this statement. ..." when executing a union all with more than 8 union sides in serial.
463675 A query like the following may get error 137 (Must declare variable '@@@V0_VARCHARorder'.) if statement cache and

literal auto parameterization are enabled.

For example: select b2 from t1 where a1 = 'TEST'order by b2

There is no blank between a literal value surrounded by single/double quote marks and a SQL keyword.

463716 Under rare circumstances, a query using views and nested aggregates results in a Signal 11.
463735 In some cases, queries containing aggregation with GROUP BY and a mixture of nullable and non-nullable columns can lead to wrong results or divide-by-zero errors (if the AVG aggregate is present). The error will only occur if the optimizer chooses a query plan that contains a materialization step for the aggregation results (This can be seen from the showplan output by the presence of a STORE operator).
463752 Document deterministic behavior of Java functions in expressions
463772 DUMP TRANSACTION <db> WITH STANDBY_ACCESS is not forwarded to Replication Server. This command allows a database that has been loaded with that transaction log dump, to be brought online between loads. This is possible because this command only dumps completed transactions.

In a replication environment using coordinated dumps, a dump tran with standby_access that was successfuly run on the primary may fail when RS attemps to apply it into the replicated database as it may not find a quiesce point in the transaction log of the replicated database.

463795 Using tsequal() builtin function within stored procedure could caused stacktrace.
463837 In some situations, a query with outer join between a view and derived table might return wrong result.
463885 sig11 could happen in LeSarg::mapSarg() during execution when there is a

vector aggregate operaor (GroupBy) or union operaor under a three-way or more

nested loop join (NaryNlJoin).

463895 Signal 11 could happen in CgEvals::_CgCompVcol() for an outerjoin

whose's ON clause contains a joining expression and the expression

involves a column which also participates in another equijoin predicate.

For example, (t1.c1=t2.c1 and t1.c2=t2.c1+5).

463898 Error 442 might be hit for a query plan which uses a local index with more than 512 partitions if the ordering from the local index is considered useful (e.g. for

min() aggregate or OrderBy).

463908 Update installmaster script to include fixes for the following ODBC, OLE DB and jConnect Driver CRs fixed:

CR 438735 - ODBC Driver by Sybase: Unexpected behavior in Crystal Reports when connecting using ODBC Driver, because SQLProcedureColumns returns ?NO? for IS_NULLABLE.

CR 416248 - ODBC Driver by Sybase: SQLColumns returns type name varchar for timestamp data type.

CR 416250 - ODBC Driver by Sybase: SQLColumns returns type names varchar and char for nvarchar and nchar data types respectively.

CR 438423 - ODBC Driver by Sybase: Accessing ASE using ODBC Driver from Microsoft Access 2003 causes reserved error (-7707).

CR 420176 - OLE DB Provider by Sybase: Unable to execute queries from Microsoft SQL Server using a Sybase ASE linked server.

CR 427244 - jConnect: Calling DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns when auto-commit mode is off raises SybSQLException: SELECT INTO command not allowed within multi-statement transaction.

CR 442470 - jConnect: DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo call no longer returns ASE Local type of "double precision".

CR 443327 - jConnect: DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo returns internal ASE system user types (like longsysname) which should not be returned.

463919 The problem occurs for complex queries which contain many composite joins

as well as equi-sargs on joining columns, and descending index columns.

The failure occurs due to incorrect handling of composite orderings

when a descending attribute is in the composite ordering, and an

equi-sarg exists on another attribute of the composite ordering.

463959 sp_dbcc_recommendations gives incorrect recommendation for error 100028. This error results when checkstorage finds data on a different segment than that of the table to which it belongs.
463988 On AIX platform, a 19608 error, "no such parameter 'directio' " reported when changing directio parameter with deviceattr stored procedure
464036 Wrong result could happen if there is an OR

predicate and one OR term appears in all the disjuncts of the OR

predicate (in other words, the OR term can be extracted out as the

common predicate and the origial OR predicate can be removed). For

example, ((t1a.c1a = 9 AND t1a.c1a > t1b.c1a) OR t1a.c1a > t1b.c1a).

464049 Signal 11 could be hit in CgEvals::_CgCompLogOp() if there is an OR

predicate and one OR term appears in all the disjuncts of the OR

predicate (in other words, the OR term can be extracted out as the

common predicate and the origial OR predicate can be removed). For

example, ((t1a.c1a = t4a.c3 AND 0 > t4a.c3) OR t1a.c1a = t4a.c3 )).

464150 Disallow user from changing the default database if login trigger is active.
464171 Deleting system table rows is not enough for downgrade; the anchors pointing to those rows must also be deleted. Otherwise subsequent upgrade will fail because the booting server can still find the deleted rows, so ASE will think the table still exists.
464186 A new MDA table, monSpinlockActivity, is introduced to track spinlock activity.
464192 In some circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" together with a stack trace that includes the modules "fdpr_glue_tramp_align__fdpr", "conn_hdlr__fdpr", may be reported when using XML features on IBM Linux Pseries platform.
464435 During replication of element, simpletype and complextype, Annotation object is not longer synchronized
464456 Server may give error# 325 (finds no legal query plan for this statement) when group_hashing is off

and the query has GROUP BY on an expression.

464489 The error 'Error while parsing ASE version string 12.5.3a' would be reported when migrating ASE 12.5.3a to other versions with migration tool.
464491 When a resource governor limit is detected and causes a query to abort while that query is creating a work table for the benefit of a hash operator, then a stack trace may be produced.
464504 Error message 403 (Invalid operator for datatype op: = type: VOID TYPE.) could be

raised when a DISTINCT view is used and one of the view projection is

a constant.

464605 The "enable large pool for load" configuration parameter is added to configure the use of large buffer pools during the recovery phase for LOAD DATABASE and LOAD TRANSACTION commands execution. This configuration parameter will default to 0 if "enable functionality group" is set to 0, and to 1 if "enable functionality group" is set to 1.
464614 ASE 12.5.3 ESD#4 64-bit on Solaris hits signal 11 in ind__sysides_grab+0x4c() due to null pointer in

allocated IDES buffer returned by uboalloc() from the rsysides_mempool: > (ind__sysides_grab+0x4c),

siginfo (code, address) = (1, 0x0000000000000028)

464630 When an expirable license is obtained on grace the date of expiry of the license is reported instead of the date of expiry of the grace period. The expiry of grace periods for permanent licenses is reported correctly.
464647 Wrong result could happen for mergejoin/hashjoin which contains a joining

expression and the expression involves a column which also participates

in another equijoin predicate. For example, (t1.c1=t2.c1 and t1.c1=t2.c2+t1.c2).

464667 701 errors may be raised and/or procedure cache thrashing for queries

containing hash and/or sort operators with large estimated input sets.

Buffer requirements increase as the operator's estimated input set size

does. This had a secondary impact on contiguous memory requirements in

the procedure cache. Contiguous memory requirements to manage hash

and sort operator buffers has been eliminated.

464683 When permission is granted to a user to alter an encryption key, which

is not a grantable command, Adaptive Server fails to report Msg. 4607.

464698 The user can enable/disable rtds provider separately. When the user enables or disables one rtms provider, the other enabled providers are not affected.
464711 DBIQL for ASE Edition cannot execute an output statement in non-gui mode.

So as to output a result to HTML or Excel, please choose an export menu in gui mode.

464715 The ASE management tool of a Web base does not exist in ASE.

The user wishes to have the management tool of a Web base.

464760 Login to ASE using LDAP may hang with the message "Waiting for native threads to be released, or for 'max number of ldapua native threads' to be increased." even after increasing value of 'set_max_ldapua_native_threads'.
464790 On IBMAIX64 systems, a 5846 error, "Illegal value <value> specified for configuration option 'max async i/os per engine'" will be reported when trying to set the value to its default using sp_configure.
464797 The error "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" followed by the text 'Error at address 0x0000000000000000' will be raised in DEC AXP when trying load or drop an archive database.
464803 Problem: When inserting multi-byte characters into a UTF-8 collation DB, it can appear inserted data is missing.

For example: If the target column is defined as CHAR(10) and you have 5 characters

that you believe are 2 byte characters but you notice some are missing. (2 bytes * 5

characters = 10 bytes).

Resolution: UTF-8 can represent 1-3 byte characters. If some characters are 3 byte characters the total length calculations will need to take this into account.

464805 After loading a database that requires upgrade, a user who is DBO but does not have sa_role or oper_role will not be able to bring that database online. ASE reports Msg 968 'Database [name] is not upgraded and hence is not available for access'.
464813 Problem: The following ETL error occurs when updating multi-bytes data (932JPN) on IQ (EUC_JAPAN) database:

Unable to execute project: Unable to execute component: DB Data Sink Update: Unable to write data to destination: Executing prepared statement failed. Unknown error during code page conversion.

Resolution: The source data, when interpreted as the specified encoding windows-932, contains code points which are not convertible to the eucjis encoding used by an IQ server configured with the EUC_JAPAN collation. To resolve this, use code points that are mapped in both encodings.

464843 Use of SET FORCEPLAN in 15.0.1 ESD 1 and ESD 2 can result in AP errors
464847 A 675 error, "Invalid Buffer Cache Access: Attempt to locate page <pageno>, database <dbid> in cache failed because no object

id was specified. scan_context={objid <objid>, indid <indid>, cid <cid>}. Contact Technical Support for Assistance." with 2

assertions prior to it may be reported when creating global nonclustered index on partitioned APL table whose first non-empty

data partitions is not its first data partition.

464860 HP-UX uninstaller can't remove softlinks.
464977 Currently ASE versions, 12.5.x and 15.x, do not release any unused shared memory - known

as the "unshrinking memory" feature. It would be an advantage for future ASE design to

implement "shrinking memory" function and global shared memory pool for multiple ASE

instances to even out their flunctuating workloads through optimal load balancing.

465008 Feature request for a formal SET option that would allow assignment to a variable using

SELECT to operate on every every row in the result set rather than just the last. This

behavior is currently available using traceflag 7703, or by using UPDATE SET (although

UPDATE will fire the update trigger).

465014 ASE may send incorrect SQL to the remote server resulting in syntax error when a local

table is joined with a proxy table and the WHERE clause contains IN or OR clauses on

'date' or 'time' columns.

465023 Various "out of locks" conditions can prevent the 'sa' user from logging in ASE.

As the 'sa' user cannot login, steps cannot be taken to terminate users who are consuming

too many locks, or attempt to increase the "number of locks" configuration parameter.

465027 Problem: ETL will allow the user to register Grid Nodes that are not properly licensed.

Workaround: Some Grid Nodes are only allowed to be used with the packaged Development UI. Do not register them as they will not be able to run jobs outside the appropriate license restrictions.

465145 When FMTONLY option is on, queries run slower than 12.5 and some execution status are shown as if the query is executed. When cursor FETCH statements are run with FMTONLY option on, the queries may 'hang' as the end of scan for the FETCH is never reached.
465159 After a successful upgrade via syconfig, a lot of tmp files are left in the SYBASE/ASE-15_0/init/logs directory (tmp1, tmp11, tmp111, tmp1111, etc.)
465174 Message 584 "Explicit value specified for identity field in table '%.*' when 'SET

IDENTITY_INSERT' is OFF." displays the wrong table name in some cases.

Similarly Message 585 "Explicit value must be specified for identity field in table '%.*s' when IDENTITY_INSERT or IDENTITY_UPDATE is ON." displays the wrong table name in some cases.

465184 Failed to get permission error in a cluster environment when the permission is revoked on one node.
465196 The execution of some store procedures may result in "infected with 11" errors and stack traces that include proc_replace and s_recrtproc after upgrading.
465198 infected with 11 in OptGlobal::_GblInitPopRules due to size of 0
465229 Queries with large IN-lists (i.e. where col1 in (1,2,3,...10000)) would generate error 3626 (Stack overflow) with the default stack size and would require reconfiguring the stack size to as much as several MB to run successfully. With this fix, the default stack size is sufficient to run queries with several thousand elements in the IN-list.
465234 Put fix for CR 445676 under trace flag 1236 to remove undetected deadlocks.
465255 AS options screen shown along with Finished screen when configurating a new sqlserver successfully using syconfig.
465266 ASE allows direct insert of IDENTITY values in some circumstances although SET IDENTITY_INSERT is not set ON.
465288 Sybase Unified Agent is not added to the Windows service on Windows 64-bit.
465293 A SQL statement that contains an expression subquery which returns a non-nullable result datatype can lead to a 530 error. The error will occur if the expression subquery qualifies no rows and thus returns NULL and the query plan requires the subquery result to be stored in a worktable (The worktable can be seen by the presence of a STORE operator in the showplan output).
465296 A new configuration parameter has been added to limit the maximum

number of buffers that can be allocated per lava operator. It is

called "maximum buffers per lava operator". It is analagous to the

"number of sort buffers" parameter. However, it is applicable to

hash operators and sort operators used in Lava query plans. The

"number of sort buffers" parameter is now only applicable to sorts

used in "create index" processing. Because the number of buffers

allocated can have a second order effect on the amount of contiguous

memory required to track them, this parameter can be lowered to

alleviate "out-of-memory" (701) errors. The default is 2000.

465301 With "max parallel degree" configured to more than 1, statements that

reference encrypted columns with the decrypt default property can cause

ASE to stacktrace with a "Worker Process internal plan copy error for


465306 When upgrading an installation that has Job Scheduler enabled, the booting (new) server can report error 11031. After this occurs, upgrade will hang in database 'sybmgmtdb', waiting for a lock that cannot be granted.
465375 Under some circumstances a complex query can timeout in the optimizer while searching for the best plan before it looks at the kind of plans that 12.5 would have generated. The result is a poor plan. In addition no message was displayed to indicate that the optimizer had timed out while searching for the best plan.
465377 Follow on with issues raised with respect to performing an asynchronous I/O after an APL split.
465382 When trace flag 2511 is active, ASE will suppress reporting the message 15082 during DBCC checks.
465389 In rare circumstances ASE may infinitely print the same PROC_KPSCKPIDBADSTAT messages.
465438 The REORG REBUILD command run on a replicated database with DDL on should not be replicated, either, the internal SQL such as ALTER TABLE generated during its processing.
465440 Error message 530 (Attempt to insert NULL value into column 0 in work

table; column does not allow NULLS. UPDATE fails) could be raised

when there is a join predicate with an expression and each column

in the expression is involved in another equijoin predicate with

some other column.

465448 Incorrect results could be returned when a mergejoin with at least two equijoin predicates is placed over a nested loop join that uses a reformatting strategy for the inner table and the outer scan of the nested loop join involves a unique index.
465449 Previously on Server Properties General page the OS and Platform field displayed different information depending on whether UA (Unified Agent) was available (OS/Platform from the UA was preferred over build OS/Platform from the version string). To avoid confusion, ASEP now clearly labels OS/Platform as "Build OS" and "Build platform". Add additional host OS/Platform fields are shown only when UA is available.
465509 When a key encrypted with system encryption password is used in a set encryption passwd statement, there is no error given.
465523 Wrong result could happen for an outerjoin whose only outer table is

is a scalar aggregate view/derived table.

465538 If alter table command is decrypting a column in a table which has more than one column encrypted with the same key encrypted with user password, the user will get the error message that the user password has not been set.
465553 Message for 15.0.2 ESD #1 and 12.5.4 ESD #7. If a stored procedure or a cached statement references an encrypted column then if 1) the referenced table and the encryption key are dropped

and recreated and 2) the stored procedure or cached statement is re-executed the following error may be raised: "Msg 15424, State 4 "Adaptive Server cannot access the encryption key with object id '<obj_id>' in database '<database_name>'.

465569 sig11 might happen in LeSarg::mapSarg() during execution when one

of the joining tables is a proxy table and the join predicate

involves an expression on columns from both the proxy table and some local


465618 A select into statement with NULL timestamps may cause siganl 11
465644 The default db after user login is the not the default db saved in syslogins.

It's the master database instead.

465650 Allow Replication Agent to differentiate the 'dump tran' command from the 'dump tran with standby_access' command, so that replication can take different actions for both commands.
465725 The showplan ouput for the SCAN operator of a SQL statement that requires reading the rows of a semantically partitioned table may incorrectly contain '[ Using Dynamic Partition Elimination ]' when a global index is used for the scan and the statement contains predicates on the partitioning key columns.
465736 Timing issues related to signal handling require the implementation of an alternate signal stack via the system call sigaltstack().
465762 The default number of locks has been increased from 5000 to 10000.
465765 If a licensed feature is enabled in the config file, and its license is expired, then the ASE fails to online engines.
465823 Floating point overflow is not always detected correctly.
465825 Error 225 Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during

query optimization can be caused by inconsistent naming such as a mix of owner.object vs object references. Workaround by rewriting to use consistent naming.

465853 64bit monserver on solaris can have very high cpu utilization at times due to not being linked with the kernel threads libraries (/usr/lib/lwp/64)
465917 Adaptive Server Enterprise running on the Windows platform may encounter "SERIOUS UNHANDLED EXCEPTION" with exception number e06d7363.
465953 Changing column encryption key causes stack trace if a decrypt_default is defined on the column.
465962 Under heavy load such as insalling installmaster via isql, isql might hang. This issue is resolved with new OCS esd #12.
465967 Key ownership can be transferred to a user who already has a key copy on the key.
465981 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may hang and a stack trace which includes the modules 'buf__writewait' and 'buffree' may be reported when running a select-into statement.
465987 The ASE server.loc file and sybinit/*.loc files have been moved under the ASE-15_0 directory tree, in order to reduce issues overlaying locales files from other Sybase products.
466048 Changes have been made to reduce procedure cache usage with large histograms.
466114 A PowerDesigner 12.1 issue has been identified with XML Schema models using the REDEFINE feature of the XML Schema language and redefining an object that is redefining itself.There are no issues with the generated XML Schema code.
466177 Using "select *" or "select into", with user created types,

across databases, the destination table incorrectly retains the

user type information from the source table/database.

466232 FR: SSO has the DBO authority to grant/revoke permissions on User-DB
466277 Access to an archive database that is using either a compressed database dump or a compressed transaction log dump may result in unnecessary waits for buffere in the compression memory pool despite the pool size being configured as twice the compression block size per concurrent user accessing the archive database.
466284 Forward engineer returns namespacePrefixA translation error: unresolved member targetNamespace
466289 replica synchronization broken when adding an element to sequence

symbol not built in referencing model

466313 License server is not started after the installation.
466315 User data in text/image column may become garbled when the database is upgraded from 11.9.x to 15.0.1

directly by using dump and load, and the endian type of the source and target platform is different.

466358 Getting overdraft messages in errorlog before legit licenses are being used
466370 sp_sysmon runs slowly and reports errors number 1508 ("Create爄ndex燼borted爋n燿uplicate爎ows") when run on a server that has a large number of spinlocks allocated.
466435 A LOAD DATABASE command might hang in cases where the "number of open databases" configuration parameter is less than the number of databases on the server and an earlier attempt to load another database with a cross-architecture database dump, failed.
466444 Problem: In the data type list "double", "CLOB", "BLOB" are available types but they are internal ASE data types that will cause errors if used.

Workaround: Don't use these data types. They will be removed as options in a future release.

466445 DBCC object_stats for a specific object does not clean the resources after

printing the stats information. As the task is not closing the database after

reporting the required information it will be accumulated in the task PSS and

will exceed the limit on the number databases used by the statement.

466490 Under some circumstances a query which joins data from an EFTS text index with local data and also includes subqueries can perform poorly with ASE 15 compared to earlier releases.
466507 Running the installer with "-options-template" switch generates an incomplete options file.
466570 In rare circumstances the error 206 raises when executing a query with joins and group by.
466578 Problem: Tables are created with columns having the 搉ot null� column property when connecting to IQ using ODBC. This is the default for ODBC. This is not the default when connecting using Sybase Open Client causing many of the created projects to fail.

Resolution: The column properties were corrected for this release.

466581 Problem: Migrating a Database from MS SQL SERVER to IQ included a table with a column named "date". The table was created successfully but the load failed.

Resolution: All column names are now quoted by default.

466584 Problem: When migrating data from ASE to IQ and using the 'template' option data types are not mapped correctly.

Workaround: This can be avoided by not using the 'template' option. If migration projects are created by hand, using the 'Add destination table from input...' option, the tables get closer to what they need to be and the user can fine tune the column types.

466586 Problem: Cannot migrate ASE image columns to Sybase IQ.

Resolution: Added secondary LOB file loading support to the DB Bulk load Sybase IQ component. To use this new functionality, add the following to the 'iq_loader' section of the runtime INI file (GridNode.ini | Default.ini):


locallobdir=[directory location to stage the LOB files, relative to the ETL runtime]

remotelobdir=[directory location to stage the LOB files, relative to the IQ runtime]

466589 Problem: Sybase ETL is not maintaining the owner's name on tables. When loading tables from Oracle and MS SQL Server the tables were created with the format OWNER_TABLENAME instead of OWNER.TABLENAME.

Resolution: The Template wizard now contains a new "Preserve schema/owner" check box for specifying the destination table name. If the check box is set then the original owner and table name is used. The user must verify that the specified destination schema exists. The Template wizard additionally contains a new option to store SQL scripts to be

executed before the destination data model will be created.

466590 Problem: In the Sybase ETL projects the load scripts and data need to have both column and record delimiters. Without these Sybase IQ runs the load serially (using only one CPU) versus in parallel.

Resolution: The load script and column of data are delimited by TAB(0x09), records are delimited by LF(0x0a).

466592 Problem: In the Sybase ETL projects the load scripts need to use unique column delimiters when loading text data.

Resolution The column delimiter was changed to '|@#&' to be unique.

466609 Repartitioned exchange can cause poor performance and in some cases we do not need to incur that performance penalty. Instead, it can be handled during a selective index scan, provided the column on which the data needs to be partitioned is part of the index.
466623 select-into with subquery on union view may fail with error 225 (Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during query optimization.)
466677 New feature to pass UDFs (user-defined functions) to remote servers via CIS
466687 A query could return illegal duplicate rows if it contains a SELECT DISTINCT both in the SELECT clause of a query block and also in the SELECT clause of either a derived table or a view which are directly part that query block's FROM cluase.
466723 Feature request for a new global variable @@errormessage that would contain the complete text, including variable information, of the most recent error messages sent to the client
466801 Problem: Sometimes a Grid Node can't be found by the engine Manager even though it is valid.

Resolution: The engine can be added manually and it will work successfully.

466850 Support xml namespaces
466855 Previously ASE Plug-in and Interactive SQL's Connect dialog showed Find button by default. (Find button is used for discovering servers.) The button is now only visible when user enables it, by selecting the check box "Enable server discovery" on Server Discovery page of Settings dialog (click Settings button on Connect dialog), or ASE Plug-in Preferences dialog (right click ASE Plug-in and select Properties menu item). The "Enable server discovery" setting also affects the results on Servers details panel, i.e. ASE Plug-in will only discover servers if the setting is enabled.
466857 ASE Plug-in and DBISQL's Connect Dialog now remembers five recently connected servers by default. The recently connected servers are listed first in the "Server names:" drop-down, separated with the rest of the servers by a line. The number of remembered servers can be adjusted and the server names can be cleared by using the related settings on Settings Dialog. (Click "Settings" button to bring up the dialog.)
466986 DDLGen fails in some circumstances to generate DDL for a table, where permissions have been granted on table columns with error P12: Critical internal application error occured.
466992 Under some circumstances a query that involves

"equals to" clauses with expressions containing

explicit NULL values, parameters or local variables

and it is executed inside a stored procedure could

return incorrect results in the rare case that

ANSINULL option changes after the stored procedure

was compiled, i.e. procedure is not recompiled.

466998 Under some circumstances incomplete results could be

returned when executing a query with a join on an

expression which involves local variables and ANSINULL

option is OFF.

467000 When outer joins are used and there is an equi-join outside the

scope of the ON clause, in which one of the operands is an

expressions and the other operand is a single attribute of the

table which is the inner table of the outer join, then there

is a possibility of an incorrect answer.

An example would be the following

select * from t2 left join t1 on c2<c1 where c1=c2-1


467010 When matching up cached statement in statement cache, ignore white spaces.
467014 management is misspelling in the string "Sybase mangement stored procedures" at the configuration panel during installation.
467016 In rare circumstance, ASE might report invalid StartTime, EndTime and CpuTime in monSysStatement.
467035 Wrong results may occur when subquery contains NULL values
467036 Error 7215 may be raised at ASE startup if XP Server is registered.
467039 Password complexity options should be in sync between primary and companion servers when ASE is configured for high availability.
467044 localization errors are outputted when configuring servers during installation
467134 Enhance request for optdiag tool to have GUI mode or

option for database name , table name in command line mode.

467148 ASE returns error 594 on cursor update statement with outer join
467149 An error 15412 or other memory allocation fail-related errors may raise when executing sql statement involving encrypted columns features.
467253 When executing stored procedure a new timestamp value is not assigned after performing UPDATE

query on a table created in the same procedure. Similary timestamp returned after calling tsequal()

is also incorrect.

467296 Add an optional parameter to 'dbcc checktable' to specify the dbid, thus allowing 'dbcc checktable' to be run on offline databases.
467400 When HA primary and companion servers are established in failover mode and

sp_locklogin attempts to lock a login account, an HA consistency

error is reported.

467425 When user config a server, there is no response when user click the browser button to navigate the ASE's location.
467447 Since ASE 12.5.4, 923 errors, "User <user> not allowed in database '<database>' - only the owner of this database can access it" and 937 errors, "Database '<database>' is unavailable. It is undergoing LOAD DATABASE" may be reported unnecessarily.
467485 On linux, ASE encounters errors if traceflag 1649 is enabled at runtime and not at server startup. Also ASE hits a stacktrace if traceflag 1649 is used on platforms where 1649 is not supported.
467488 If the port number > 32767 is used for the Job Scheduler connection,

the connection does not succeed and following error is logged in the errorlog :

kernel -> JS: Failed to connect on socket.

And hence, the Job Scheduler fails to come up.

467496 Title in Create Job Wizard does not show the name of the template selected as the basis for the job.
467500 A SELECT query with GROUP BY ALL and a scalar subquery like (SELECT 1) may report a signal 11 with a stack trace containing the module 'NormalizeScalar'.
467526 Stacktrace could happen during execution if the query has a correlated

subquery under OR and the OR predicate's transformation could render

the subquery part of the always-TRUE conjunct (being "redundant").

For example, (a=1) or ((a=1) and (subq)) could

be transformed into the equivalent (a=1) without the subq evaluation.

467548 Queries containing 'order by' or 'group by' clause may run into

syntax error if the table or column name following 'order by'

or 'group by' is 'range','list','hash', or 'roundrobin'.

The workaround is adding '()' around the table/column name

following 'order by' or 'group by'.

467566 Specifying an abstract plan (AP) with any query will cause the query

not to be stored in the statement cache.

467629 While running 'who' command in sybmon, if pss is lock sleeping and blocker

thread is on remote instance, then we were reporting it as blocked by itself.

This erroneous self-deadlock reporting is corrected in this CR. If pss is

blocked by remote thread, then now it as reported as 'Blocked by spid: (Remote spid - Unknown)'

467731 If ASE tries to move more buffers between two pools than the source pool size, the error 852 will be returned but it can incorrectly print the message 'Invalid pointer param number 4, pointer value 0x00000012' instead of the cache name.
467744 The error 7128, "Text pointer value 0x120200000000000000000000490e0000 references a data page which is no longer allocated." can be raised when deleting a row on a table based on a subquery that has a join on the same table.
467752 UPDATE STATISTICS on proxy table via import statistics does not work for the bigint, unsigned smallint, unsigned int and unsigned bigint datatypes.
467798 The server may crash with recursive failure and stack overflow upon receiving error 603, "There are not enough system session descriptors available to run this query.Raise the value of the configuration parameter 'number of aux scan descriptors'or retry your query later."
467819 When sp_helpconfig is run with the parameter 'max query parallel degree', the description for 'max parallel degree' is returned.
467830 Include the column 'StatModDate' in the space usage archive table, to track the last time statistics were modified for each table or index whose space usage data is being archived.
467841 The message "current process ... infected with 11" may be reported in module 'dol_row_delete' during the execution of a DELETE command from a Data Only Locked table. The modules 'dol_delete' and 'row_delete' would also be reported in the stack trace in the error log.
467848 Due to problems installing Infomaker on Windows 20003 from the PC-Client autorun menu, the InfoMaker install must now be run separately. The autorun menu has been changed to display instructions for launching the Infomaker installer.
468027 Only the first license server in a Three Server Redundant configuration can be started. This is because the sysam script checks whether a License Server is UP but does not differentiate between server names in a Three Server Redundant configuration so it assumes all servers are UP as soon as the first is started.
468077 LDAP UA has been supported on ibmplinux.
468079 Enable Web Service feature on winx64.
468099 Possible wrong result when there is a mismatch datatype comparison

underneath a CASE expression and an implicit CNVT node is needed


468149 A performance degradation may be noticed while using java UDFs with internal jdbc


468180 ASE sporadically fails to return result sets
468188 SELECT INTO query with UNION may not execute correctly if the query plan generated for the parallel execution will be adjusted to the serial execution.
468190 When there are multiple sargs from which to choose ,

then sometimes a non-equisarg would get chosen over an equisarg, which is

usually not the best choice.

select * from r,s where (r.a = s.a OR r.b = s.b) and r.a >= 5

In the above example, or general OR optimization, we have a choice

between using "r.a = s.a" vs. "r.a > 5" and in some cases we

chose "r.a > 5" for the index lookup on "r.a", which is usually

not correct.

468277 The message "Current process ... infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" may be

reported in module 'memfreeheap' during the execution of an ALTER TABLE

to change the lock scheme of a table from 'allpages' to 'datarows/datapages'.

The modules 'altertab' and 'alt_lock_change' would also be reported in the

stack trace in the error log.

468302 For a query plan including an hash operator, there is a small window of time as the query excution is being initiated in which an exception can be raised and produce a stack trace including the release() method of the hash operator context.
468310 Under some circumstances a select query returning more than 32 columns and involving non-binary sortorder could return a wrong result (15.0.1 ESD#1) or a 415 error (15.0.1 ESD#2/#3).
468311 The message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module

'pchk_pt_sched_scan' together with a stack trace including the module

'checkstorage' may be reported in the error log when DBCC CHECKSTORAGE is run

for a database using a device whose vdevno is greater than 127. This applies

to ASE version 12.5.* on the IBM AIX platform only.

468312 Support IPv6 interconnect.
468329 Previously when user clicked Help button on Connect dialog (either from ASE Plug-in or Interactive SQL), an error occurred with the message: "Unable to find help target: HELP_ASE_DB_SRC_ADVANCED_PAGE". This has been fixed.
468419 Bcp connections disconnect in the middle of BCP operations when using SSL.
468447 sp_serveroption will fail if the full option name is not used when setting 'server cost' or 'relocated joins'.
468543 Before ASE1502esd#1, RTDS was not supported on hpia64. Sybase has decided to extend RTDS 4.5 to hpia64 starting with that version. The current CR is used as reference for that project.
468544 Before ASE1502esd#1, RTDS was not supported on amd64. Sybase has decided to extend RTDS 4.5 to amd64 platform starting with that version. The current CR is used as reference for that project.
468564 Simple sql queries on hash partitioned tables will generate stack trace when trying to eliminate partitions.
468579 A query joining at least 3 tables and containing an OR could return wrong results when an OR term contains a complex expression and at least one of the columns in this expression is also used in an equi-join.
468601 Document new states 10-13 for error 701
468605 Previously Advanced connection parameters in Connection dialog (for ASE Plug-in and Interactive SQL) were not saved along with last-connected-server info. This has been fixed.
468628 SCS installer hangs in EAServer install
468648 If an exception occurs during free auxiliary SDESes, it will get into cursor_process_error() which calls LePlanClose() and LePlanOpen() and it could cause SIG 11.
468651 A stack trace may occur when using LIKE clauses against columns from proxy tables when the

statement is executed in non-passthrough mode.

468669 A client connecting to Adaptive Server using Extended Password Encryption,

(for example with isql -X) may see error message: "ks_falloc() memory allocation failed"

in the errorlog. The current and subsequent incoming connection requests to

the server using this encryption can fail. This message may also appear

if "net password encryption" is enabled for server-to-server communication.

468691 Enable internationalization for ASE native messaging (RTDS).
468692 When a server is configured with a case-insensitive or accent-insensitive

sort order and character columns that appear in the select list of

a query also appear in a join clause (or a where clause acting as a

equi-join condition), the column data returned may come from

any table where the data is considered "equal" under the

rules case or accent-insensitive sort order in effect.

468697 A stacktrace may occur when running a JAVA UDF with internal JDBC calls invoking a stored procedure that requires a recompilation.
468710 There is memory leak while msgsend/msgpublish with the option replyto and the type of replyto destination is different from the send/publish destination type.
468712 'net password encryption' should be set to true when a new remote servers added.

Upgrade item 1559 is not executed when downgraded 1502 server is upgraded again.

468715 If current LDAP URL state is ACTIVE, it becomes READY after sp_ldapadmin 'activate'.
468730 support RTDS to send message to cluster queue on IBM MQ.
468752 Messages 19641, 19642 are warnings, and are meant to be informational for the users, they are raised as errors in the stored procedure
468767 Add warning when setting sp_serveroption if no security mechanism is set
468774 cardinality between sysconstraints/sysreferences not shown
468869 Currently, dbcc checkstorage can't find the inconsistency between reference bitmap and alloc/dealloc bitmap in an allocation page, so some errors like 2546 won't be reported.
468870 When printed in the error log, the message "Error 1204, Severity 17,State 1 occurred for User '<user>'. Client IP address is '<address>'" uses an inconsistent format making it difficult to search for within the error log.
468871 When there are multiple sargs from which to choose, then at times a non-equisarg would get chosen over an equisarg, which is usually not the best choice.

select * from r,s where (r.a = s.a OR r.b = s.b) and r.a >= 5

In the above example, for general OR optimization, we have a choice between using "r.a = s.a" vs. "r.a >= 5" and in some cases we chose "r.a >= 5" for the index lookup on "r.a", which is usually not correct.

468925 Executing a SELECT with conversion from image to varbinary datatype might result in truncation
468970 During recompilation of a stored procedure (e.g. subsequent to a schema change), references to column names for derived table expressions may be reported as ambiguous (Msg 209) if they they are the same as column names from other tables in the query.
469039 The performance of SELECT INTO queries that create a new identity column, such as

select abc = identity(9), col1 into newtab from oldtab

is much slower in ASE 15 than in ASE 12.5 because an optimized algorithm to generate the new identity values was not implemented in ASE 15. With this CR, the algorithm was implemented, resulting in performance improvement up to 30%, depending upon platform and hardware.

469076 ASE running on the windows platform using named pipes protocol may experience a disconnect during the installmaster operation
469087 Error 156 occurs when isolation clause is used in a query against a proxy table
469098 The need for -U and -P arguments is removed from Monitor Server.
469232 In the SQL debugger, a user cannot "show" or "set" new datatype variables.
469243 IPV6 not supported on IBM AIX platform
469251 While doing engine offline through sp_engine there might be chance of task hanging forever
469284 In some situations, even when the number of deleted rows is zero, delete trigger waits on EX-PAGE lock .
469316 A login occuring during engine startup can hang until another login occurs

when extended password encryption is used to encrypt passwords on the network.

469390 Error 3235 can occur if you boot the ASE with the -r flag (specifying a mirror for master)and a failover occurs but mirroring hasn't been configured for master.
469427 Wrong result could happen when there is a LIKE predicate against a

variable and the same column is also involved an IN list/OR predicate.

The variable could come from the literal autoparam or a stored

procedure local variable.

469576 While creating a function-based index on table who's owner is not dbo, ASE crashes in cri_bldindex.
469606 Feature Request : allow not owner to change property of a job schedule
469665 1. Probe account's password is not reset/truncated on password upgrade/downgrade.

2. 'select * from syslogins' gives stack trace on downgraded 1501 server, if statistics on syslogins is updated.

469694 Various queries raise error 208 when setuser and statement cache are used.
469706 sp_passwordpolicy 'set','allow password downgrade',0 does not return zero on success.
469707 Once statement cache is full, the global page usage counter may not be decremented correctly when statements are removed from statement cache to make room for new statements.
469716 The message "Server '<local_server_name>' is not cluster configured" may be returned from stored

procedure 'sp_hacmpaccessvrfy' due to mismatch on hostnames for hostnames with trailing domain names.

469732 In rare circumstances, ONLINE DATABASE might report 644, 12807, 1505, 15601, 1151 and other similar

errors, due to an untranslated key column in a index on a system table, after loading a 15.0.x

database dump across platform where the endian type is different.

469811 New feature to avoid the error 14574, "The manifest file could not be created because the allocation pages of database '%s' with dbid '%d' have a dbid of '%d'. Please run DBCC CHECKALLOC with the fix option to correct this problem." when it is possible to reconcile the dbid in the manifest file with the dbid stored in the allocation pages. This error was raised if there was a dbid mismatch when executing the commands UNMOUNT DATABASE, QUIESCE DATABASE FOR EXTERNAL DUMP and CREATE MANIFEST FILE.
469817 DDLGen: DDLGen incorrectly generates foreign key contraints for tables that do not have any if the tables have object_ids that match referencing tables in other databases.
469902 A SELECT query with an OR CLAUSE and using @variable may not return the correct results.
469961 The message 'Current process infected with signal 11" in the module buf__writewait() may be reported if the dbcc named cache is deleted after running DBCC CHECKSTORAGE when the 'dbccdb' database was not bound to it.
469962 2805 errors, "Bad pointer encountered while remapping stored procedure.", may be randomly raised during execution of stored procedures when the autoparametrization of literals is ON.
469970 Under rare conditions error 14623 'You are trying to remove an anchor for a row in sysindexes that still exists. You must delete the row before you may remove its anchor.' maybe raised when executing sp_downgrade; using DBCC TRACEON(613) prior to executing sp_downgrade will avoid the error.
470051 In order to solve JRE dependency issues on different plateforms supporting RTDS,

the new environnment variable SYBASE_JRE_RTDS has been defined. That new variable

is required for JMS option to work properly since ase1502 esd1. Variable SYBASE_JRE

is still used by other Sybase components, but is not anymore used in the context of

RTDS. RTDS 4.5 requires the new variable to be defined in the ASE environnement and

to point to a valid JRE distribution.

470062 During upgrade from ASE 15 to another version of ASE 15, if the optimization is allrows_dss and parallelism is turned on, the upgrade process fails with a stack trace.
470099 DDLGen makes use of sp_ddlgen stored procedure in ASE for generating DDL for a database. If this stored procedure is not found in ASE, DDLGen installs this stored procedure in ASE. This installation process from DDLGen does not go through successfully resulting in DDLGen displaying the following error:

-- AC13: Error encountered during execution of installddlgen script

470100 If there are spaces before the CREATE PROCEDURE keywords in a batch, the procedure source code text in syscomments may be corrupted.
470113 RPC call from ASE12.5.x to ASE15.0.1 might not work normally when sending bulk data. Increasing ASE parameter "remote server pre-read packets" from the default value 3 to 200 can workaround the issue.
470131 Under a heavy load in a multi-engine environment, infected with 11 may occur in s_normalize() while recompiling a light-weight procedure if statement cache is enabled. The stack trace should contain some recompilation or lwp functions such as s_reinstall_lwp_tree, s_getTreeOrPlan, s_procinstall_lwp and s_recompile.
470179 Customer is attempting to setup a redundant server configuration for two servers. This is not currently possible. SySAM requires three servers to be used in the redundant configuration.

The customer is requesting an enhancement for SySAM to provide the option to use two servers for the configuration.

470182 The function, _Unwind_Context::setGR(), is not exported in the provided in the patch PHSS_34859. This will cause the dataserver to be killed when the function _Unwind_Context::setGR() is invoked during the operation of stack unwinding.

This problem shall be fixed in PHSS_36345 and PHSS_36352 that are both scheduled to be released around the end of Sep/2007.

470220 Using SSL Configuration Wizard, if the configured server contained named pipe services, the configuration would fail with a NullPointerException. This has been fixed.
470236 When choosing from a view with a group by clause and more columns in the target list than the target list of the user query, it can result in a stack trace.
470285 Feature request to change installshield to set more secure permissions.

After Install Customer raised issue regarding permissions set by the Installshield

All dirs should be 755 or 750

All executables should be 755 or 750

All other files (datafiles / log / htlm / jar / language files,etc) should be 644 or 640.

Some files need special perms (eg ase_login_file, sybha) Some files need more restrictive perms (eg. files with passwords RUN_*) others need to be looked into, for example, data, jar or command text files have execute perms.

470287 converting varchar to a float in 15.x returns error 249
470289 Under rare circumstances a 12511 error, "During recovery, quiescent

last log marker was not found for database '<name>'. The backward log

scan was started on marker (<value>, <value>)." may be reported when a

transaction dump that has been created with the STANDBY_ACCESS option is


470293 sig8 could be hit in CgGenLava::CGConsOrScanOp() when there is

an OR predicate on an index column and the index column is

also participating in another equijoin predicate.

470322 Previously when user's interfaces file contained named pipe services like this:






In places where server entries were retrieved (such as Connect dialog), the above server entry would be skipped. Now the server entry will be shown ("server_host,5000"), with the named pipe service skipped.

470340 A query involving outer joins with an or-predicate in where-clause that does not degenerate the outer join and can be used for general Or-optimization may return incorrect results.
470354 Installed pc client 15.0.1 GA on top of ase 15.0.1 GA, during copying file, it gives a prompt that _jvm should be overwritten or not.
470360 Abstract plan error when set option ase125_primed is on for a query
470368 On HPIA platform, the message "current process infected with 4" together with a stack trace that includes the modules "sqlpars", "yyparse","parserr" may be reported when using "set encryption passwd" with quoted identifier.
470389 Messages from the mount command about a requirement to run dbcc checkalloc are not reported by Sybase Central
470403 Taking an ASE engine offline can result in a signal 11 if another ASE session is concurrently executing a query plan on the engine being offlined. The stack trace from the signal 11 will contain the functions, LeGetLavaEstmt and s_cleanframe.
470470 In SQL log, to make it clear for users that the SQL is issued by which instance-level connections or cluster-level connection, I precede the SQL with /* <instance_name> */ or /* <server_name> */.
470503 Enable ASE messaging to communicate with a new JMS messaging provider --- Somic MQ.
470533 In certain circumstances selecting into a table using a query that involves a UNION ALL and IDENTITY column can cause a stack trace.
470560 Provide automatical stored procedure recreation in case ASE detects stored procedure tree corruption. Error 2805 "Bad pointer when remapping stored procedure. Must recreate procedure" will be send to the errorlog instead of the client front end.
470622 The maximum length of the command string of xp_cmdshell was changed into 8192 from 255.
470655 Do not incorrectly report the message that 'per object statistics active' configuration parameter is required for the monProcessActivity table.
470690 ASE raises error 2432 on prepared statements when character set is utf8 and sort order is binary(25)
470912 Extended stored procedures fail if 'set cis_rpc_handling on' is enabled and the xpserver has the 'negotiated logins' attribute switched on.
470938 insert into select * from proxy table is slower in 15 that it is in 12.5.x
470996 Add documentation for virtually hashed tables
471138 Performance improvement for query containing outer join with correlated subquery appearing in the ON clause and that the correlated variable is an inner member to another outer join (that may be nested).
471158 Trace Flag 589 was overloaded with two behaviors. It would both

(1) close a cursor implicitly during a cursor FETCH and after an

error was hit AND (2) dump expensive buffer allocation analysis . The first

behavior became critical due to another problem. The second

behavior was remapped to trace flag 9531

471165 The message "Current process ... infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" may be reported when executing cursor statements that reference a proxy table once the cursor has been closed and reopened.
471181 If there are existing RUN_SERVER files in the install directory a segv can be encountered during the Updating RUN_SERVER file... functionality. The RUN_SERVER file(s) causing the process are not ones which have been created by the Upgrade process.
471205 feature request for UDT automatic syncrhonization to companion server
471241 If a query with 41 or more elements in an IN clause, it could return less rows than expected if one of the element was NULL.
471287 A login, created with a password > 30 characters, fails authentication using it's truncated 30 character password.
471303 Backup Server occasionally gets a Segmentation Violation in memcpy() and dumps a corefile on Solaris AMD64.
471320 Cursor update on a join with proxy table fails with message 556.
471349 When the rand2 built in function is used with a seed value (i.e. rand2(n) where n is the seed, instead of rand2()) in a query, it will return the same value for every invocation.
471359 Problem: Sybase IQ ETL allows Sybase ASE 12.5.4 to be used as a repository.

Resolution: The license management was changed to remove this option.

471365 Update Interactive SQL to version, Sybase Central to version This contains the fixes/features delivered to JPMorgan.
471372 A new featrue, IPv6 supported has been added to dataserver.
471427 Error 7128 "Text pointer value <value> references a data page which is no longer

allocated." may be reported during the execution of a DELETE command when there is a

delete TRIGGER using the builtin DATALENGTH on a TEXT/IMAGE column.

471445 create proxy_table with unichar/univarchar/unitext columns fails with a

column length mismatch error for DirectConnect/SDS servers.

471458 Sometimes, ASE ignores the set of update statement and generates the incorrect results.
471488 Query performance degredation in ASE 15 versus 12.5.4 and other databases
471491 Error msg 15417 with error code 57629 may arise if selecting a column multiple times from a view, with the column being derived from a subquery on encrypted columns.
471501 Jagmanager can't deploy java CORBA class compiled using JDK 1.5
471531 In rare circumstances, a signal 11 may occur while ASE resolves the max message length a MQ Queue object can store. The top of the stack trace is function rtms_open_endpt (before signal handling processing) in that specific case.
471566 A session may be holding an EX_INT lock on syslogins table for too long

when the configuration parameter "cpu accounting flush interval" or

"i/o accounting flush interval" is established with a small value such

that ASE needs to update syslogins table rather frequently.

471590 Error 206 is raised on some group by queries on tables with a clustered index when traceflag 450 is on and the server is configured for parallelism. Possible workarounds include converting the clustered index to a nonclustered index and turning off parallelism at the session level with "set parallel_degree 1"
471600 The message "Current process is infected with SIG-11" in the module "oj_xform_oj_case" is reported in the errorlog if a SELECT query using Outer joins, views with CASE statements and variables is executed.
471604 A query involving several outer joins could

return incorrect results if WHERE clause

references columns from one of the inner

outer joins.

471662 If a view column's definition contains a subquery, such as:


and this column appears on the left side of an IN-expression that contains a subquery on

it's right side, such as:

WHERE v1.col1 IN (SELECT ...)

Query execution may be aborted with a segmentation fault in the function, QpConstGetGc()

and a stack trace that contains GtqSingleSubqScan::GtInterestingTcIdBm().

471674 A 835 error (Illegal attempt to change contents of buffer) may be reported on Linux 32-bit systems, if the extended cache is enabled. This CR fixes the problem.
471693 Job Scheduler database name is mispelled in error message that reports the login is not a user of the database.
471706 Feature request for the ability to LOAD dumps into a server with a larger page size.
471799 reject final plans not having the requested properties, avoid wrong results
471824 Too many rows may be returned by successive cursor FETCH commands if all of the following conditions are met:

- A view has an INSTEAD OF trigger for UPDATE or DELETE created on it,

- A cursor is declared to select a subset of columns of the view and no other database objects appear in the cursor's SELECT statement,

- The cursor's SELECT statement contains either DISTINCT or GROUP BY.

471830 Queries that contain a UNION ALL operator with a RESTRICT operator above

may produce a SIGBUS error. This is only likely to occur if the RESTRICT operator

evaluates an expression where one or more of it's operands are projected from

the UNION ALL operator and the operand requires alignment.

471836 ALTER DATABASE creates mixed segment fragment despite use of OVERRIDE clause
471842 EFTS: EFTS attempts to send irrelevant cursor information, when ASE requests "information of active cursor" after an abrupt user disconnect due to time-out or other network issues. Error message "#16281 srv_cursor_props(): Invalid cursor descriptor" is reported in errorlog file.
471860 Introduce a new LDAP configurable parameter which will allow the last available URL to remain active

for a configurable period of time.

471927 Default value of tempdb Uer log cache size may lead to increased memory consumption of ASE.
471956 Joins are not sent to DirectConnect/SDS servers if the sp_capabilites value for joins returned by the server is 6 (T-SQL and inner/outer ANSI).
471966 CIS: In rare circumstances, a query with an aggregation and a GROUP BY clause on a same remote column will be passed to the remote server with some incorrect query text and return wrong results
472000 When using large buffer pool and large volume of data insert (e.g. bulk copy or select into), a user session may hang forever. You might see functions buf_add_split_iobuf(), bufawrite(), cm_plcunpinall(), xls_bufunpin(), plc__lock->upsleepgeneric() in the call stack of the hanging session.
472019 Japanese error messages 7223, 13006 and 13007 are incorrectly translated.
472023 Please change the Japanese translation of %S_MSG of error 7223.
472085 Abstract plan of the final plan was being printed out even

when the "show_abstract_plan" option is off.

472095 Index may be corrupted with 7930 and 2511 errors when DBCC TUNE "ascinserts" is used with an INSERT SELECT from a table with data that is not in sorted order.
472117 Add instanceID column to SDC Locks Detail Information Tab.
472181 The commands DROP, DUMP, LOAD, MOUNT and UNMOUNT were incorrectly scanning

all the databases looking for cross references to local encryption keys, even if no encryption keys existed in the affected database.

472260 Previously Database Device Wizard asked for device path first before device name. This has been reversed to be more consistent with other wizards.
472272 ASE is not able to use OS supported Huge Page mechanism on Linux platforms.
472361 Added a Process folder at the cluster level. Users can press 'F5' or the 'Refresh' button to get the latest process information.
472367 When running a nested SQL UDF, the ASE server may crash due to stack overflow.
472414 LDAP login abandon error message 3527 will be displayed with negative number of request pending when LDAP user is logging in to ASE when 'Abandon LDAP User authentication when full' option is true.
472440 Problem: "NOT NULL" constraint violation in ASE is not captured and reported in ETL.

Resolution: Enabled Callback error handling to capture the error.

472468 During the execution a stored procedure may raise the errors about the size of the row

exceeding the row size limit. Such warning should be displayed only during procedure

creation not the procedure execution.

472474 The sybcluster command SHOW CLUSTER CONFIG TEMPLATE displays information suitable to be used as an input file to change the values in the quorum disk. This output is missing one line that identifies the boot coordinator.
472481 using dbcc tune(maxwritedes) in ASE 15 results in error:

'Incorrect DBCC command: Please see the ASE Reference Manual for DBCC commands and options'

dbcc tune(maxwritedes)has been deprecated and replaced by a new sp-configure parameter: "i/o batch size".

dbcc tune(maxwritedes) needs to be removed from P&T guide

472483 Outerjoin with aggregate/groupby under allrows_dss mode might hit

sig11 in ResRelOp() due to eager aggregation.

472499 storage access violation in function proc__reset_wktbl when a procedure is executed on a system using the multiple tempdb feature.
472500 In rare circumstances, an allocation page error (such as a 2540 error) may be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC after Adaptive Server is rebooted following abnormal termination at which time a CREATE INDEX on an empty table was active. For the 15.0.1 CE edition, a 6908 error may be reported during server reboot, node failover, LOAD DATABASE or LOAD TRAN after a CREATE INDEX on an empty table was done.
472667 feature request, to add additional 'restrict database list' parameter to the proxy authorization (set proxy to ...restrict role...) command
472679 When running "sp_spaceused" stored procedure without any parameters against a database with a very large log device, response time maybe slow.
472691 When running 'sp_cacheconfig' with 'logonly' option to create a cache, the command may fail to create

the cache (but it consumes the memory) if any of the user database is in 'single user mode'.

472749 Query compiled in the deferred compilation mode may fail producing stack traces if

the COMPUTE clause of the query is referencing local variable or parameter.

Errorlog stack trace will show modules : 'match_compute' and 'paramchk'.

472762 Msg. 156, "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'path'" is raised when executing SQL statement that contains "path" as object name.
472776 sp_lmconfig is enhanced to display the license server name for each license.
472782 If a fatal error occurs during the recovery of a database following instance failure, then the database and its unrecovered data will continue to be usable by processes on surviving instances that were using the database prior to the instance failure.
472783 The sp_modifylogin setting "max failed_logins" is documented to be the number of allowable failed logins before the account is locked, however ASE is locking the account upon that number of failed logins.
472804 If the trigger was defined on a prefixed table name (db..table or db.owner.table) and the schema count for syslogs table in the database is different than 0, ASE may be unable to compile the trigger correctly and the INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE statements will return the error 225/16/3, "Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during query optimization."
472846 Kills issued against spids doing queries with external sorts did not rollback immediately.
472864 Instrumentation to log events to track the source of 644, sig 10 or sig 11 errors in UPDATE commands with APL objects.
472960 Attempt to convert UNICHAR data to TEXT succeeds on the first row but fails on subsequent rows. Example: select convert(text, my_unichar_col) from table.
472968 Queries containing an IN list in the WHERE clause, as "col IN (val1, val2, ...)", or an equivalent OR clause, as "col = val1 OR col = val2 OR ..." could use an index on the IN list column to lookup each distinct value in the list. This is called the "special OR strategy" and existed before ASE 15.x. However, such a "special OR strategy" does not provide the ordering of the underlying index unless the IN list covers, together with the equi-SARGs of the WHERE clause, a prefix of the index.

Since 15.x, we exploit available/useful orderings. So in 15.x we were not generating the "special OR strategy" when the IN list column has an useful ordering (as, for instance, when it is in an ORDER BY, GROUP BY, equi-join, etc.) unless the strategy did provide this ordering.

This fix relaxes the above constraint, by generating both:

- the index scan which provides the needed ordering but uses the IN list as a filter (and could be thus more expensive but could also be used by efficient parent operators which rely on the ordering);

- the "special OR strategy" which uses the IN list for index lookup but provides no ordering (and could be thus cheaper but would be used by less efficient parent operators or would need a sort to be used by the efficient ordering-needing parent operators).

Parent plans over both access methods are costed and the cheapest is chosen.

Turn on trace flag 15382 to disable this fix in the rare event that the cost-based decision proves to be suboptimal.

473008 Adaptive Server Enterprise HA agent, may not start on Veritas Cluster Server 4.1 for Linux.
473027 Add a new serverwide trace flag 217 to display a warning message for using the

Transact-SQL extension of queries with grouped aggregates and columns in the

select list which are not in the GROUP BY clause.

473069 OutOfBound exception get thrown when starting key copies properties from the key copies tab of base key properties.
473084 When creating a dynamic listener with sp_listener, if the prototype is ssltcp or ssltli, A failure will occur with an error message similar to "kernel ssltcptcp is not a valid protocol type on this platform." reported in the errorlog.
473175 Right nested outerjoin might return wrong results when there

is an expression join WHERE clause whose expression is referencing

a column from the right nested outerjoin inner table.

473179 When statement cache and literal autoparam are on, singleton insert performance

is still slower than 12.5.4.

473194 INSTRUMENTATION: Diagnostics enahancement in shared memory dump to debug ASE crash due to spinlock order violation. ASE may crash with the message "kernel ulpspinlock: spinlock order violation" in the errorlog.
473195 If encrypted columns is not enabled and restricted decrypt permission configuration parameter value is toggled, server may get stack trace on startup.
473233 The newer optimizer set commands should behave like the older optimizer

set commands (such as "set forceplan on"). In particular, within a batch

or stored procedure, these new commands should be able to affect


473323 ASE hits stack trace while receiving text msg, its size > max length defined by return_clause, and returned type is binary.
473346 Using TOP N with an OR predicate might incorrectly return less than N rows.
473382 In rare circumstances, a client waiting for a message from a Queue may wait while a message

is effectively present on that queue. This occures when an other ASE spid having previously

already consumed a message from the same queue is waiting for a message from an other Queue

located on the same JMS Provider (same URL). That issue is only TIBCO JMS relative (EAS and

IBM MQ are not concerned).

473462 Previously in 15.0.2 ESD#1 ASE Plug-in, the Enable Server Discovery check box on Server Discovery page of ASE Plug-in Properties dialog failed to save the settings when the check box was set to disabled. This has been fixed.
473470 The optimizer could fail to find a query plan for a query containing outer joins and an IN/EXISTS subquery with at least 2 tables on the inner side of the outer join.
473560 In Replication Server environments, allow Replication Agent to skip all the system transactions $queryplans_* logged when the configuration parameter "enable metrics capture" is set to 1.
473628 DBCC Allow dbcc checkstorage to stop after X number of fault/errors
473629 Problem: If a project using OpenClient contains references to n-type columns an insert

error will occur.

Workaround: Colums of n-type are not accessible via OCS.

473638 Previously in 15.0.2 ASE Plug-in, if user modified the properties on Resource Limit Properties Advanced Page by clicking Apply button, sometimes the page was refreshed with incorrect values. This has been fixed.
473642 Previously in 15.0.2 ASE Plug-in, Resource Limit Wizard complained about resource limit already existed when login name, application name, and resource type were the same as an existing limit even though the to-be-created limit had a different time range. This has been fixed to take time ranges into consideration.
473654 Problem: Projects using an ODBC connection to ASE to access BINARY and/or VARBINARY types as part of the data source will not run and may result in a system error.

Workaround: Update the ODBC driver, including the ODBC stored procedures on the target ASE database, with the latest Sybase SDK ESD. Recommended minimum ESD level is ESD9.

473666 In the dbcc checktable message, "The total number of empty pages (with all deleted rows) in patition '%.*s' (partition ID %d) is %ld." the first instance of partition is misspelled.
473685 Loading an archive database with 15.0.2 ASE will require more locks than with

a pre-15.0.2 ASE release, therefore error 1204 "ASE has run out of LOCKS ..."

may be reported.

473791 Problem: In the Database Configuration screen, ETL can have issues returning the database list when using ODBC and ASE.

Workaround: Applying SDK15 ESD #9 for the ODBC driver helps eliminate some but not all of the errors. This ODBC driver issue of returning the Catalog names if the catalog name passed in is "%" <ALL catalogs> is an enhancement request.

473805 A query with OR clause will do a table scan instead of chosing a local index strategy, which is much faster than the table scan.
473887 When 'restricted decrypt permission' is configured and a trigger is fired, and if one of the actions in the trigger is to select the decrypted data from the inserted or deleted tables, then the user's session will be terminated and a stack trace containing the following notation may be seen in the errorlog:

Current process (0x1b001b) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

473924 In certain cases, either error 840 is encoutered when using the database or a stack trace with error 692 is produced when dropping a database on a particular cluster instance.

The changes done in resolution 1 is backed out in resolution 2.

473946 Error message 240043 has a spelling mistake.
473988 Error 267 raised inconsistently on stored proc accessing temporary tables
474009 Scheduled Job Detail column for "Last Execution Result" indicates the last execution succeeded even when the Job History record indicates the execution had errors.
474010 Wrong results possible with a ct-library program using cursors with null parameters.

You have a table with a null column:

create table ntab (a int null)

insert into ntab values (null)

This parameterized query may or may not return the correct answer:

@p1 = 3

@p2 = null

select * from ntab where a + @p1 = @p2

The correct behavior is that this query should return one row. The "a + @p1" should evaluate to null, and the Sybase null matching

extension should cause the "=" to compare true against @p2. We see this correct answer with 12.5 and also whenever this

query is executed inside a stored procedure. However this comparison fails when the statement is sent as a ct-library program.

474014 srvbuild and srvbuildres are built with PA RISC2.0 dependency so the binaries cannot execute on PA RISC1.1 platforms.
474089 User defined messages appear in master..monErrorlog always with ErrorNumber = 1 rather than the error number with which they have been defined. Severity is always shown as 0.
474129 4221 error is returned with dump tran command on a database that was loaded

across platform, after the server is restarted.

474145 Login gets locked after 1 failed login attempt when 'max failed_logins' is set to 0, using sp_modifylogin.
474153 Selecting Display Statistics on a system table's column would produce a stack trace. This has been fixed.
474155 Incorrectly generated SQL could be sent to the Direct Connect gateway during joins between local

and remote tables if the join clause has nullable datatypes, the proxy table is on the inside of

a nested loop join, and a datatype conversion is required.

474158 Table Editor gives warning when user alter or add columns for server that does not has encrypted column option turns on.
474175 Optdiag reports inaccurate space utilization after updating statistics
474191 Enhanced substitution code to validate column lengths to avoid moving data of incorrect length which may lead to memory corruption.
474292 Previously in 15.0.1 and 15.0.2 ASE Plug-in, if user shut down a server using Unified Agent (i.e. shut down the server when not connected to the server) and immediately did Refresh All from the containing server group, the server would disappear from the server group. This has been fixed.
474309 LDAP timeouts values are not being honored when the host running the ldap server is unreachable (e.g. host down, network cable unplugged). A single timeout value, sp_ldapadmin 'set_timeout', '10000' == 10 seconds is timing out in the 3.5 minute range vs. the expected 10 seconds per timeout.
474315 DMLs to tables having cursors open on them may sometimes cause 583 errors: "The cursor '<cursor_name>' had it's current scan position deleted either because of a DELETE/UPDATE WHERE CURRENT OF or a regular searched DELETE/UPDATE. You must do a new FETCH before doing an UPDATE or DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF." in 15.0 ASE and beyond.
474392 The 15.0.3 documentation indicates a new column named clientport was added to sysproceses. The column was not actually added in 15.0.3 but is planned for 16.0.
474457 ASE's with large amounts of memory allocated to them take much longer to boot under 15.0.2 than under 15.0.1
474461 The system stored procedure sp_help_rep_agent reports an error message 9225 when displaying the Replication Agent Security Configuration of a database whose replication agent is enabled.
474462 An outerjoin query could return wrong result if there

is an OR predicate in the WHERE clause and one

OR term is <col>=NULL and <col> comes from the

outerjoin inner table.

474593 When configuration option 'select on syscomments.text' is set to '0', Adaptive Server doesn't permit access to 'text' column of syscomments by non-sa users.
474609 ASE may hit OS signal while attempting to print error message on lock resource scarcity. Issue is fixed by using thread-safe API.
474623 When GRANT ROLE or GRANT ... TO role commands succeed in a cluster instance's

local temporary database, that role cannot be completely dropped from another node.

Attempting to drop the role, results in error:

11178/16/1 "Role '%.*s' cannot be dropped because references to the role exist in one or more local temporary databases. In ASE Cluster, no privileges should be granted to the role in any local temporary database. This role can be dropped after a cluster reboot."

474632 Error 546, "Foreign key constraint violation occurred", may occur when inserting, in parallel, a row into a referenced table.
474641 Queries involving Union All can require large amounts of procedure cache leading to a 701 or timeslice error.
474704 Problem: If a project using Sybase Open Client contains references to n-type columns an insert error will occur.

Workaround: Columns of n-type are not accessible via Open Client.

474713 The system procedure sp_helpdevice sometimes shows a description starting with a comma when providing details of devices which are not of type; raw device, file system or block device
474763 When there is an update on the partition key then there is a possibility of getting 12313 error.
474808 When setup with "-console" is executed,some parts of License Agreements in Japanese are unreadable.
474843 In Cluster Edition of Adaptive Server, error 905 together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'recover_tempdb' and 'ds__recoverdbs' will be reported in the error log during booting of a cluster instance when configuration parameter 'number of open databases' is set to its minimum value of 5.
474854 In rare circumstances, an allocation page error (such as a 2540 error) may be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC after Adaptive Server is rebooted following abnormal termination at which time a CREATE INDEX on an empty table was active. For the 15.0.1 CE edition, a 6902 error may be reported during server reboot, node failover, LOAD DATABASE or LOAD TRAN after a CREATE INDEX on an empty table was done.
474892 An application/session that opens many cursors within stored procedures may encounter an 8210 error ("Duplicate of work table descriptor found ..."). The session must quit and restart to alleviate this situation.
474897 The 'srvbuild' binary when used on solaris 10 will fail if there is no existing interface file.
475002 ASE may mistakenly terminate a session that was chosen as a deadlock victim in module "get_privilege" with a stack trace in the error log. The modules "s_handle" and "terminate_process" will also be reported.
475014 Update sqlupgraderes to support upgrade to SDC
475031 Server may hit msg#403 (Invalid operator for datatype) for some queries involving views (which project explicit NULLs) and "is null" clause.
475040 When run on an offline database, dbcc checkverify sometimes marks the database as being in use and fails to clear that status when it finishes.
475056 Problem: When using the database lookup function in ETL the use of SQL key words will cause errors.

Workaround: SQL also uses square brackets to quote identifiers. Any variable defined by the user is replaced by its value in such a statement. The solution is to disable evaluation of the statement (right-click, remove check mark), with the drawback that dynamically generated statements are no longer possible. This is not the case for the index load component, where the [index] placeholder is treated specially by the GRID engine.

475060 srvbuild sets excessive information to a resource file. The result of $SYBASE+$SYBASE_ASE is set to srvbuild.release_directory. The resource file cannot be used by srvbuildres.
475072 Outerjoin might give wrong result when there is a WHERE search clause on some

<col> and the <col> is also involved in another expression equijoin

join (<col> = <expr>).

475139 Trace Flag 2792 introduced to cause processes to be blocked while attempting to access a table undergoing REORG REBUILD rather than abort with an 8233 error.
475167 ASE 15.0.2 does not work with RTDS 4.0.
475173 When \ is used to concatenate multiple lines for varbinary data, the varbinary data is not parameterized correctly. This may lead to parser syntax error if the cached statement is reparsed.
475180 Under some circumstances a query involving a join

between an outer join and other two or more tables

could return incorrect results if the plan chosen

to execute the query uses the Nary Nested Loop Join


475233 The stored procedure sp_ddlgen generates the 'with override' clause unnecessarily for the DDL corresponding to the case when a database is created with data on one device and log on different device.
475245 In some cases, DDLGen incorrectly misses out the WITH OVERRIDE clause for the last disk piece of a database when generating the DDL for multiple databases named by a pattern specifier. Also in some cases, when generating the DDL for a single database, the WITH OVERRIDE clause is generated for some ALTER DATABASE statements even when it is not necessary.
475264 If a table is created in a stored procedure, subsequent INSERT and UPDATE

statements may fail with error 225 (text) if the table is not qualified

with exactly the same prefix and name as in the CREATE TABLE statement.

475310 The Monitor Server may crash when used in an SSL environment.
475313 DBCC CHECKSTORAGE reports an erroneous error 100028 on a partitioned table.
475315 In a cluster, a local temporary database can only be accessed by its owner instance. If a table column is encrypted with a key from a local temporary database, and the table is later accessed through another instance in the cluster, the user will get the following error messages:

Msg 969, Level 14, State 4:

Line 1:

You can access database 'local_tempdb1' only from its owner instance

'myserver1'. You cannot access local temporary databases from non-owner

instances except to use CREATE DATABASE and DROP DATABASE with local system

temporary databases.

Msg 15424, Level 16, State 3:

Line 1:

Adaptive Server cannot access the encryption key with object id '2036302387' in

database 'local_tempdb1'.

Similarly, the command 'sp_encryption help, <key>, display_cols' will fail in a multi-node cluster with the following error:

Msg 969, Level 14, State 4:

Procedure 'sp_encryption', Line 277:

You can access database 'ftdlinux10_3477_tdb_2' only from its owner instance

'ftdlinux10_3477_ns2'. You cannot access local temporary databases from

non-owner instances except to use CREATE DATABASE and DROP DATABASE with local

system temporary databases.

(return status = -4)

475319 At connection time, when the default database associated with a login is a local

temporary database and the database is not accessible on the instance,

the following messages appear:

Msg 969, Level 14, State 4:

You can access database 'yellowsta0_13695_tdb_1' only from its owner instance

'yellowsta0_13695_ns1'. You cannot access local temporary databases from

non-owner instances except to use CREATE DATABASE and DROP DATABASE with local

system temporary databases.

Msg 4001, Level 11, State 1:

Cannot open default database 'yellowsta0_13695_tdb_1'.

475455 ASE may disconnect a session along with a stack trace reported in the error log

after error 1105 is raised. The modules "dol_insert", "pg_getdatapage_forinsert"

and "ex_reraise_lasterror" will be shown in the stack trace.

475460 Previously in 15.0.2 ASE Plug-in, if the last opened folder was either Proxy Databases or Archive Databases, the next time ASE Plug-in connected to the server, it would not navigate to the last-opened folder. This has been fixed.
475461 Feature request for ability to split and merge data partitions.
475463 Executing a query that uses the rand2 builtin that is seeded with a stored procedure parameter or variable or a column reference instead of a literal value will generate a signal 11. An example query is:

select rand2(column1) from table1

475469 Message 4207 Dump transaction is not allowed because a non-logged operation was

performed on the database will be raised if the SELECT INTO EXISTING TABLE syntax

is used even if the SELECT INTO / BULK COPY dboption is turned off. The SELECT

INTO EXISTING syntax was meant for internal use and not intended to be documented

or used by end-users.

475497 If one uses prepared statements and sends parameters which do not match the lengths of column variables then 2780 messages are generated query execution is aborted and Log stacktrace is generated.
475525 CIS: A query on a view may return wrong result when the view includes a T-SQL outer join involving remote tables.
475635 When executing a SQL query from the SQL debugger the ASE may get killed with spinlock violation

errors. This may happen if during the execution of the statement some serious error arrives.

Errorlog file will include stack trace dump with modules dbgrpc_control, sqldbg__execsql and ubffree.

475647 If a CREATE TABLE, CREATE SCHEMA or ALTER TABLE command contains a reference to a column in the local tempdb, the table created will yield the following error when another instance tries to update it:

Msg 969, Level 14, State 4:

Line 1:

You can access database 'local_tempdb1' only from its owner instance

'myserver1'. You cannot access local temporary databases from non-owner

instances except to use CREATE DATABASE and DROP DATABASE with local system

temporary databases.

Msg 436, Level 16, State 2:

Line 1:

The 'insert' statement will not be executed because the cross-database

referential constraint on table 'my_table' cannot be enforced. A table or

constraint definition is missing in database 'local_tempdb1'. Contact your

System Administrator.

Tables should not be allowed to reference data in the local tempdb of a cluster instance.

475675 1. Using

create index <name> on <table> [ column list ] LOCAL UNIQUE INDEX

instead of:

sp_chgattribute "table_name", "local_unique_index", 1

create unique index index <name> on <table> [ column list ] LOCAL INDEX

to create a local unique index.

2. Fix the issue of "select distinct but get duplicated result".

3. Old syntax is also supported.

4. sp_helpindex changes:

Printing out "Local Unique Index" for index_local field, instead of "Local Index" for index_local column and "unique" for index_description column.

475689 Signal 11 may occur when using current_date() function in the WHERE clause.
475779 Fidelity requests a new tool for downgrade from ASE 15 logs to ASE 12.5 in case of unresolveable problems in ASE 15.
475799 Optimizer doesnt choose a parallel plan for certain kind of join queries that fulfill the requirements for a parallel-join algorithm.
475804 ESCAPE clause causes query to fail if LIKE predicate > 254 characters
475833 Outerjoin might give wrong result when a non-scan derived table

is used inner to the outerjoin, such as a vector aggregate


475956 If we have a view owned by a different user from the table it references, then selecting from

the view may result in timeslice or 701 error after an index on the table has been dropped

and re-created.

476044 The message "Current process ... infected with signal 11 ..." may be reported in module

aud_getsdes() with a stack trace reported in the error log when auditing is active.

The modules " rvm__audit_table_view_access" and "aud_tabview_ref" will be also reported

in the stack trace.

476068 18278 error occurs when the number of unrelated execution classes exceeds 50.
476079 sp_dbcc_run_differentialreport does not handle the full size of partition ID resulting in error Msg 265, Level 16, State 1, Insufficient result space for explicit conversion of INT value '%d' to VARCHAR field.
476090 On some storage devices when creating a new ASE server the srvbuildres utility will erroneously report that the master device does not exist.
476122 Enable ASE messaging be able to handle large message for JMS messaging bus.
476131 sp_helprotect raises error 17674 when run on a SQL UDF object.
476178 DUMP DB command with compression API fails with uninformative error message when dump device does not have enough space for database dumps.
476217 Table 12-2 in the TSQL Guide incorrectly indicates that ignore_dup_row is a valid option for unique nonclustered index
476281 Queries that reference a SQL UDF in a group by clause may return wrong result.
476314 Customer would like to be able to select a restriction length when object type is element in a list of report
476338 Error 208 arises if a stored procedure is created with recompile and the table which derived

table accesses is dropped and recreated.

476369 Client jConnect session running batch inserts with "dynamic prepare= true" is terminated when another user session performs UPDATE STATISTICS command on the insert table.
476401 SSL cipher suite preference changes do not take effect on all instances until the cluster is restarted.

When a new listener is started with SSL protocol after "sp_ssladmin setcipher" has changed SSL cipher suite preferences, only listeners started on the local instance will use the new cipher suite preferences. Listeners started on other instances will not see the new preferences until after cluster restart.

476404 On a shared disk cluster, when a password is changed and parameter "immediate"

is set, the password is not changed on all concurrent connections on other

instances in the cluster. This can result in authentication failures when concurrent

connections attempt to establish external connections, use proxy tables, or remote

procedure calls.

476406 When a query is being forced to use an optimization goal and it has a top clause or set rowcount option on, it may chose a different plan than using the optimization goal at a server level.
476441 On IBM AIX platform, Backupserver can occasionally give false io errors due to a synchronisation issue. The error message could be similar to the following:

D00: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Wait for i/o completion failed: State=zzz, Msg=Attempted to transfer xxxx bytes, but yyyyy bytes were transferred by operating system call read/write.

Backup Server: [zzz] Error for device '<device>'. Attempted to transfer xxxx bytes, but yyyyy bytes were transferred by operating system call read/write.

476445 Under some circumstances when aborting a query using user

defined java objects which internally run nested queries

using the internal JDBC driver, some errors like 622 error,

"Opentable was passed a varno of <id>. Object '<object_name>'

in database '<dbname>' already has that session descriptor

in use." or 6103 error, "Unable to do cleanup for the killed

process" may be reported in the errorlog.

476501 DELETE with READPAST is failing to delete all unlocked rows.
476522 When "alter table modify" has an identifier > 125 characters an abstract plan error is incorrectly raised.
476529 Problem: If a project using Sybase Open Client contains references to n-type columns an insert error will occur.

Workaround: Colums of n-type are not accessible via Open Client.

476536 Under the following conditions:

- A local table has a column that has a foreign key referential integrity constraint to a primary key column in a proxy table,

- An INSERT or UPDATE query adds or modifies the foreign key column in the local table,

- The result of the INSERT or UPDATE causes a integrity constraint violation,

a signal 11 will be raised when the query is rolled back.

476588 Stack trace occurs when identity reservation value specified to reserve_identity() is null.
476631 When executing a stored procedure with trace flag -T299 (to open temporary tables by name and avoiding recompilation of procedures using externally created temporary tables) the ASE may decide to renormalize the procedure too often. This happens if a procedure includes a statement performing covered index scan on a temporary table created outside of the procedure.
476676 Query assigning variable and using view with union may provide incorrect assignment of the variable if the variable is also used on the qualification side.
476683 Feature request to add OLAP functions to ASE include:

- Rank functions

- Distribution functions

- Inverse distribution functions (percentiles)

- Hypothetical set functions

- Cumulative and other forms of moving aggregates

476761 Under very rare circumstances, a 814 error "Keep count of buffer '<Buffer Address>' in cache '<Cache Name>' holding logical page '<Page Id>' in database '<DbName>' has become negative." may be reported in the ASE errorlog together with a stack trace showing module 'buf_elchousekeeping', 'buf__elcsearch' or 'buf_elcunkeep'. The minimum condition is that at least one index is bound to a cache.
476864 Parallel execution of a query with subquery returning convert over some aggregate may return incorrect result qualifying too many rows. The problem is likely to happen in the multi engine environment.
476869 A stored procedure involving CIS tables can cause a signal 11 to happen when used inside a stored procedure that has been marked for deferred compilation.
476902 When an INSERT-SELECT query contains a UNION clause in a derived table definition, and the derived table is the source of the SELECT, 206 and 207 errors may occur.
476950 If a single character of password is allowed and used in a sql statement, the obfuscated password in audited cmdtext will lose opening delimiter.
476960 A 17783 error "There is already an index named 't' for table 't'" is reported when sp_rename is used to rename an index to the same name as the table to which it belongs.
476982 Error 691 "Encountered invalid logical page '0' while accessing object '<tableid>' in database '<dbid>' ..." may be reported during the execution of WRITETEXT when a text/image column was marked for replication and the data for the given table was inserted using the bulk copy fast interface.
476990 A query that involves an insert-select and the select statement has (i) a union clause with select from a proxy table (ii) and a complex conditional expression with subquery in the select list, it generates a signal 11.
476997 In a multi-engine system, the message "current process infected with 11"

in the module 'LeAPScanContext::LeRequiresMDAUpdate' together with a

stack trace which includes the modules 'LeScanContext::updateMDAStats'

and 'exec_lava' may be reported in the error log if the configuration

option 'enable monitoring' is changed from 0 to 1 while a query

is executing concurrently.

477043 A 2631 error, "The maximum number of index levels '255' has been reached for index <indname> of table <tablename> in database <dbname>" may sometimes be encountered while inserting data into a clustered index with a large index key.
477056 Feature Request for application timeout on ASE
477067 On HPUX 64 bit machines, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'pcexchandlerprint' together with a stack trace which includes module 'traceassert' may be reported in the errorlog when the trace flag 1205 is turned ON.
477152 sp_fixindex run for the Sysusages clustered index may lead to errors 8204, 806 and ASE boot failure.
477161 The SySAM License Server and FLEXlm client components have been updated to use FLEXlm version 10.8.
477173 'VdkDocReadBatch' function failed with vdk error '-25 ' " error when index_any >= 16777215
477175 DDLGen fails to generate DDL for a database user if the user has been aliased to another user.
477178 INSERT-SELECT into local table from remote with a UNION clause should execute in

full-passthrough mode. These statements were being executed in non-passthrough mode.

477189 SMT on AIX incorrectly requests double license.
477258 Configurable option to be added to turn on/off the message "site_hdlr: No LOGCONN for packet from site %d, channel %d"
477268 An UPDATE statement inside a stored procedure on a table

created in the same procedure having an IDENTITY column

could wrongly increment the IDENTITY column even though

it is not affected by the UPDATE.

477311 Cursor fetch operation may cause a segv stack trace during curs_fetch() processing.
477360 Inserting image using the insert command to ASE through CIS with causes data truncation.
477536 Compiler Optimizations that rearrange code blocks will lead to (-)ve Keep count in the Partition descriptor.
477538 If an "alter database" command adds data space to a device that already contains space for that database, using a command that specifies separate data and log clauses, but the device being added to previously contained mixed log and data, ASE creates a mixed log-and-data section instead of reserving the space for data only.
477540 The WaitEventID column value in the monSysWaits and monProcessWaits tables for WaitEventID values greater than 336 is reported incorrectly.
477542 After upgrading, extended stored procedures get error 7218
477544 enhance ASE to have seperate permissions/roles for dumping and seperate permissions/roles for loading a db
477555 Release Builletin ASE15.0.1 for Sun of Japanese.The Japanese manual mistranslates the patch name of Solaris. 8_recommended is a patch name.
477603 Customer would like ASE to support the XML/WSDL syntax generated by IIS for Web Services.

The following XML request that was generated by Microsoft IIS will not work with our product:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:tns="http://localhost/testservices" xmlns:types="http://localhost/testservices/encodedTypes" xmlns:soap="">

<soap:Body soap:encodingStyle="">

<tns:Echo1 />



Customer would like all MS IIS generated requests to be supported.

477624 Drop function doesn't restraint the user from dropping a function already in use by computed columns.
477671 On a multi-engine system, sometimes failover operation may get timed out while using ASE-HA on Sun Cluster.
477712 Verity has a limitation of 16million documents per collection
477715 Backup server fails to load compressed dumps using named pipe.
477780 logon audit success/failure config option prints the connectivity version along with other useful information about a login connection.
477961 There are some documentation errors regarding "number of open objects" and "number of open partitions"

in page 177 through 179 of ASE 15.0 System Administration Guide Volume 1'.

477962 A translation error about "number of open partitions" was found in page 177 of ASE 15.0 System Administration Guide Volume 1 Japanese.
477985 When replicating DML on encrypted columns, the Replication Agent thread might terminate abnormally with error 9219 state 28 ("Internal coding error") or with a stack trace showing the module "ra__equal_images" in the error log.
477999 In certain circumstances a query which assigns a value to a variable while using the same variable in the statement抯 where clause, fails to assign correctly if the target table in the query is a proxy table.
478026 Allow images greater than 16KB to be inserted through insert command through ctlib applications.
478030 Under certain conditions, complex queries based on tables with multiple non-clustered indexes can stack trace.
478145 Add new columns to syssrvroles catalog for role lock accounting during upgrade and delete them during downgrade.
478165 Historical Server does not support CS_LONGCHAR data and will exit

with the following error if ASE sends it LONGCHAR data:


478167 When using sp_password on ASE 15.0.2, it fails with error 3906 if the user's database is read-only. The password change is trying to update the key copy.
478171 The BatchID column value in the monSysStatement and monSysPlanText MDA tables may be different for statements executed within a single batch for statements using execute immediate or deferred compilation. The monSysStatement and monSysPlanText ContextID value is not set consistently.
478234 Error 247 is at times raised incorrectly when using a built-in that requires implicit conversion as a SARG in a union statement.
478284 Stored procedures queries using runtime compilation ignore abstract plan directives.
478337 The Whats New in 15.0 Guide incorrectly states that a new parititonid field has been added to sp_lock output.
478339 Client ssl connections fail to connect to the ASE. The following error is displayed

in the ASE log file:

SSL or Crypto Error Message: 'Error reading the private key. The specified buffer

content is not in the expected format.'.

478425 ASE expands a '*' element in a SELECT target list and adds comment to syscomments

system table before saving the SQL text of the procedure, view or trigger to syscomments.

End comment mark (*/) may not be added to syscomments on non-English environment.

478478 Add support in Cluster's environments, to configure the instance where ASE Replication Agent can be started.
478481 Full support of DBCC LOGTRANSFER commands in cluster environments.
478482 request feature which limits tempdb usage by any particular query plan.
478520 In an HA with proxydb configuration, alter table fails attempting to remove encryption from a column.
478530 A 225 error, "Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during query optimization.", is raised when selecting from a simple view in a read-only database.
478577 Problem: Certain characters can not be used in the project/job name in the Runtime Manager. These characters will generate error messages:

"blank", ":", "/", "\".

Resolution: Change the value you entered in box "name" of the "windows schedule" section. Replace characters like ":","/" with "_" or remove the blank in the name value.

478613 Problem: Unable to connect to ASA v10.00 repository.

Resolution: ETL license files were updated to support 'SQL Anywhere', version '10.00.0000'.

478645 remove reference to reserved_pgs from sp_thresholdaction example and replace it with reserved_pages
478663 Possible wrong result for aggregate outerjoin query under allrows_dss mode

and the aggregate is on some column from outerjoin inner table and there

is also an equijoin predicate between that column and some column from

outerjoin outer table. This is related to eager aggregate feature.

478687 Within a SQL UDF, calling an Execute immediate command that runs a select into local variables, will raise a syntax error : execute is not allowed within scalare SQL UDF.
478800 The error message 14810 will be reported when using the logical tables within a trigger with the FOR XML clause.
478828 Execution of sp_config_rep_agent may display different information depending on the node from which the stored procedure is executed.
478838 Interrupting a query that contains a group by operator and doing a cursor fetch, causes stack overflow and corruption. This also brings down the server.
478872 Under rare circumstances involving multi_db transactions,an explicit rollback tran or any circumstance that may cause the transaction to abort may fail with Error: 623, Severity: 21, State: 1 "Adaptive Server failed to retrieve a row via its RID in database <dbname> because the target page is not a data page. Rid pageid = 0x0; row num = 0x0. Page pointer = <addr>, pageno = 0, status = 0x300, ptnid = 99, indexid = 0, level = 0."
478880 Update documentation to reflect password expiration interval expires on the hour

it was set for the given number of days.

478913 Parallel queries will be using about 2K less procedure cache during parallel execution, regardless of the degree of parallelism of the query.
478928 Auditinit may incorrectly claim that there is not enough free space on the specified device(s).
478951 When a cached statement or a stored procedure tries to access an old

table that has been renamed, it runs with the old plan that references the old

object name.

478959 After changing ASE server character set to utf-8, it'll cause segmentation fault if MDA "SQL batch capture" is enabled in AIX platform.
479350 When using the statement for queries with numeric literals, if two numeric values differ in precision and scale, two autoparams will be created with different names and declaration, therefore two statements and plans

will be cached. This does not make the best use of the statement cache and literal autoparameters.

479378 To support SQLs UDFs in ASEP.
479389 The Migration Guide no longer contains a list of the new reserved keywords, just a pointer to the list in the What's New guide.
479453 Optimize the usage of proc cache in the design of app context for 1254ESD.
479472 Cursor with query using row_count() builtin may fail producing stack traces. Errorlog

will report in the stack trace modules like LeRun,ptngetrowcount,open_nextvarno.

479563 exec query slower in 15.0.2 than 12.5.3
479565 Dynamic listeners stop working after engine is brought offline.
479631 When running jobs using "Job Scheduler", any occurrence of "[gG][oO]" in the text of a job command will be considered as the batch delimiter "go" and hence, the job command will not be correctly parsed, resulting in the job failure.
479710 Wrong result could happen when a view with string expression

in the SELECT list is referenced at another outerjoin view inner

side and the outerjoin view is later degenerated into an inner

join when being queried.

479743 If a table has more than one encrypted column with at least one column declaring a decrypt_default value, and if decrypt permission is granted at the column level to

at least one of the non-decrypt_default columns and withheld from the column with the

decrypt_default value, then any select of the column with the decrypt_default will

correctly return the decrypt default value and also return (incorrectly) Msg 10332.

479763 Messages in errorlog do not show if a login account is locked or not during downgrade.
479786 allow use of a wildcard character for sp_tempdb to be able to bind mulitple applications at one time:

e.g. sp_tempdb "bind", "ap", "ABC%", "DB", "tempdb" where '%' is a wildcard character

479810 The ASEP 15.0.2 Monitor folder reports complain about the JRE folder due to wrong name.
479823 Memory pool table in Checking I/O size for queries is incorrect
479830 xmltable() function may not work correctly if statement cache is enabled.
479837 In rare circumstances node join will hang while failover recovery is in progress.
479866 15.0.2 ESD #1 Adaptive Server doesn't support LDAPS.
479885 When opening insensitive cursor having null value which is returned by convert()

to char type, error 530 will be raised.

479889 The following description of disk init is mistakes.

The default unit of disk init is not MB.

disk init



If you do not provide a unit specifier, the value provided is presumed to be in megabytes.

479948 When we change sa password ha_companion file doesn't get updated with new

password. This resolution fixes the problem to update the password in

ha_companion.<servername> file when sa(or user in ha_companion file) password is


480063 When calling a stored procedure from an embedded SQL program, a stack trace can occur if that procedure is provided with a parameter.
480070 Warning message 307, "Index <index_name> specified as optimizer hint in the FROM clause of table <table_name> does not exist. Optimizer will choose another index instead." is disabled under Trace Flag 15381.
480111 When a sql.ini file contained "win3_master" service entry in the beginning, ASE Plug-in's Connect dialog (and other dialogs showing interfaces entries) would not show any servers. This has been fixed. Note that "win3_master" and "win3_query" are ignored by ASE Plug-in.
480118 sp_sjobcreate set the target server name is NULL if we don't specify the server name in the command-line
480124 The message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'ubffree' together with a stack trace including the modules 's_result_const_memfree' and 'memfreeheap' may be reported in the error log when heap memory is prematurely deallocated after executing a statement.
480142 Enable ASE Messaging on Solaris x86 64 bit platform
480160 Problem: ETL Development GUI is blank when connecting to a repository created using a different connection type.

Workaround: ETL currently has the restriction that you need to connect to the repository using the same connection type with which the connection was created. If it was created with ODBC, connect with ODBC. If it was created ctlib, connect with ctlib.

480191 To add more information on what it means by "same version of manifest file" in ASE SAG guide.
480232 When a procedure uses SELECT INTO to create a table that contains an identity column and then updates other columns in that table, the identity column values are incremented.
480299 ASE is leaking objects resulting in poor performance
480329 Previously Connect Dialog gave up reading interfaces file if the first server entry has a syntax error. Now it will try to scan more entries.
480410 Need to clarify the option for "as default" as exclusive to SSO
480447 DBCC latch, DBCC latch("heldby", spid) or the equivalent sybmon commands fail to report latches

held if multiple caches are configured.

480470 -- Previously, DBISQL could become unresponsive immediately after loading a

.SQL file. This problem was very rare, timing-dependent, and more likely to

occur on faster machines. This has been fixed.

-- [QTS-479086 (OTW)] Previously, when importing data into an existing

table, the "Preview" table in the Import Wizard would show values

in BINARY columns as "[B@" followed by up to 8 numbers and letters.

Now, the value from the file is displayed.

-- [QTS-476693] Previously, you could not use the INPUT statement

to populate a GLOBAL TEMPORARY table that did not preserve

rows on commit. The INPUT statement had the unintentional side-

effect of commiting changes. This has been fixed; INPUT no longer

commits changes.

-- [QTS-475259] Previously, if you selected the "@@rowcount"

variable, it was always displayed "1". Now, the actual value

is displayed.

-- If DBISQL is configured to display result sets using text,

and you execute a statement which causes a JConnect "JZ0P9"

error, that error was not being reported. Now it is.

-- If DBISQL is configured to display results in grid mode,

and you execute a statement in a batch which throws an

unrecoverable error, you used to get a "JZ0CU error" message,

but the text of the underlying error was not displayed.

Now, you see the text of the underlying error, and the

"JZ0CU" text is not not displayed.

To reproduce this:

1. Connect to an ASE server using a non-DBA account

2. Execute: use sybsystemproces

2. Execute: sp_hidetext sp_jdbc_getcatalogs

You should see an error message which reads "Could not

execute statement. Object does not exist in this


-- If DBISQL is configured to display results in text mode,

and you execute a statement in a batch which throws a

recoverable error, you used to get a "010P4 error" message,

but the underlying cause of the error was not displayed.

Now the cause is displayed, and you don't see the cryptic

"010P4" message.

To reproduce this, connect to an ASE server using a non-DBA

account, and execute the following as a single batch:

exec sp_helpdb

select * from sysobjects

-- Previously, if connected to a slow server, double-clicking

the database drop-down in the toolbar could crash DBISQL.

This has been fixed.

-- [DBISQL-054] Previously, when executing statements that returned

one or more large result sets, DBISQL could become unresponsive

or could exhibit undefined behavior (e.g. it could close the

database connection, or be unable to stop the statement).

This has been fixed.

-- [DBISQL-054] Previously, if you tried to stop a statement which

returned a large result set, DBISQL could enter a state where

it was unable to execute any further statements this has been fixed.

-- Previously, when executing a batch of statements, DBISQL would

ignore any results returned from statements that followed the

first statement in the batch that caused an error. This has

been fixed for both "text" and "grid" display modes.

-- Previously, when displaying results in "text" mode, it was

possible that DBISQL would not display the results at all due

to an internal race condition. This has been fixed.

-- Previously, when DBISQL executed a batch of statements, it

would not report an error raised by one of the statements if

the preceding statement raised a warning. This has been fixed.

This bug had been reported by JPMC as "dbisql-056".

-- Previously, error messages reported via jConnect did not

include the severity level, (ASE) state, or the transaction

state. Now they do. Also, if the JDBC driver state is "ZZZZZ"

(meaning "no information"), it is now not displayed at all.

This bug had been reported by JPMC as "dbisql-033".

-- OEMs can now disable the "SQL/Execute" & F5 accelerator key by

adding the following line to the ".isqlPreferences9" file:


This feature was demanded by J.P. Morgan-Chase.

-- [QTS-472617 (OTW)] Previously, the ISQL window could stop painting

when executing a long-running query. This has been fixed.

480530 DBCC CHECKSTORAGE may report spurious corruptions if the scan and text

workspace are configured to the same object name value. The stored

procedure sp_dbcc_configreport allows the same object name value to

be used for both mistakenly.

480541 Query with nested views can run into a signal 11, especially when the innermost nested view has an expression over a grouped aggregation like isnull(sum(...),..).
480561 The sqldbgr step command stops at nested END statements but does not display the statement or line number.
480574 The execution of DBCC DBREPAIR with option LTMIGNORE when run on an offline database

will mistakenly result in error 12901 being reported "This command is not allowed on

an offline database '<database_name>'."

480620 Some of the information messages that the cluster interconnect puts in the error log are cryptic or misleading.
480627 In an "if exists" block, if a table is referenced that does not exist, an error stating that the table is not found is raised even though the block should not have been executed.
480632 Alter function for SQL UDFs
480633 Error 2610 may occur in module 'ncrid_update' resulting in the session

being killed when an UPDATE command is run in the 'deferred_varcol' update mode as shown by SET SHOWPLAN and a data page split occurs. The modules

'xact_endupdate', 'def_insert' and 'linksplit' will also be reported

in the stack trace found in the error log.

480644 A new string comparison implementation for GBPINYIN and GBPINYINNOCS sortorders has been

incorporated into ASE to improve query performance on queries involving Simplified Chinese (GB)

characters. This essentially replaces the default string comparison processing which uses the

Unilib APIs. Streamlining the Unilib comparison removes the processing overheads hence improves

performance. The new implementation supports the existing GBPINYIN and GBPINYINNOCS sortorders

for UTF-8, CP936, GB18030 and EUCGB charsets. A boot-time Traceflag 2411 is available to revert

back to the default behaviour.

480652 The paths for the cluster devices are not checked to insure they are not reused in the same input session when creating new cluster.
480690 ASE version 12.5.4 ESD #5 and 12.5.4 ESD #6 on Solaris may show higher cpu utilization due to a high number of brk system calls.
480744 Problem: ETL developer is unable to connect with an ASA/ASE repository with ODBC when the repository was created with Sybase Open Client(ctlib) native connectivity.

Workaround: ETL currently has the restriction that you need to connect to the repository using the same connection type with which it was created. If it was created with ODBC, connect with ODBC. If it was created with ctlib, connect with ctlib.

480747 Problem: ETL Development is unable to connect with an ASA/ASE repository with Sybase Open Client(ctlib) native connectivity when the repository was created using ODBC.

Workaround: ETL currently has the restriction that you need to connect to the repository using the same connection type with which it was created. If it was created with ODBC, connect with ODBC. If it was created with ctlib, connect with ctlib.

480789 DDLGen does not provide a way of hiding password when it is invoked in an automated fashion from a script file.
480883 When sp_spaceusage is used for the entity-specific help on

the 'display'/'report' action, the error message "Duplicate

position specifier in format string of PRINT command" is


480900 Job Scheduler installjsdb script fails to meet minimum password length

and fails with errors 10317 and 17720.

480908 Feature request for functionality similar to a login trigger that would run when SET PROXY or SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION command is executed.
480921 Feature request for an externalized rules engine to augment existing ASE permission functionality.
480952 ASE 15.0.2 install program does not execute on Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.0 or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 on IBM POWER platform.
481037 12909, 7949 and 7940 errors may be reported by DBCC TABLEALLOC after Adaptive

Server terminated abnormally or DUMP DATABASE was done at a time when a

(fast) bcp command was being used to import data into that table.

481048 Error number 660 will be displayed along with message.
481077 Problem: Failure to delete the data in IQ using ETL with connection type Open Client.

Workaround: Set the Database option "Auto Commit" to "1" will insure the transaction is committed.

481124 After changing the cluster backend server password, many sybcluster commands cannot print messages that indicate the connection authorization issue.
481137 In very rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may hit a timeslice error together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'mem_getpages' or 'proc_get' for a server with a large procedure cache.
481144 Parsing of very large TEXT literals may case timeslice errors in heavily loaded systems.
481237 The message "process infected with signal 11" is reported in the errorlog together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'dropo' and 'logcommand' when dropping a User-Defined SQL Function in a database with DDL replication enabled.
481268 infected with 11 in CgEvals::_CgCompVcol when using forceplan
481303 sp_sproc_columns and sp_statistics are returning varchar data for all columns in a result set irrespective of their actual datatypes.
481315 In SDC environment, an instance is not allowed to startup or shutdown during dump database

command. When dump database command is in progress in one of the other instances,

startup or shutdown of instance waits until the dump database command completes.

481326 When there is no statistics present on a column, Adaptive Server may not pick up simulated column statistics even after loading simulated statistics using optdiag and setting 'set statistics simulate on'.
481340 If UPDATE STATISTICS is executed with a large number of steps and the configuration parameter, 'histogram tuning factor', is at its default value of 20, then the actual step count of the resulting histogram maybe restricted to a lower number.
481385 The compile optimization level has been restored to +O2 from +O1 in building the ASE binary for the HP Itanium platform. This fix improves the run-time performance of the ASE by more than 10%.
481395 Improve performance of system stored procedures calling sp_autoformat procedure.
481465 sp_helptext "showsql" may display a grave accent mark (`) in stored procedure text if the text includes multi-byte characters.
481479 A 548 error, "Check constraint violation occurred ..."

maybe incorrectly reported, resulting in the command

being aborted when running a INSERT SELECT statement,

the target table has a check constraint involving more

than a single column and a NULL value from source table

was being inserted into the target table.

481487 Printing bigints using "print" on windows may give wrong result.
481506 Option 'literal_autoparam' is not shown when running 'sp_show_options' to display

current session option settings.

481515 When converting device virtual page IDs from their pre-15.0 form to the 15.0 form, ASE can obtain an incorrect device number for certain page IDs. This causes ASE to store the wrong device number in sysusages.vstart.
481520 Previously when DBISQL was launched for the first time from ASEP, it would use the default settings instead of the saved settings. For example, it would use 500 as "Maximum number of rows to display" even though the saved setting was, say, 50. (Subsequently launched DBISQL from ASEP would use the saved settings.) This has been fixed. (As a result of the fix, DBISQL's window position is now correctly restored when launched from ASEP.)
481537 Error 1579 will be raised when you run a query attaching an abstract plan with multi-byte object name.
481552 The deadlock information reported when the configuration option

'print deadlock information' is active has been enhanced such

that the database name and the index ID values are reported.

481562 A create table command that contains a computed column with a case expression may

cause a stacktrace.

481601 A query with a qualification which has a CASE or an OR expression, may sometimes generate wrong results.
481611 Issuing the command

sp_configure "optimization goal", 0, "allrows_oltp"

can disable replication agent threads on some platforms.

481665 Server could hit stacktrace during codegen when an outerjoin is:

1. referencing a materialized outerjoin view (worktable), and

2. at the same time another view is merged into the parent outerjoin query

as the inner joining table, and

3. the SELECT list is referencing some column from that merged view, and

4. that column from the merged view is an CASE expression.

481678 Badly partitioned utilities like 'select into' and 'bulk copy' run much slower on multi-node

clusters compared to single node.

481704 When derived tables expose columns that refer to local variables, a segmentation violation error may be seen in the optimizer code, with the function name ScalarNormalizing()at the top of the stack.
481750 Under rare circumstances an excessive number of 'Ex_intent' table locks for the same

table may be reported by SP_LOCK, despite them being compatible. The same may be seen

with 'Sh_intent' locks.

481797 Optimizer will not choose a unique index based on the search clauses in the query and instead choose a different non-unique index. This is particularly true when the wrong index chosen has the same cost as that of the unique index, because of a stale histogram.
481813 DBISQL performs poorly while generating plans for stored procedures
481822 DBISQL抯 method to cancel query plan generation is very non-intuitive.

Added a "Cancel Plan" button in planviewer.

481838 Problem: ETL Flash demos require file 'flash.ocx' which - unlike previous version of Windows - is not included on Windows Vista.

Resolution: Download Adobe Flash Player from the web page (

FYI: User is likely to be prompted by Windows Vista with this information - after shutting down ETL Development - if they have attempted to run the flash demos during their ETL Development session.

481844 changing "lock schema" can cause different internal update mode

which might cause differ query behavior.

481869 On Solaris, if ASE is configured for HighAvailability on Veritas, the HA agent ase_monitor will initiate failover if it fails to run various SQL commands as part of thorough probe, though the error is a transient one such as no space in tempdb
481876 If the coordinator role change during the life of the cluster some rep agent administrative actions may not take effect as they were being sent to the instance with the coordinator role before the role change.
481878 Under certain circumstances, when a statistical aggregate (stddev or variance) is combined

with other aggregates in a query containing a group-by clause, the process can be terminated


481900 Performance of queries returning only constants (no table references)

can be improved by implementing a new operator to echo a row, without

any cache set up required.

481914 When using srvbuildres from 1502 to create a new ASE instance, it takes a long time if the resource file used on this, has the default comments for the last line ("sqlsrv.addl_cmdline_parameters")
481959 ASE 12.5.4 ESD#6 generates less optimal query plan due to Optimizer overlooking clustered

index of parent table when performing materialization for view/derived table involving

outer join.

481987 -str_replace is missing from the list of string functions in the Transact-SQL guide-

str_replace is documented under string functions, but does not show up in the list of strings functions in the above url.

481990 Request to add info in the DTM doc
481996 Add device information for all create database wizards summary page.
482074 After modifying the RUN_server_back file, adding the supported arguments -P and/or a -m, sqlupgrade of backupserver fails:

The flag '-P' is not supported by Backup Server.

Unable to parse '/opt/sybase/ASE-12_5/install/RUN_r1254_back'

482079 sp_passwordpolicy 'expire login password' raises error 17231, "No login with the specified name exists." even if the login exists.

sp_passwordpolicy 'expire role password' raises error 17678, "Illegal role name '%1!' specified." even if the role exists.

This only affects logins/roles having upper case characters.

482112 The ASE is limited to adding only one server certificate. The ASE should allow more than

one server certificate to be added so that if the current one expires it can move to the


482126 If ASE12.5.4/15.0.x on RHEL5 does not set Exec-Shield to disabled and "LD_POINTER_GUARD" sets to 0, it cannot start multiengine.
482129 Under some circumstances the message "current process infected with 11" maybe reported in the error log when executing a batch of DML statements and a trigger executed a ROLLBACK TRIGGER WITH RAISERROR.
482145 Add I/O write options for Add Database Device Wizard.
482165 In rare circumstances, a session may block on locks for object SYSANCHORS in a given database

while its transaction log is undergoing truncation triggered either by an explicit

'DUMP TRANSACTION' command or by the 'CHECKPOINT SLEEP' process.

482233 There are no comprehensive password complexity checks performed when setting role passwords.
482234 For columns that "grow" so that update statistics on these columns are

out-of-date fairly soon after update statistics is completed, this

feature will assign some selectivity to out-of-range search clause

accesses. This will only be done for search clauses that select values

that are greater than all values in the domain described by the histogram.

In the "set option show_lio_costing on" tracing, there will be messages

associated with the selectivity of the column that indicate an

"Out of range histogram adjustment" has been made. The selectivity

assigned to each out of range search clause will be slightly less than the

selectivity of one domain value i.e. if you have 100 unique values in the

column, then 1/(100+1) is assigned to the out of range search clause, and

then weights are stolen from the remainder of the cells in the histograms,

including the newly created cell, so that all the cells in the

normalized histogram still add up to 1.0. Thus, the actual weight in this

example will be (1/101)/(1.0 + 1/101) after normalization to 1.0

The feature can be turned off by trace flag 15355.

482247 Server might choose a wrong index when a query uses TOP and ORDER BY at the same time.
482269 ASE corrupts characters, returns "NoSuchElementException" or stack traces in the module SybXmlString() when using the FOR XML statement on characters outside of the basic 128 ASCII character set. Currently, ASE XML only supports the basic ASCII character set.
482274 This is the response from engineering following their testing for this CR:

I am able to see non-zero values for I/O busy in sysmon report with 15.0.2 ESD#2 binary. Hence it is not the case that always I/O busy value is reported as '0'. Also the value of "I/O ticks", the counter used by sp_sysmon is incremented only if the CPU has no task to run(i.e. it is idle) and some I/O is pending. If there are tasks to be run then only

"cpu ticks" counter is incremented. Hence it is not a bug if the I/O busy value is '0' unless the customer observes any performance drop. Hence closing the CR as not a bug.

482275 Add Distribution Mode support in Logical Cluster property and 'add logical cluster' wizard. Add 'Login Distribution' column to Logical Clusters' detail information tab.
482284 Running the datachange() builtin with no specified column (analyze

datachange across all histogramed columns) could

result in a SIGSEGV or SIGBUS error. This could occur if there

are a lot of columns in the table with histogram statistics.

The problem is more likely to occur if no partition id (check

the column's datachange across all partitions) is provided and

the table has many partitions.

482322 Under allrows_oltp mode, a plan with nary nested loop join and a merge union as the

first branch of the nary nlj, may return too few rows.

482329 A DataDirectODBC driver cannot connect to ASE15.0.2 from MS-Access.
482353 When creating an index as follows:

create index "AA_KK" on "AA" ("last_modified")

and before you set quoted_identifier on then the index, when looking at it should display AA_KK .

482356 DBCC upgrade_object reports no error upgrading certain procedures even when the 'check' option gives error 11031: Execution of procedure <procedure_name> failed because of errors parsing the source text in syscomments during upgrade. Please drop and recreate dbo.
482357 DBCC upgrade_object(database_name, 'procedure', 'check') fails all subsequent stored procedures after just one has failed.
482369 PDM -> XML: If a PDM contains tables having a non-mandatory FK reference inbetween and you generate an XML model, the table with FK is shown as completely dependant on the depending one and does not reflect the independant part of the table.
482398 If an attempt is made to use DISK INIT/DISK RESIZE to add more space to a device than is actually available, the command aborts on some systems and on some systems the commands executes to add as much space as is available.
482404 Queries involving null character/unicode strings may result in stack trace or Msg 540 in

single-byte non-binary servers or in utf8 binary servers in allrows_oltp mode.

482428 HK CHORES task may fail to generate a new RSA key pair for network password encryption with the message "ks_falloc: Cannot allocate using ubfalloc" because Network Buffers are filled up.
482472 When 'plan text pipe active' is set to 1 & show_sqltext option is on SQL text in the tracefile is replicated or displayed twice.
482473 When SQL Text display is turned ON with Application Tracing feature, then the SQL Text for commands executed by user are not differentiated from internally executed commands.
482480 Under some conditions ASE performs too many writes to sysprocedures when Trace 299 is ON.
482482 When killing a task in "LATCH SLEEP" state, message "Killing spid: <SPID_1> will not be immediate because it is waiting for a latch held by spid: <SPID_2>." will be printed to the errorlog. This connection cannot be killed until all latch owners have completed their work or terminated.
482499 Insert or Update statements that contain datetime values fail for proxy tables mapped to a Direct Connect server.
482563 Unnecessary join with sysprocedures, in a SQL command in the procedure 'sp_sproc_columns'. Its columns are not being used either in projection list or where clause. This is leading to more I/Os which are unnecessary.
482566 Queries involving Sybase outer joins and access rules can sometimes lead to error 325.
482590 Process trying to establish communication with remote server cannot be killed
482624 Problem: When inserting multi-byte characters to UTF-8 collation DB, it can

appear inserted data is missing.

For example: If target column is defined as CHAR(10) and you have 5 characters

that you believe are 2 byte characters and some are missing. (2 bytes * 5

characters = 10 bytes).

Resolution: UTF-8 can represent 1-3 byte characters. If some characters are 3

byte characters the total length calculations will need to take this into


482645 Stored procedure may raise error 622 "Opentable was passed a varno of 0.

Object 'table_name' in database 'db_name' already has that session descriptor in use"

during recompilation.

482690 Feature request for a command to reactivate a device that failed to activate during ASE startup. This can currently be accomplished by manually deleting the row for the device from sysdevices and then used the DISK REINIT command to restore the row and activate the device.
482711 DBCC REBUILD_TEXT has been extended to set replication related fields in each first text page.
482759 Rep Agent is slow to send data to RS.
482761 In-exact numeric (e.g.float, double precision) values should be passed by the Rep Agent in the manner they were inserted or would be displayed when using isql.
482836 Make error messages 10708 and 10734 more informative
482850 Problem: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Invalid datetime format (null) error when running the 'Demo Transfer German Sales' project on Windows Vista

Resolution: This is a known issue. The source of the problem seems to lie in either the Vista ODBC driver manager or Vista memory management. If possible, use native database connectivity instead of ODBC connectivity.

482898 Sig11 could happen during codegen (CgEvals::_CgCompVcol()) for outerjoin

query when either the ON clause predicate involves correlated subquery

or there is a nested join inner to the outerjoin.

482909 HK CHORES task may flood the error log with many "RSA keypair regeneration failed"

messages when the regeneration of a keypair fails.

482940 Query with view with unions which uses dynamic index strategy may sometime fails

with different errors related to the sort operation. Sometimes the stack trace in the

errorlog may indicate the module startscan.

482961 A distinct clause may be ignored in an insert ... select statement when there is no order by specified and the insert includes a timestamp column.
483019 If the database has indexes with the same name and different type (one local and one global)

on different tables then sp_helpindex on a specific table will report wrong index type i.e.

global index as local index.

483041 When an unserved per-CPU license is used, ASE always limits the 'max online engines' configuration to the quantity of per-CPU licenses. When a machine is fully licensed ASE should allow the 'max online engines' to be equal to the number of logical CPUs.
483063 Under some cicumstances when resolving temporary objects in complex permission situations we may fail to find objects we earlier created.
483164 Replication Agent error messages and traces may show a zero database number, instead of showing the database number where Replication Agent is running.
483165 In rare circumstances, the message "current process ... infected with 11" may be reported in module

'dfl_dmp_initflushlist' or 5205 error may be returned during the execution of a DUMP DATABASE command,

The modules 'cdfl_dmp_initflushlist' and 'dpdb_main' would also be reported in the stack trace in

the error log.

483183 Stored procedure execution may resume from the incorrect statement after the failure

of the runtime compilation.

483205 When attempting to create an index on certain text document, indexing fails and EFTS enters into an infinite loop filling EFTS log with similar errors:

"GW_TOKEN, gwSession: <session id>, vs_streamGetToken called too many time for stream <stream id>, key <doc key>". Looping is caused by repeated calls to the stream call back function.

483225 A client attempting to execute a parameterized language request gets an Error 154, "Variable not allowed in procedure" when attemping FOR XML during an insert trigger.
483255 Help investigate why RA is in wait state.
483286 MDA process which calls monlocks will cause timeslices when holding a spinlock.
483363 In rare circumstances, a race condition may occur between the ASE thread and its corresponding Q engine native thread, leading the ASE spid to hang. In that case, the IBM MQ API call is not executed and the ASE process is wongly waiting for the completion of that messaging call.
483387 monOpenObjectActivity.RowsInserted doesn't count inserts through fast BCP
483404 To allow all password complexity checks to be extended on login/role level
483418 Update value of SYBASE_JRE15 to "jre150_012"
483430 text server crashes after calling sp_text_notify if a non-existent text index is referenced in the text events table
483461 Feature Request to add a global variable that contains $SYBASE value.
483464 Feature request to have auditing of logins include additional data "client application", "network user", and "client identifier" for application servers.
483468 Verification of the SSL Certificate may incorrectly fail with the following message:

"Warning: command 'addcert' adds certificate path <certifcate path> with its common

name field different from server name."

483575 In some cases when a query plan for an UPDATE query uses the general OR strategy (as can be

seen by the presence of a RIDJoin operator in the showplan output), the updates to the qualifying rows may be done in deferred mode when direct mode is possible (also seen in the

showplan output). This could result in performance degradation in highly concurrent systems.

483585 Extend UPDATE STATISTICS command to indicate out of range histogram adjustment to be enabled or disabled at the column level. Optdiag output is also enhanced to display this information.
483586 A query using parallel threads may get a stack trace including the function pipe_emptypipe().
483614 A cluster with instances booted with -m parameter may violate the single user mode restriction by allowing more than one instance running at the same time.
483642 No error messages or trace information is available when the High Availability agent for ASE on Windows/MSCS cluster decides to failover sometimes.
483733 When 'Unknown' is chosen as the LicenseType during installation ASE fails to obtain a license and reports a message similar to 'SySAM: Failed to obtain 1 license(s) for ASE_CORE feature with properties 'PE=EE;LT=Un'.
483739 DDLGen does not generate sp_dboption and sp_changedbowner statements with create database statements.
483740 sp_object_stats creates table syslkstats in tempdb.

On a very busy server with a busy tempdb it can deadlock or cause

contention for other tempdb users. So Customer would like the

ability for sp_object_stats to create tables in a user defined

tempdb instead.

483765 Repagent does not send structured token for unsigned integer identity datatypes.
483790 The row_count() built-in command may not return accurate results when executed

for the Sybsecurity..Sysaudits tables.

483899 When in an explicit user transaction, certain server errors/actions will implicitly abort the running transaction. We would like a list of such errors so that one can provide the proper programming/actions for the vast majority of the errors without extra interactions with the server to know that the ransacation was aborted.
483920 Performance regression was observed when parallel BCP-IN is happening on two nodes with each node having single engine running.
483963 In some cases, outer join on view or derived table with CASE expression may perform slower

due to view materialization.

483972 Documentation: Dataserver -Z is not included in the utility guide, but it is in dataserver -h help command output.
483983 The SQL Expert and Database Expert query optimizer option generates a message saying "Table does not exist" when used with ASE 15.0.2.
483985 Server Config leaves the ASE in shutdown state after a failed upgrade if the upgrade eligibility tests fail.
483987 Add recompilation information in showplan output for cached statements and

stored procedures.

484000 Feature request for a new resource limit on locks
484005 After a CT-Lib application opens a transaction across 21 or more databases and calls ct_cancel(CS_CANCEL_ALL), Adaptive Server reports a stack trace with signal 11 in 'plc__flush' when the transaction is rolled back.
484028 Encountered error msg 3532 when any user (including sa) logins for the first time after servers are upgraded to 1502 and they are configured for HA.
484059 Cluster failed to start after creation if interfaces path contains "#".
484075 A statement that references a temporary table with a prefix (e.g. dbo.#t1) will be cached

in the statement cache. This is not currently expected or supported.

484076 Under some circumstances the execution of a stored procedure

which uses execute immediate for creating other stored procedures

and had to be recompiled maybe be aborted reporting in the

errorlog the message "current process infected with 11" in

the module 'set_cast' including a stack trace which includes

the modules 's_renormalize' and 's_recompile'.

484090 Costing issues occur when 2 or more tables are involved in a semijoin.

The costing of EXISTS flattened queries or implicit EXISTS queries

(as was the case in this query, where the query was converted into

and EXISTS query) was overly optimistic in cases where more than

one table participates in the existence joins. In particular,

the fast first rows costing used for EXISTS queries, underestimated

the number of outer rows for some of the nested loop join operators,

and underestimated some of the scan costs for the inner tables/indices

of a nested loop join involved in a EXISTS (or semi-join). The

change puts some lower bounds on the fast first row costing so that

the outer row counts are consistent with the overall cardinality estimate

of the semi-join group (a semi join group is a set of 2 or more tables

that together are transformed into a multi-table semi-join in the

show plan output).

484098 HA VCS 4.x: Enhanced diagnostics information for the VCS4.x HAase Agent.

Also fixed a possible hostname comparison failure when one hostname obtained

is short form of the hostname, and another is a fully qualified hostname with

tailing domain name.

484108 Allow classes compiled with jdk 1.4 to be loaded into ASE 12.5.4
484141 For DISTINCT view with some distinct expression column, SELECT on such view

could raise Assertion (_SrtTcIdBm.VbmDisjoint(*pConstSargs)) failure. Also

one further SELECT DISTINCT on such DISTINCT view could lead to some stacktrace during

code generation.

484168 Java functions that worked in ASE 12.5.4 are returning NULL in 15.0.2
484236 Can't create 16k ASE Server for Linux x86 on ASE_DEV licenses.

This issue is reproduced by ASE SmallBusinessEdition and Developer Edition.

484270 Problem: ETL server shut down unexpectedly when using ODBC connection type with Sybase IQ on line.

Resolution: This problem is a result of improperly configured ODBC.ini configuration file.

The CommLinks property needs specific syntax:

Incorrect Property syntax:


There are 2 choices for Correct Property syntax:

first: CommLinks=tcpip(host=host-machine-name;port=4454)

second: CommLinks=tcpip(host=host-machine-name,4454)

484271 select statement on a proxy table expects a table name for a union even though it doesn't need to.
484306 Sybmigrate does not recognize source databases that have XPDL bits set.
484310 For large joins, sometimes different final plan could be given when

a particular optgoal is set through the abstract plan "plan" clause

versus at the session or server level.

484346 ASE cannot use multiple per-CPU unserved licenses, instead limiting the 'max online engines' configuration to the value of the CP license attribute of the first license it finds.
484352 sp_who displays site handler as having master rather than the default tempdb as it's tempdb
484353 Unexpected exception is reported in the space_est report when it tries to estimate the space for a proxy table on a remote host that is down.
484362 On systems with large procedure cache (> 100 M-bytes), ASE may scale down its memory allocation to smaller chunks when the procedure cache is full and fragmented. A command line trace flag -T757 is introduced to have ASE first replace an unused stored procedure, before scaling its memory allocation down to smaller chunks.
484375 Problem: When inserting multi-byte characters into a UTF-8 collation DB, it can appear inserted data is missing.

For example: If the target column is defined as CHAR(10) and you have 5 characters

that you believe are 2 byte characters but you notice some are missing. (2 bytes * 5

characters = 10 bytes).

Resolution: UTF-8 can represent 1-3 byte characters. If some characters are 3 byte characters the total length calculations will need to take this into account.

484401 Problem: The IQ ETL Development default installation path refers to 4.2.1 ESD #1 instead of 4.2.1 ESD #2 as expected to match the release vehicle.

Workaround: The installation directory can be manually changed to another directory if desired.

484501 Previously, result sets generated by a statement with an explicit owner name were not editable. Now they are. (Before this change, the result set generated by:

SELECT * FROM mytable

would be editable, but the result set generated by:

SELECT * FROM dba.mytable

was not.)

Previously, when a statement returns more than 10 result sets, DBISQL displayed only the first 10 silently in grid mode. Now DBISQL will display a dialog with the following message:

"The statement returned more than 10 results set, but only the first 10 have been displayed."

484524 In a multi instance cluster, builtin function row_count() may output different values when executed from different instances.
484549 Explicit or implicit convertion of java datatypes may someties lead to the corruption

of the query plans.

484581 Sysdatabases.audflags and Sydatabases.deftabaud fields may not be

properly initialized after the command 'LOAD DATABASE' has been executed.

484615 Problem: When upgrading from 4.2 or 4.2.1 ESD #1 to 4.2 ESD #1 or 4.2.1 ESD #2 it might appear your previous 4.2 default ETL repository is missing.

Workaround: Upgrading from 4.2 to 4.2 ESD #1 or from 4.2.1 to 4.2.1 ESD #2 changes the location of the default local MS Access ETL repository file. The ETL 4.2 uses a local MS Access repository (ETLDEMO_REP.mdb)in the Windows users ..\Documents and Settings\<USER> directory. After upgrading to the ESD the user must copy this ETLDEMO_REP.mdb file to the ESD installation\Demodata directory to access previously stored jobs and projects.

484631 A query plan that applies dynamic partition elimination will have a showplan output that

contains the following lines:

| |SCAN Operator (VA = 0)


| | rv3

| | [ Using Dynamic Partition Elimination ]

| | Table Scan.

| | Forward Scan.

If the query plan is re-executed (i.e. it's in a stored procdedure), the showplan output

for the second and subsequent executions will show extraneous lines of output beginning

with "{ Eliminated Partitons", such as:

| |SCAN Operator (VA = 0)


| | rv3

| | [ Eliminated Partitions : 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ]

| | [ Eliminated Partitions : 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [ Using Dynamic Partition

Elimination ]

| | Table Scan.

| | Forward Scan.

484655 Support dbcc stacktrace for remote spids. The command must be run on the same instance as the spid in order for the client to receive output.
484684 In rare circumstances, there may be locks of a process that is not in Adaptive Server anymore.
484707 When using bcp -C to load data into a table with an encrypted column that has

a declarative or bound default, the bcp-in operation may fail. The ASE

error log may contain a stacktrace containing: infected with signal 11 in col_encrypt.

484713 When executing a query plan in which the optimizer has chosen to use a general OR strategy (as can be seen by the presence of a RIDJoin Operator in the showplan output) and where the table being scanned has a datarows lockscheme, row level locks will not be released once the rows have been read. The accumulation of these row locks can lead to escalation to a shared table lock if the configured row lock promotion threshhold is exceeded.
484769 The message "Current process ... infected with signal 11" may be reported in the error log in module 'mda__process_sdes' followed by a stack trace when a query on the monProcessObject table is run, resulting in ASE shutting down itself. The modules 'mda_std_populate_pid' and 'mda_fill_and_send_monProcessObject' will also be reported in the stack trace.
484783 Customer is hitting 3151 errors "Adaptive Server cannot load this database because the database that was dumped was not quiescent when the dump was performed. Run sp_flushstats before DUMP DATABASE and ensure that the database is not updated during the dump." when loading large database dumps using XPDL.

Unfotunatly this error is not hit until a large amount of processing has already taken place on a dump and a large amount of time therefore gets wasted just to find out a dump is useless.

Customer would like an enhancement to the dump command to make sure that the dump produced will load correctly under XPDL without giving a 3151 (or any other) error.

Customer would also like a corresponding enhancement to load database to make sure that a load can be succesfully loaded via XPDL without having to go through the lengthy processing to find this out.

Customer is currently using 12.5.4 and would like these enhancements in the 12.5.x codeline.

484797 Procedures, triggers, defaults, etc. whose source code has been hidden using sp_hidetext cannot be successfully migrated to other platforms using cross-platform dump and load.
484805 Numeric modulo function can generate wrong result when aggregate functions are involved in the calculation.
484808 ASE 12.5.4 esd 3 CIS is sending all uppercase sql when querying tables created with create proxy_table. It does not happen if they use create existing table.
484811 Sybmon can't load memdump file smoothly on linuxamd64 platform.
484828 A 605 error "An attempt was made to fetch logical page '<pageid>' from cache '<cache_name>'. Page belongs to database <ptninfo> and not to <ptninfo> may sometimes happen after crash recovery.
484865 For large join (>50 tables), stack overflow might happen during

the recursive call of SeHyPermStrat::_SeHyPsPrime() when stack size

is not large enough.

484912 102, 156, 11031, 11032, 11034 or other similar error is returned when a compiled object with hidden

source text is executed after database is loaded across platform where the byte order(endian type)

is different.

484923 Under the following conditions:

- A cursor is declared with a SELECT statement that contains either an IN-list or OR-clauses on the same column, such as

DECLARE curs1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE id IN (1,2,3); and

- The optimizer chooses a special OR strategy for the query plan, as can be seen in the showplan output by the presence of 'FROM OR List'; and

- The cursor is OPEN'd and FETCH'd at least once; and

- The row that the cursor is currently positioned on is deleted, either through a searched DELETE command or a searched UPDATE command that causes the row to move.

A 582 error will be raised if another FETCH command is issued on the cursor.

484927 15.0.2 optimizer produces a much slower plan than 12.5.x for some cases involving very skewed data.
484952 A view that uses a SQL UDF will get a 225 error after the SQL UDF is dropped and recreated.
484953 Sybcluster show instance status does not show correct status if shutdown instance outside sybcluster immediately.
484965 If you reference a global variable in a procedure and then (using dynamic sql) create another procedure which also uses that same global variable then the reference to the variable in the child proc gets incorrectly resolved. Executing the child procedure results in a stacktrace. Errorlog stack trace will included reference to modules s_setupvar and s_cpparamd.
484968 Error 100039 may occur when index is created by altering large table with a primary constraint.
484969 ASE may mistakenly report "Page 0 was given as a target page for allocation to object <value>

index id <value> and there is no entry in the OAM for this page." when running DBCC CHECKALLOC,

TABLEALLOC, INDEXALLOC or TEXTALLOC with the FIX option. This error is seen when OAM entries

with zero used/unused page counts have been deleted.

484982 When long running chained transactions are left active in the database, even though they have not done any DMLs, they may prevent housekeeper from doing garbage collection in the database.
484991 Queries against a semantically partitioned table, where the predicate on the partition key column

involves a local variable, did not perform partition elimination when the statement is executed

inside execute-immediate.

With this fix, partition elimination is enabled, resulting in increased performance.

484997 A stack trace occurred in csi_malloc when using LDAP UA due to memory leaks.
485001 This a new platform support for ASE.
485070 The process of creating a cluster involves several components - The quorum device, the interfaces entries, the data devices, and the Unified agent plugins to manage the instances. When the creation process is aborted or fails midway, some of these components may have been created. Before retrying to create the cluster, you must clean up what was affected from the previous process.

When using raw devices, the quorum device and data devices do not need to be removed.

1 Stop the srvbuildres or dataserver utilities, if either are running.

2 Stop the UAF agents on all nodes.

3 Remove the directory with the name of the cluster you tried to create

during the wizard session in the

$SYBASE_UA/nodes/node_name/plugins/cluster_name directory.

4 Remove the interfaces file entries for the cluster you tried to create.

5 Restart the UAF agents on all nodes.

485080 Instrumented ASE to help diagnose when ASE hangs in accept() and sometimes close(). Problem has not reoccurred since disabling the 3rd party product iwatchip.
485091 Cluster will shutdown if there is a port conflict in the cluster configuration.
485117 Long execution times for dbcc commands checktable and checkalloc against an archive database.
485167 Creating clustered index on roundrobin partitioned table might result in skewed partitions.
485205 More efficient processing of histograms will reduce the amount of procedure cache

needed for optimization of simple queries.

485209 When a high volume of SSL connections login and logout the Network Buffer Pool can leak memory. The observerd SSL connection were from a jConnect multi-threaded application and the memory leaks were in 80 byte chunks. Eventually, SSL users cannot login to the dataserver.
485210 When a distinct outerjoin view is used in a query with another outerjoin,

The Assertion (!_pGcojLegacyRgInfo || pOjRgInfo == _pGcojLegacyRgInfo ||

pGt->GtIsValues()) might fail for the diagserver. For non-diagserver,

search engine could generate wrong outerjoin plan or gets into

excessive compilation time and memory consumption for large join.

485214 Report temporary DB space usage HWM for a session in monSysStatement
485255 A 8213 error "Failed to acquire address lock on object <value>" may be reported

in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules "idt_value_verify"

and "des_idtnewval" when an INSERT command attempts to create a new identity column value.

485305 complex multi-table queries with that reference columns with large histograms may

experience excessive procedure cache usage, that could eventually result

in 701 errors. This change allows more efficient

reuse of memory associated with histograms.

485310 QP Metrics will be captured and dumped to the system catalog if none of the following 4 threshold

configuration parameters has been set:

metrics elap max

metrics exec max

metrics lio max

metrics pio max

However, if there is any among the above 4 thresholds set, only the non-zero values will be effective

the thresholds for the QP Metrics.

485352 Alter table unpartition on a system catalog lead to inconsistency in internal meta data. This

inconsistency will lead to Signal-11 for further reference to the system catalog.

485363 Bulk insert hits signal 11 when it failed partially on a proxy table due to different in table definition.
485367 Suboptimal join order could be choosen when there is a correlated

subquery under an OR predicate and during the actual execution the

subquery evaluation is mostly skipped due to shortcircuit logics of

the OR predicate.

485368 When using the ODBC Interface on a DB Data Provider component; only the system DSNs are able to be selected. The request is to add the capability to use file DSNs as well - much as Sybase Central and dbisql allow.
485373 Small procedural objects may use more procedure cache memory than needed when they are created after a large SQL batch.
485395 A parser error is raised when reorg rebuild is called on a table with a name requiring quoted identifiers, such as "&A123", and the table contains a text column.
485418 When partition name is specified by user, the translation from partition name to partition ID will only be done once. Reduce translation times.
485433 When CIS tables are involved in a join query and allrows_oltp is the optimization goal, ASE may generate a 325 error that says that there is no legal query plan available for this query.
485442 Apply 'set sort_resources on' also to 'update statistics', so that user can get information of the size of the worktable to be sorted without really exec the command. The size of procedure cache used by sort can be calculated using a rough formula: Number of sort buffers X rows per page X 100.
485458 Table scan is chosen over Non-Clustered index scan with 16k IO pool is configured.
485461 In some circumstances the process accounting statistics (I/O and CPU) are not updated when an end-user logs out of Adaptive Server.
485484 Add "Skip" and "Cancel" Buttons on the "Validating Cluster Name" dialog.
485554 When ASE takes a very long time to recover databases before upgrade, the upgrade utility can find databases marked "offline". If that situation persists beyond its timeout wait period, it declares an error, which causes batch mode upgrade to fail. We are making the per-database timeout wait period configurable via "-T{wait_time}", where wait_time is specifiable as (for example) "-T300s" for "300 seconds". 's' is the default. The upgrade utility also accepts (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d)ays as the -T interval.
485623 MDA Tables such as monProcessStatement may list processes that are not listed in the sysprocesses table.
485628 select-into a proxy table mapped to a file fails when the proxy table contains a timestamp column.
485654 srvbuild converts self management user password char into singlequotes.
485661 When a query on a base table with partitions is executed, and if some of its partitions are eliminated, the parallelism degree reported in the 'Abstract plan' might be incorrect.
485709 Quorum error 39 is reported while creating a cluster when some elements in the cluster input file are exactly the maximum allowed length. For example, using a cluster name of 30 characters will report the following error: "Quorum library error 39: Value for token 'name' exceeds the maximum length of 30 bytes."
485724 When the user selects multi-nodes in CCW page two, check if all the selected nodes have a common $SYBASE home. If not, popup a error message dialog.
485752 Error 515 is raised when update non-null image/text column with 256 bytes through jConnect

Stream/BLOB interface.

485756 When an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or SELECT statement processes an encrypted column,

the statement may fail with error 15432, 15467 or 15469 if all the following conditions


- The statement is executed in the context of a nested stored procedure.

- The nested procedure exists in a different database from the parent procedure.

- The parent stored procedure has been created by a user with sa_role.

- The parent procedure is invoked by a user who does not have sa_role and is not the dbo of the nested procedure's database.

485801 CIS: ORDER BY doesn't work if a proxy table is involved in the derived table with a SARG IN
485804 When a very large memory is allocated to ASE, it can take a significant to boot whilst the OS allocates the shared memory. To make this phase more visible, messages have been added to the errorlog.
485814 Sybatch(sybinit) fails with a 950 error, because ASE takes too long to recover a database.
485817 Error 249 may be raised in some cases from an attempt to convert a column value using an expression in a predicate when that column may be filtered by other predicates in the query.
485861 The LIKE clause is not passed to the remote server when querying a proxy table when parameters or variables are present in the LIKE clause.
485863 When using a select with an order by clause as the source of values for an insert statement (eg insert table 1 select column2 from table2 order by column1, column2) then the ordering may not happen correct if all the columns in the order by clause arn't also in the select clause.
485871 Refine the 憆ound robin� assignment of temporary databases, to consider whether a temporary database is full before allowing a session to using that database.
485881 ASE 15.0.2 GA hits signal 11 in processing sp_helpdb <userdb>

> kernel Current process (0x180018) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

> kernel Error at address 0x4000000000db6c33 (pg_fill_supergam+0xfb)

485890 A Hang due to physical lock deadlock can happen when one thread is executing select in a loop and the other thread is executing insert-delete(alloc-dealloc) operations.
485903 When sp_password is executed to change a user's login password, ASE may print error messages 950 and 15484 if any individual database is offline. These messages refer to encryption keys and may be seen even if the server has not enabled the ASE_ENCRYPTION license.
485930 For create local index on partitioned table in parallel, if option "set sort_resources" is on, we could encounter sig 11.
485961 sp_help <tablename> fails with message 512, "Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is illegal when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >=, or when the subquery is used as an expression." in the following situation:

1) table <tablename> has an encrypted column c1 with decrypt_default;

2) alter table <tablename> modify c1 ... decrypt_default <default value>;

3) sp_help <tablename>.

486005 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may hang as a result of an undetected deadlock between a process that is doing instance failover recovery and another process that is trying to execute a user query.
486017 Enable ASE Messaging on HP-UX Itanium 64-bit platform.
486034 dbcc checkstorage report 100025 errors on ASE version 125x.
486047 Under rare circumstances dbcc checkstorage can get stuck, with a worker process waiting for a response from the parent and vice versa.
486072 The word "all" is not a valid entry for the login parameter for sp_locklogin. Only NULL or a valid login are acceptable.
486123 In rare circumstances, stack guard gets corrupted when executing at higher nesting levels.
486130 Creation of the quorum device may fail with "Quorum library error 48: Found invalid section 'management' at line %d in cluster input file" if the cluster input file contains whitespace characters following the ']' character for the first section entry. For example, "[cluster] " instead of "[cluster]".
486179 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may hit issue accessing dbtable on remote node while running sp_bindcache operation. Stack traces of spids involved will contain function 'cm_bindremote_cache'.
486193 ASE1502 View not accessible when db on-lined with standby_access.

Reported: Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.2/EBF 14331/P/Linux Intel/Linux 2.4.21-47.ELsmpi686/ase1502/2486/32-bit/FBO/Thu May 24 08:15:50 2007

Reproduced on same platform/ build and Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.2/EBF 14332/P/NT (IX86)/Windows 2000/ase1502/2486/32-bit/OPT/Thu May 24 04:10:36 2007

Not Reproducible on Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5.4/EBF 13387/P/NT (IX86)/OS 4.0/ase1254/2006/32-bit/OPT/Sat May 20 00:54:28 2006

Create a database create a table and a view. Dump database then load and on-line using standby_access. try to access view.. Error:

Msg 225, Level 16, State 1:

Server 'V1502B32', Line 1:

Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during

query optimization.

If database in on-lined normally then no problem accessing the view.

486199 DBISQL tool Feature request: to add "Find/Replace" menu option for "Results" window
486217 In rare cases, during undo pass of instance failover recovery, when recovery thread is pre-fetching a page, it could hit error 891 because the page already exists in a different cache.
486243 In rare circumstances, after setting the database to single user mode, Adaptive Server may hang as a result of an undetected deadlock between a user process doing checkpoint and a system process that is doing checkpoint as well.
486247 Using lct_admin("abort", <spid>, <dbid>) to abort a single spid may print error 7421 that the process is not active even when the process is active in the cluster.
486266 Internal Only: Commit timestamp might go backwards after an instance leaves the cluster.
486271 DBCC LOG when used with print option 4 for system catalogs,

may not be able to decode and print the system catalog rows.

The message "Could not locate SYSCOL array for catalog

<catalog_ID> (<name>) at log version <log_version_ID>" is

printed instead.

486283 sp_help error message in sp_autoformat with encrypted column and decrypt default. When the maximum decrypt_default name length is less than 15, "sp_help table" may fail with Msg 18588.
486371 A query joining an index with a derived table or view which has GROUP BY clause

may return less rows than expected if MERGE JOIN is chosen. It could happen

if one equijoin column is part of the index keys and the same column

has an equisarg (col=<constant>) in the derived table/view definition.

486377 Adaptive Server Shared Disk Cluster may fail over unnecessarily even if config parameter "cluster heartbeat retries" is increased.
486389 To suppress stack trace displayed when we hit "java.lang.OutofMemory" in DBISQL.
486401 The 'set triggers off' command will incorrectly turn off Instead Of Triggers and will cause

a segmentation fault in the function, s_execute().

486405 When a view exists that has an Instead of Trigger, and the table underlying the view is dropped, inserts on that view do not return an error and appear successful.
486426 Abstract plan shows index on APL table is used, but showplan shows table scan
486468 When doing two bcps in parallel from two different nodes, one bcp session's data might be lost.
486566 testmon Monitor Client sample program will not compile in the 15.0 release
486568 Queries and results are shown in top window/ bottom windows configuration. There is no option to display results in a totally separate window.

Customer would like to be able to have an option to be able to atomaticly open a new

window in the session that only has the result set just like SQL Advantage did.

486570 Replication stops at around 9 tables added for replication.
486576 Error 12316 "Attempt to garbage collect a deallocated data page <value> in table '<value>',

database '<value>'. Aborting the transaction." may be reported by the HK GC system task

while trying to garbage collect a page that is in the process of being deallocated.

486578 In ASE 15.X, the "set statistics io" command was not reporting the open count

correctly for scans beneath XCHG operators.

486581 Error 10334 is raised when trying to create a java-based user-defined function while auditing is turned on.
486583 When instances in ASE Cluster Edition are heavily loaded, some operations involvoing inter-node communication may fail with errors or may hang.
486595 A new Database device can be creted using Disk init command.

Adaptive Server accepts, but does not require, the disk init vdevno (virtual disk number) parameter. If you specify a vdevno, you may choose any currently unused identifier from 1 to 2,147,483,647 (virtual device ID 0 is used by the master device).

In sp_sysmon, Result space is given three characters width only.

When the given value for vdevno > 999, value is exceeding three character width hence causing the error.

486603 "Lookup Table Name" function of DBISQL cannot show the table column of other DB.
486604 During redo pass of instance failover recovery, when recovery thread tries to acquire logical lock while redoing DEALLOC or DEALLOCM type log records, it could fail which will result in error 3484.
486610 In rare cases, in SDC server, dump tran could hit 4218 error during dmp_send_runlist, because the first log page number used by dump tran is not correct.
486634 Internal Only: In a cluster system with more than two instances, under rare circumstances, activities involving data or log space usage could hang as a result of an error in cluster threshold manager.
486677 The message "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module 'stio_writehistogram' together with a stacktrace that includes 'st_writestatistics' and 'sysstatistics_write' may be reported in the errorlog when an UPDATE STATISTICS command is run on a multi-attribute column group with sampling enabled.
486679 In parallel queries, the ExchangeEmit op's row count is always reported as 0 when plancost is enabled.
486686 Query against MDA tables hits Error 325 when optgoal is allrows_dss.
486693 Support has been added to the builtin, showplan_in_xml, to print information about runtime

partition elimination. When runtime partition elimination will be attempted, the

showplan_in_xml output will contain:


and when runtime partition elimination will not be attempted, the showplan_in_axml output

will contain:


486703 When parallelism is turned on, some queries, especially those with an orderby clause, may hang waiting for read operations on pipes.
486762 Audit Restart sends "Server boot" audit record event 50. An Audit Restart should have a separate event.
486766 A join query with a plan using the Dynamic Index strategy may sometimes fail with error

"Msg 1504 Internal Sort Error. Empty Index Page found.". This may happen if the optimizer

decides to use the Dynamic Index as an inner table in the join and the parallel sort

is applied to the Dynamic Index worktable.

486772 Syconfig fails to create ASE 16K on 12.5.4 Win2000 if you increase the master dev size and db size.
486773 Feature request to have SHOWPLAN output explicitly indicate presence of Cartesian joins.
486787 The customer requests that CR 465382 have an opposite effect for messages 15082 and 15084. Instead of suppressing these warning messages, remove the errors all together, and use a traceflag to enable the messages.
486866 Dumping and loading d/b with an user proc created originally in a client session under an additional tempdb, which had since been dropped, then, running the user proc referencing a derived table would result in Msg 209 State 3 'Ambiguous column name...'
486879 Support redundant cluster interconnects. Add MDA table monCIPCLinks to monitor link state
486884 A 216 error "Attempt to automatically drop temporary table failed." may be reported

in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules "dropo"

and "drop_with_retry" following error 3702 "Cannot drop the table '<n>' because

it is currently in use." when a session tries to drop a temporary table while

the system task HK CHORES is flushing statistics for the given table in systabstats.

486888 The Monitor Server can be slow in detecting ASE has shut down. This can lead to problems on restart.
486901 Very rarely, for a cluster that has more than one instance, if "sp_who" is issued when a task on current instance is blocked by some task on one of the other instances, and the blocking instance has failed somehow during the process of "sp_who", the "sp_who" might hang.
486917 Error 325 (no plan found) might be raised for EXISTS subquery which

also contains another correlated subquery.

486918 In an HA environment during failover, if a connected client is using encrypted passwords,

the diagserver will shutdown due to an error condition during decryption which will cause

an assertion to fire due to an invalid length.

486959 System Administration Guide says inaccurate description about locking by dbcc checkdb command.

dbcc checkdb command should lock one table at a time and release the lock after it finishes checking that table.

486993 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'ResRelOp' may be reported in the error log in some rare circumstances.
486994 INSERT-SELECT statements involving outer joins on proxy columns may return wrong results.
486996 The 3474 error ""During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #=0, object id = <object id>, page timestamp=<timestamp>. Log old timestamp=<timestamp>. Log record marker = <page number, row number>." may be reported for a page when it was previously allocated in case of large scale allocation but was not used.
487045 The row number in a row could be incorrect after a deferred update.
487071 ASE is unable to allocate a network i/o buffer after a large number of cancelled migration requests.
487153 If sp_procxmode is run in chained mode outside a transaction it will leave a transaction opened when it completes.
487161 A SQL statement that contains a subquery, which in turn contains a DISTINCT aggregate such

as SELECT ... (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT col) FROM tab)... can lead to a segmentation fault in

the function a_remapqblockvar.

487170 The datachange counters for a NC global index on a partitioned table should be reset with update statistics.
487186 In rare circumstances when large IO's are used to access the table immediately after heavy BCP activities on Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0.1 Cluster Edition, threads accessing the table can hang in lock acquisition.
487192 In rare circumstances, a performance problem for some queries may be caused

under the default as allrows_mix plan.

487193 The online database operation does not activate the database on other nodes of the cluster.

As a result future cache bind operations, requiring single user mode operation, may see 924 errors

on other nodes.

487205 For APL index operation in SDC, we no longer use blocking logical lock. After "deadlock retry" number exceeds, the query could fail and rollback. Both msg 2632 and 1205 will be issued.
487236 If a join query with a derived table including UNION ALL has an ORDER BY clause that includes

a column not in the SELECT list, infected with 11 may occur in OptGlobal::GblSetInterestingTcIds().

487261 dbcc index_check command may return error 693 while perfroming the command. This error is because of existence of index pages in a different cache than it is bound to.
487262 In a shared disk cluster, a 2546 error, "Table Corrupt: Extent id <pageno1>

on allocation <pageno2> has objid <objid>, indid <indid>, and used bit on,

but reference bit off", may be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC if a sort was

active on an instance just prior to the node being shut down abnormally.

487271 Feature Request for sp_dbcc_help_fault give other alternatives

for 100011 errors than just Dropping/recreating the table/index or loading

from clean backups. There are other alternative fixes for text pointer error

100011, such as running dbcc textalloc, sp_rebuild_text, or dbcc rebuild_text.

487282 Loading data, using bcp, in parallel from 2 nodes might cause 4846 error on one node.
487283 A 10364 error, "Permission denied. You must either be the database/object owner or possess any

of the following roles in order to perform this operation: 'sa_role,

oper_role'" may be reported when a database owner who does not have sa_role executes load with listonly or headeronly command.

487291 While cursor scan with isolation level 3 on datapage table is open and fetching row at Instance 1. Attempt to insert row in middle of scan range on Instance 2 does not block.
487293 The message "current process ... infected with 11" may be reported in module 'dn_add_rdfl_runlist'

during the execution of a DUMP DATABASE command or the DUMP command may hang, when non-logged

operation, like reorg rebuild, is heavily executed on the remote node during the DUMP command.

The modules 'dn_rdfl_add' and 'dn_rdfl_handler' would also be reported in the stack trace in the

error log.

487305 Previously ASE Plug-in could not be registered with Sybase Central 4.3 on Windows Vista. This has been fixed.
487317 Under some circumstance for a cluster that has more than one instance, when a cursor is created and fetched for updating data on one of the instances, if another cursor is created and fetched afterwards for selecting the same data on one of the other instances, the cursor fetch for selecting data might hang.
487333 Clients routed to logical clusters using the "round-robin" login distribution mode may be unable to connect if only a single instance is running.
487347 System procedure sp_bindcache erroneously allows for Data Only Locked Tables

binding to a named cache of an index whose index id value is zero,

resulting in overwriting the table's binding if any.

487359 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may hang when changing mode of a system stored procedure which doesn't exist in the current database.
487376 Error 632 is raised when Kerberos logins request message confidentiality with network packet size greater than or equal to 16K.
487407 The error 924, "Database 'dbname' is already open and can only have one user at a time.dn_spawn_rdfl_handler(): failed to activate dump flush list event handler!,

will be raised when trying to dump a database that is in single user mode.

487416 An empty transaction that is rolled back incorrectly results in log records being logged.
487420 On the Solaris platform, sp_cluster logical may erroneously encounter errors 16434 or 16436.
487424 when there is a join predicate between mismatched datatype with no retrograde cast provided for, then

wrong results and/or assertion failure may happen

487431 SYSAM: pick up hostid from other hwaddr besides eth0
487433 In rare circumstances for clusters with three or more instances, it may be possible for multiple

administrative tools to concurrently reconfigure the cluster, overwritting each others changes.

487440 ASE on linux may hit a SIG11 during startup if the 'number of engines at startup' is configured more than the 'max online engines'.
487450 This change will affect the row estimate of operators that perform distinct (duplicate removal) operation.
487452 sp_helpdevice runs slow after changing sortorder using sqlloc.
487472 sp_helptext fails in displaying procedures with group number greater than 32767. The fix here

restricts the upperlimit of procedure group number to 32767 ( the max value of 'smallint')

487481 After an operation like an unbind followed by a bindcache, or a drop of an object, buffers are left

around in the old cache. subsequent requests for physical locks from another cache raise an 891

error if the buffer in the old cache is found to be dirty.

487513 A timeslice error "timeslice -501, current process infected" may be

reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes

the modules "dmap_merge_diskmaps" and "db__sysaltusages_map", when the

DBCC CHECKSTORAGE command is run on an archive database.

487530 Under some circumstances, failover recovery may run into a deadlock situation if it involves the undo of a nested top action.
487534 A query with subquery sometimes could return wrong results for parallel execution.
487559 A new configuration parameter 'ltl batch size' has been added to Replication Agent. This parameter determines the number of bytes that Replication Agent can send to Replication Server before the EOM (End Of Message) status is required. Its default and minimum value are 16384.
487572 HA aware clients do not receive updated failover addresses due to cluster or workload manager reconfiguration.
487592 sp_default_charset returns 3 rows instead of one in some cases.
487651 A segmentation violation followed by stack trace that contains the module

cfg_syscacheinfo will be raised when executing the stored procedure sp_configure

if at boot time one of the options is not present in sysconfigures causing

error 5864, 'Invalid option encountered '.

487682 Feature request for combined insert/update merge command that would, in one pass, insert records that didn't match an existing primary key and update rows that did match the primary key.
487716 If max instances is greater than the highest defined instance, error messages should not be printed in the error log during boot.
487722 sp_help reports Error 247 arithmetic overflow for big tables.
487730 Under allrows_dss optgoal (where advanced_aggregation is on), aggregate query

might hit div-by-zero execution error or return wrong result when

there is an equijoin under the aggregate and the join column has an

equality sarg on it (such as t1.c1=t2.c2 and t2.c2=5).

487744 Error 414 with a message "The current query would generate a key size of nnn for a work table. This

exceeds the maximum allowable limit of xxx." may appear if the query has 6 or more joining tables and GROUP BY clause.

487800 Incorrect variable values could be used on full pass-through proxy table queries to direct connect gateways.
487839 If a view definition contains at least one OR predicate and a query is executed that

references a column of that view in a predicate in a CASE or NULLIF expression and that

same view-column is referenced in at least one additional predicate, a segmentation fault

can occur during excution in the function, CgEvals::copyEvalsToVirCol.

487843 Objects created by user with sa_role carries the user's login name in sysobjects.loginame.

This will cause the login name to remain in sysobjects even after the login is dropped.

487846 Frequent redefinition of the view may result in its tree size growth in sysprocedures.
487859 In some cases, a query that contains nested CASE or NULLIF expressions in a join predicate,

such as:

WHERE nullif(nullif(4, case d2.d2a when 4 then d2.d2a else 4 end), v1a.v1b) = v1a.v1a

and also has the column being joined to (v1a.v1a in this example) under at least one

additional OR predicate, a segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) can occur during execution within

the function, LeRun().

487860 Due to a high default value (2000) for the configuration parameter 'runnable process search count', Adaptive Server Enterprise with light load,

may consume more system time on machines with limited resources and running alongside other processes besides the server.

487883 Under rare cicrcumstances, fail node recovery may raise a 3324 error reading

"Internal error occurred while attempting to perform post-commit cleanup".

487937 During unpartition operation, a row in sysstatistics with inaccurate data is being left behind.
487963 doc bug: without unit specifier -2k pages, not MB for disk init size
487966 ASE 15.0.2 GA, ESD#1, ESD#2 on Linux Redhat 5 cannot online any additional engine apart from Engine 0. Errorlog shows these kernel messages > engine 1, os pid nnnn exited; Process nnnn exited with status 1; Task with kpid 0 running on failed engine; online failed. Server startup console shows these additionally > os_attach_region: shmat(xxxxxx): Invalid argument; kbattach: couldn't attach to Kernel region; kestartup: couldn't attach to shared memory.
487967 sp_droplogin is not cleaning the tempdb bindings associated with the login.
487979 The message "Invalid column length: xx. Value must be between 0 and xx for 'all-pages' row with

minimum row length of xxx." together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'collocate',

'makeindrow' and 'sobld_presortindbuild' may be reported in the error log during CREATE CLUSTERED

INDEX WITH SORTED_DATA on an APL table in a database that has been loaded from a dump of a platform

with different byte order.

487993 Fixed "symbol lookup error for", which is caused by upgrading from 1.5 to 1.6.
488059 A query like below may get error 102 (Incorrect syntax near 'BETWEEN@@@V0_VCHAR1'.) if statement cache and

literal auto parameterization are enabled.

Example: SELECT b2 FROM t1 WHERE a1 BETWEEN'xxxx' AND 'xxxx'

There is no blank between a SQL keyword and a literal value surrounded by single/double quote marks.

488062 sp_helptext shows irrelevant output for the showsql options 'ddlgen' and 'context' in case of

partition condition objects and also gives repeated linenumbers in partition condition.

488066 'Invalid column length' error, 8402 error or other similar error is returned, or the message

"current process ... infected with 11" may be reported in module 'lddb__unscr_log'

when database is loaded from 11.9.3 version of ASE across platform where the byte order

(endian type) is different.

488085 Feature request for multiple XML / XSD files to be reversed engineered
488131 Feature request : Change sp_getmessage to no longer exclude messages < 17000
488132 When an UPDATE query updates a text, image or unitext column by selecting new values for

the column from another table and the first new value is a NULL, a segmentation fault can

occur. The resulting stack trace will contain the function, inserttext.

If the query is executed by the diagserver, an assertion will preceed the segmentation fault: Assertion ((s_sdes->sdesp)) failed in file /remote/heartland_nbld2/ase1502/sunsparc32/porttree/svr/sql/generic/source/manager/text.c line 2268

488193 If the index is suspect(because created with different sort order, or due to any other reason.), update index statistical information would get stack trace. fix is simple, skip this index if we found the index is suspect.
488217 Under rare circumstances, for a query involving the >= or < predicate on a large table, if the search argument constant value falls exactly on the boundary of a histogram range cell and if this is the last cell of the histogram, then a histogam processing adjustment that converts the predicate to > or <=, might result in an underestimated selectivity for the predicate.
488238 Under certain circumstances an update statement on a large table with a non-clustered index can update the wrong number of rows, when the rows to be updated are restricted with an 慽n� or 憃r� clause and the non-clustered index is used to access the data.
488239 A SELECT-INTO query that contains a UNION or UNION ALL operation and also contains an identity function can give inconsistent and unexpected results because of ambiguity in the

handling of the identity column on each side of the UNION. These kinds of queries are no

longer allowed in ASE. A new error message, 16306, will be raised when such a query is

parsed. An example of such a query is:

1> select a=id*10000, n=identity(2) into #t from sysobjects where id < 6

2> union all

3> select 999, 999

Msg 16306, Level 15, State 1:

Line 2:

You cannot use an identity function in a SELECT INTO statement with the UNION operation.

488266 Sybmon commands to print a structure in memory and dbcc bytes command to print a structure in memory may not find the printing function associated with the structure.

The list of the commands associated with the structures is:






















488298 An 'ALTER TABLE <tabname> PARTITION' command that creates a large number of partitions (the exact number of partition is platform dependent, but in the repro for this CR, 300

partitions were created on Solaris64) can cause a stack overflow error.

488310 Undetected physical lock deadlock during an APL index scan.
488314 We see ocm locks both with indid=0 and indid=1. One set of the locks carry

stale information and might result in propagating wrong values like ptnroot, ptnrow etc.

488339 For query with varchar/varbinary column and there are a lot of histogram

steps on the column, the compilation could hit the

Assertion ((*ppFreeBase >= *ppBoundary + ElementSize) || (*ppFreeBase +

*pFreeSize <= *ppBoundary)) failure under diagserver. Under

non-diagserver, it might lead to memory corruption and signal 11

stacktrace in the optimizer statistics handling code area.

488343 monSysLoad enhancements: provided Sample and Peak values, decomposed cpu busy, disk i/os and network i/os. Add @@user_busy, @@system_busy T-SQL global variables.
488372 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may give a time slice error with a stack trace which contains the function 'cm__check_page_range' or 'cm_choose_buffer_pool'.
488399 It is not possible for a new node to join the cluster whilst the primary interconnect network is down.
488413 Wrong result could happen for query referencing a DISTINCT view and the DISTINCT is on

column(s) with unique index (in other words, the usage of DISTINCT

in the view is redundant).

488432 "select into" or "" on a timestamp column may appear to update the source table with the new value from the destination table.
488436 Backup server may display configured shared memory per stripe value incorrectly. The message with wrong value will be as follows (in this example, 0 indicates wrong value. It could be other value):

"Backup Server: Configuring the shared memory per stripe to 0 bytes."

488469 Added new columns to MDA tables monOpenObjectActivity and monOpenPartitionActivity to track per oject statistics.
488479 In rare circumstances, the message, "Stack guardword corrupted", might be printed in the errorlog when executing at higher nesting levels.
488553 With server wide traceflag 217 enabled or 'set fipsflagger on', if a alias of column is used in the query, it could display the Non-ANSI warning message which is not non-ANSI.
488567 If a query has an outer join and the inner table has a COUNT aggregate as one of the projected columns then we might get error 530 "Attempt to insert NULL value into column 0 in work table (table id -1); column does not allow NULLS. UPDATE fails."
488581 With a query having predicate like (COND1) OR (COND1 AND COND2) where COND2 contains a subquery then a stacktrace may be hit along with a server crash. The stacktrace contains the function name '_IcsAccumulatePeId' in it.
488583 Improvements to correlated subquery costing to report more accurate estimates of

PIO/LIO for multiple executions of a subquery, (via set statistcs plancost diagnostics).

Previously, only one execution of a subquery was costed, and the total cost was

multiplied by the number of times a subquery was expected to be executed. The

new approach is to initially cost 100 executions of a correlated subquery, and

subsequent cost the subquery plan, at the attachment point, with the correct

number of executions, which will not change the subquery plan, but will affect

the cost reported, including taking advantage of any buffer manager optimization

that can be gleamed by multiple executions of a subquery. Also, the reformat

strategy will be chosen in cases similar to 12.5, which assumes 100 executions

of a subquery in order to decide whether reformatting is appropriate.

488585 15.0.2 ESD#2 syconfig.exe and sybatch.exe crash during startup.
488602 Enable memusage and enhance who command in sybmon
488615 15.0.2 ASE Plug-in for Sybase Central allows deleting a column even if the table's database has option 'select into' set as false. (In such case, ASE Plug-in temporarily turns on the option in order to delete the column.)
488656 "sa" user name and authentication mechansim are missing in audit record.

A user who is authenticated with LDAP server will get "username/NONE" in audit record instead of "username/LDAP" for LDAP state change auditing event.

488662 In cases where the server is starved for tempdb pages, a SEGV

may be generated in LeStoreOp::_LeOpClose(). This will only

occur if the session is recovering from an 1105 error while

trying to initially create the work table. Note, that this session

typically will not be holding very much tempdb space. Analysis

should still be done to determine why there is no tempdb space


488684 Manual group failover requires all instances to be offline before failover occurs.
488695 When running simultaneous DDL/DML operations on multiple instances, ASE Cluster Edition servers may hang.
488732 Permissions for sp_recompile should be "Only the Database Owner or a System Administrator can use the setuser command to assume another database user抯 identity to recompile objects owned by other users. All users can execute sp_recompile to recompile their own objects."
488762 Wrong results could be returned under some circumstances when

executing a query using "advanced_aggregation" and having

equality or non-equalitiy WHERE clauses involving columns

which store NULL values.

488778 Previously the Discovery Settings button on Create Cluster Wizard would bring up the General page of the settings dialog. Now it brings up Server Discovery page.
488839 1502 ESD #1 and 1502 ESD #2 versions of Adaptive Server fail to run site handler RPCs on servers of category direct_connect.
488854 Upon failure of coordinator instance, an internal attempt to start the job scheduler

on the new coordinator instance encounters a stack trace.

488865 Deferred Compilation should work with batch SQL.
488881 Error 279 is not raised when UNITEXT is used in expression subqueries.
488886 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may hang as a result of an undetected deadlock between a

process that is doing a DUMP DATABASE and a recovery process that is doing node failover recovery.

488892 RPC requests may fail on concurrent login sessions after the login password is changed using sp_password.
488936 syconfig.exe/sybatch.exe failed to copy server entry from interfaces file in server upgrade.
488960 The message "process infected with signal 11" may be reported in the error log

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pgd_findusedextents'

and 'd_usedextents' when DBCC USEDEXTENTS command has been previously run

against an archive database.

488962 Syntax error is reported while binding a remote instance local tempdb to default data cache.
488963 Error 19776 is raised while binding local system tempdb to default data cache. It should be printed as a informational message and not user error.
489040 Request to change a japanese message of Msg ID #17714 in server.loc.
489087 Imported data from remote server supports non-indexed column statistics.
489088 Imported data from remote server supports non-indexed column statistics.
489101 Feature request for a stored procedure to display objects associated with a remote server.
489102 When sp_changedbowner is invoked in a local system temporary databases, msg 17361:

"Can't change the owner of the master, model, tempdb or sybsystemprocs database."

is printed which doesn't include local system temporary databases.

489137 In rare situations a client connection may hang after migration. In this case the client will be waiting for results from ASE, but ASE will be expecting a query from the client and sp_who will show that ASE is awaiting command.
489145 Possible stack trace in CgpGenerate(), when a query has an outer join between a derived table and a regular table.
489150 Instances added or removed via sybcluster are synchronized with the sp_cluster stored procedure.
489186 In rare circumstances, a 692 error is reported for syslogs when a database is loaded using a database dump that was taken on a platform where the byte order(endian type) is different.
489194 The built-in asehostname() can be executed by anyone when only users with SA role should be able to.
489213 In rare circumstances, task executing "create index" may deadlock on

system tables, with other tasks executing DDLs and utility command on the same database.

489227 Please include the text pointer value and column name in error messages from DBCC TEXTALLOC to allow location of the offending row.
489247 For large join (>= 7 joining tables) with nested subquery, occasionally

stacktrace with sig11 (in CgpPop::cgpInit()) could happen.

489251 An UPDATE query that changes a LOB (TEXT, IMAGE or UNITEXT) column of the target table and

gets the new values of the LOB column from a UNION ALL query (either a derived table or a

union all view) that has a literal LOB on one side of the UNION ALL and a LOB column on

the other side of the UNION ALL can change the target LOB column to garbage values instead

of null when the source LOB column is NULL.

489252 alter table against a proxy table is not checking for errors from the remote server
489253 Console logging will be disabled if setting console to nonblocking fails. This is available when commandline traceflag 4084 is set.
489273 Job Scheduler stored procedure sjob_control enable / disable fails on cursor execution.
489274 Error message 5824 is seen when change the charset/sort order to cp437 in SDC.
489340 An insert of the results of an aggregate function (min, max, etc.) on a

timestamp column into a binary null column gets the current timestamp

value rather than the appropriate value from the source table.

489341 DBCC checkalloc/tablealloc may report 12909, 7949, 7940, 2540 or 2546 errors

after node failover recovery has been performed while a 'REORG REBUILD'

command for an index was active on the failing node.

489342 In Warm Standby configurations where DDL is replicated, Replication Server fails to apply a DDL command due to a login failure when an external authentication mechanism is used to connect to ASE.
489369 Signal 11 in com__exctnume_copy when "select into" an identity column and there are no rows in the source table.
489374 In rare circumstances, cache delete operation may fail with messages in errorlog

instead of raising error.

489402 Job Scheduler stored procedure, sp_sjobcontrol, may fail with invalid cursor name
489408 A deadlock occurred when a task sleeps, while trying to remove an old

buffer from the cache, on the pending validation status. The task itself

might be holding a latch on allocation page while going to sleep and that

can potentially cause an undetected deadlock.

489410 In the ASE 12.5.1 'Performance and Tuning: Monitoring and Analyzing' Manual, Chapter 3, corrections are needed for the update statistics syntax on pages 49 and 51.
489464 In Cluster Edition of Adaptive Server, when an instance can not be booted, there is no supported way to drop its local user temporary databases from other active instances.
489500 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may hang while running sp_bindcache operation. Stack traces of

spids involved in hang will contain function 'cm_bindremote_cache'.

489515 On shared disk cluster, a select from a view with encrypted columns can be displayed

as VARBINARY type instead of correct column type after BCP OUT with -C option is executed.

489533 A monitoring and diagnostic table to provide a statistical breakup of inter-node messaging in

Shared Disk Clusters.

489536 'set forced plan on' for query with outer join returns unwanted warning messages to the client
489578 In rare circumstances during an instance failure, clients connected to the failed instance may be

routed to the wrong logical cluster upon failover.

489764 In rare circumstances the message "current process infected with 11"

may be reported in the error log while doing a checkpoint.

489846 Outer join queries that incorporate a merge-join strategy may not

return null-supplied rows. This will only occur if the merge-join

outer-join op's inner stream returns no rows.

489962 Database recovery during failure handling may be slow on heavily loaded systems.
489990 In rare circumstances, the first access of a database in an instance, in a multi-instance cluster, could lead to corruption of the database log.
489999 Enhanced feature implementation for READTEXT/WRITETEXT on proxy objects.

Local file contents can be transferred into remote file/directory/table and vice versa.

490002 An enhanced feature is implemented when a query READTEXT/WRITETEXT is executed which includes a TO/FROM 'filename'.
490046 When Rep Agent hits error 9266 ("Error in passthru packet:..."), it may fail to print part of the message. When this occurrs, a wrong dbid is reported as well as the message "Invalid pointer param number 3, pointer value 0x...".
490079 Feature request to have sp_tempdb raise errors "Database does not exist" or "Database is not a tempdb" when passed a database name that does not exist or isn't a tempdb.
490098 Some parallel queries may require RunTime Adjustment (RTA)

recompilation. This can occur if there are not enough

worker threads initially available and the plan

cannot be runtime adjusted. Some plans simply cannot

be adjusted to use fewer threads and in other cases

there may still not be enough threads available to perform

RTA. In these cases, the query must go through RTA

recompilation (serialization). This will generate a SEGV

when the initial parallel plan is released if the user

has enabled query metrics, statistics io, or statistics plancost.

490100 Stacktrace may occur when accessing proxy tables mapped with uppercase remote server names in

noaccents sortorder servers.

490132 Node failover recovery may mistaken reset the uncommitted status of an index row. This may result in the index becoming inconsistent.
490167 When "exec_procedure" auditing option is enabled, auditing record from procedure sp_extrapwdchecks will display sensitive password information in plaintext.
490206 Need help determining why ASE is raising error 3702
490214 After a 12.5.x to 15.0.2ESD#2 migration, performance regressions could be

produced by doing a full scan instead of a direct access of the grouping

worktable produced by vector aggregation in a non-correlated nested


490216 When the cluster undergoes failover, the checkpoint request may get aborted with 3514 error
490228 Feature request for a stored procedure that provides information about created workspaces in dbccdb.
490239 literal parameterization results in literals being replaced by parameters

since the statement will be placed into the statement cache, with a

stored procedure wrapper. The parameter is defined as the max length

for a datatype e.g. for an integer it would be 4. However for columns

with smaller lengths than the max length for a datatypes (e.g. tinyint)

there will be a mismatch on the search argument for an index lookup

which could result in suboptimial plans for the greedy algorithm.

The change will allow the search argument for an index to be considered.

It may affect queries with greater than 6 tables in the query, in

which indices have columns whose length is less than the max length

of the datatype. If timeout occurs in the optimizer, then a suboptimial

plan may occur.

490260 Large join query may take a long time to compile under parallel mode. Also

search engine timeout may not happen even when the procedure cache consumption

by the search engine has reached the timeout limit.

490318 RepAgent can be configured to use a send buffer size of 32k and 64k bytes.
490335 Error 4057 is returned when end users of encrypted data with decrypt permission are not users of the key database.
490382 When a join query joins a varchar/varbinary column which is wider than 255, with another

varchar/varbinary column which is less than 255, the query may hang.

490390 The message "Current process (0x4d004d) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) "in the module

'login__ldapauth' may be reported in the error log if an engine is onlined after offlining it. No user

connections will be accepted on this newly onlined engine when LDAP authentication is enabled.

490430 Deferred compilation of the query using a table created in the same procedure may sometimes

result in unnecessary renormalization of the stored procedure.

Similary if the procedure is executed by different users the object name resolution may not be done

correctly raising permission errors or breaking procedure execution with 'too many recompilations'

warning message.

490433 The Create Cluster command in Sybcluster or Sybase Central will fail with the message 'Exception invoking method createCluster' if the cluster name contains less than three characters.
490495 When the execution of sp_bindcache fails with error 861 because an open

cursor on the target table exists, subsequent sp_bindcache or utility

execution will fail since Adaptive Server will complain that there is a

level0 scan query active on the target table. Alternatively, a level0

scan query will fail since Adaptive Server will complain that there

is a utility execution active on the target table.

490502 The left outerjoin hash operator may not return null-supplied

rows if the inner stream is empty and returns LRET_ENDOFSCAN

when opened. Note that the rows will be returned if the inner

stream returns LRET_SUCCESS on open and LRET_ENDOFSCAN on the

first next call. The later scenario is more prevalent.

490540 In rare circumstances, an undetected deadlock may occur when DBCC CHECKSTORAGE is executed

concurrently with a badly partitioned application that is being run on more than one instance.

The stack trace of the DBCC thread will show the routines pchk_oam_work() and getpage_remote().

490570 Under certain circumstances triggers which assign variables using select which are fired as a result of dynamic SQL statements called from embedded C programs may raise error 7354 depending on the contents of the trigger.
490588 For DELETE and UPDATE queries that include a self-join of the target table, but will only

qualify a single row, ASE was incorrectly choosing to update the row in deferred mode

instead of in direct mode. Direct mode results in improved performance.

490592 The query "select * from monWaitEventInfo" does not show the running process row except WaitEventID = 0 condition.
490622 ASE Cluster Edition server instance may exit with signal-11 error under high loads and rare scenarios when accessing same database objects from multiple instances.
490689 system_view is always set to 'instance' after executing stored procedure sp_poolconfig.

For internal use only: Included consistency checks for cache configuration operations.

Cache configuration will fail if consistency checks fail.

490690 sp_cacheconfig fails with out any error message. No messages are found in errorlog.
490767 Previously DBISQL failed to edit datetime field. This has been fixed in DBISQL 9.0.2 Build 3620.
490808 PowerTransfer does not support the Sybase traditional "-I" parameter to specify an alternate location for the interfaces file.
490822 On heavily loaded systems an inappropriate cluster view failure may occur due to dropped or out of order membership messages.
490850 A 100002 error, 'upspawn: no more process slots available' may be reported error log when Adaptive Server runs out of user connections.
490860 In rare circumstances for clusters with two or more instances, Adaptive Server may raise

error 821 while executing database binding using sp_bindcache.

490866 Increased the maximum limit for 'global cache partition number' configuration parameter to 128.
490873 The message "current process infected with signal 10 (SIGBUS)" in the module 'vbit_set'

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'rec_analyze_log' and

'rec_onlinetime' may be reported in the error log during ONLINE DATABASE on the HPUX 64 bits


490902 The message returned from "sp_cluster profile, set" displays the values and settings of a profile which have been set.
490927 CIS relocated join fails when joining a proxy table with a temporary table.
490947 Wrong join order on proxy tables with very small local tables.
490949 Error message 207, "Invalid column name 'spareN'." is reported when running UPDATE STATISTICS on proxy tables mapped to ASE 15.0 servers.
490950 When statement cache is on, if a query that uses local variable is run under 'set noexec on',

optimizer might choose a sub-optimal plan.

490964 sp_estspace reports wrong results for DOL tables with max_rows_per_page option. This option is ignored while creating the DOL tables and is not reflected in sp_estspace.
490966 Login attempts may fail with a message "ks_falloc: Cannot allocate using ubfalloc(rnetmempool, nnn)." if clients use large network packet size under

heavy load environment.

490968 (Internal Only) In SMP version of Adaptive Server, each client, that does not have any temporary datbase bindings, causes error 10503 to be logged in error log when it connects to the server.

The reason it is marked as 'internal only' is because this problem is seen in SMP version that is built off asecluster3 branch and that product is never released to the market (at least so far).

490975 In rare circumstances the message "current process infected with sig 11" may be reported in the error log while shutting down the server.Stack trace reported will contain the string


490999 Feature request for automatic execution of stored procedures at start up (recovery triggers)
491030 Raise error 19874 if user does not pass the instance name for instance-specific-only

configuration parameters.

491032 round() function may give incorrect results when 'enable literal autoparam' is turned on.
491056 This is discovered through internal testing and no customer reported it so far.

For now, we disallow 'set ciphertext on/off' command within an instead-of trigger.

If the ciphertext setting when an instead-of trigger is executed is different from

the time when it is compiled, the instead-of trigger will be recompiled.

491060 Request to enhance documentation on sysservers system table to include new srvstatus2 column values. Currently only bit 0x01 is in use, indicating that the remote server is configured to handle fully qualified table name references to any other server.
491075 The error 605 followed by a stack trace including the modules pchk_oam_check() and pg_latchoam() could happen if DBCC CHECSTORAGE is executed concurrently with DDL on a multinode server in a badly partition application.
491079 Enhancement to showplan output to print statement cache ssql_id with the plan. Example:


The type of query is EXECUTE.

Executing a newly cached statement (ssql_id=12345678912345678)


The type of query is EXECUTE.

Executing a previously cached statement (ssql_id=12345678912345678)

491081 DBCC ORPHANTABLES may not be able to drop temporary tables orphaned by a problem in distinct

sessions; and in such situations, ORPHANTABLES will leave the temp tables orphaned without

reporting that there was a problem dropping them.

491082 Under rare circumstances index statistics may fail to import during create proxy_table commands.
491127 Sybmigrate may fail against 15.0.2 or higher when translating sysservers due to added column srvstatus2.
491163 Outer join queries that incorporate a merge-join/hashjoin strategy may not

return null-supplied rows.

491173 sp_configure 'global cache partition number' doesn't calculate memory usage correctly which can lead to the option being changed when there is not enough memory available for the ASE to boot with that configuration.
491219 SET string_rtruncation ON raises a 9502 error when truncating a single literal value, but not a concatenated value of equal length, or the result of a convert(), etc.
491220 Providing bigints as a parameter to a print statement on linux may give a wrong result
491232 When we create a database with log on option, and then if we

alter database to same log device (using override option) more

than once, the extended device fragments (except the first

extended fragment) are marked as "data and log".

491253 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may hang while running sp_bindcache operation. Stack traces of

spids involved in hang will contain function 'cm_bindremote_cache'.

491256 In rare circumstances, a process might hang soon after an index page is split in an all-pages locked table.
491277 The message "Current process infected with 11" together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'mda__check_waiting_procs' and 'mda_populate_monState' may be reported in the error log when a SELECT query is executed against the monState MDA table.
491278 The "--diag=locks" command to qrmutil displays no output
491286 When Traceflag 16402 is enabled and a cluster action is performed, an error will shutdown the servers.
491327 On Solaris platform, ASE Cluster Edition server instance may crash with Sig-Bus (Signal 10) error when printing some diagnostic information.
491353 A 4801 error will be reported when an Open Client program calls bcp_init() with a name of

the form "tempdb..#<temporary_table_name>".

491363 Error messages related with internal failure during the calculation of GAM related information in DBTABLE are not properly raised.
491401 Request to include fix for LDAP CR 415917 in 12.5.4 code.
491411 Monserver reports event lost when using Reentrant OCS lib
491427 When statement cache is on, and a cached query is run twice with invalid

parameter/datatype, 706 error might be raised.

491440 Shutting down cluster with nowait when cluster failover is under way may cause random stack trace.
491453 Update Sybase Central 4.3 to Build 2468 to better support Windows Vista. Interactive SQL is updated to Build 3620.
491473 A deadlock may happen when running DBCC CHECKSTORAGE concurrently with DDL statements.
491499 No usage for "sp_cluster logical, 'set', <lcname>, login_distribution" listed in "sp_cluster logical, help".
491515 Feature request for greater protection against accidental deletion of sysloginroles table and/or an easier method of recovery from such an error.
491521 Feature request to have traceflag 3662 also dump sql to the errorlog when a resource governor limit is reached and the action type is "warning"; it currently only does so for the more severe actions.
491593 When like clause contains expressions such as 'a12' + '%', the query may run slower

where a table scan is choosen instead of index scan.

491600 Foreign key constraint is not checked when isolation level set to 1.
491604 A deadlock can be found when running DBCC CHECKSTORAGE concurrently with DDL statements.
491656 Linux I/O fencing occasionally fails with interrupted system calls.
491683 When an instance is joining the cluster, concurrent execution of databae DDL commands such as ALTER DATABASE from another instance may encounter 8204 error.
491694 Monitor Server cannot be started using the generated startup script. Script returns requested server name not found error.
491695 Feature Request to implement to run sqlupgrade with ASE in single user mode.
491697 New values may be calculated for materialized computed columns when the migration utility is used to migrate tables to a new server.
491727 In rare circumstances, after HA-failover, a message "infected with signal 11" in module 'astc__h_ase_sendrpc' may be reported in the ASE errorlog, along with a stacktrace.
491806 An undetected deadlock may happen when an INSERT-SELECT (or

SELECT-INTO) statement is executed in parallel, LOB datatype

(text, binary, unitext) is involved and other session is

concurrently updating the source table.

491878 Under rare circumstances, ASE may report 605 errors related to the Sysgams

system table. This may happen after the "LOAD DATABASE" command has been

executed for a database being greater than 63Gb.

491882 Historical Server doesn't respond anymore after hs_create_recording_session is issued.
491911 A shared intent lock on Syscolumns may not be released by Adaptive Server

when a session that was running an ALTER TABLE command to partition a table

has been chosen as a deadlock victim due to concurrent activity on system

catalogs caused by other DDL commands.

491984 If you upgrade from (15.0 or 15.0.1) to (15.0.2, esd#1, esd#2), you may not be able to configure "max buffers per lava operator" parameter by sp_configure due to error 18124.
491993 'srvbuild' binary fails to create new server if there is no existing interface file.
492004 DDLGen does not generate DDL for a temporary database or an archive database in 15.0.2 ESD#2. This issue can ben seen both in the command line version of DDLGen and the Sybase Central ASE Plug-in.
492013 Feature request to add additional T-SQL category commands to sp_options, such as set string_rtruncation,
492035 Add support for "net password encryption" server setting for IQ class servers that support it.
492066 Feature request to support USE DATABASE statements in stored procedures.
492079 Server Properties dialog Configuration page has been modified to use table cell editors that limit the configuration values for each configuration option. Previously the cell editors were plain text fields which would receive any input, including non-numeric text for numeric values.
492150 Under the following conditions:

1) A query has one or more expressions in an IN-list or two or more OR clauses on the same column that contain expressions, such as:

select count(*)

from opl o , bals b

where (substring(o.zb,1,4)=b.bals or substring(,1,4)= b.bals )

2) The expressions contain references to substituted columns (o.zb and in the example)

3) The optimizer chooses a query plan using the special OR strategy: Showplan will contain a 'SCAN Operator FROM OR List' output

4) The OR-SCAN Operator is under the right hand side of a Nested-Loop Join operator in the query plan

5) The expressions in the IN-list or OR clauses return the same result value for the first row processed,

Then too few rows may be returned.

492226 dbcc checktable failed with error 2583. De-allocation of a particular page

can take place twice and the OAM counts can possibly go negative.

492267 ASE Cluster Edition instance may hang or show unexpected behavior in heavily loaded with multiple connections accessing same database objects.
492289 Previously DBISQL sometimes was not able to reliably cancel a query. This has been fixed
492309 An union query with a constant expression in an outer join select list, may return error

or wrong result.

492349 Connecting to a remote server that has not been started hangs if the retry and delay

counts are configured for the remote server in the interfaces file.

492368 Using bcp to copy IN rows to a table that uses the allpage (APL) lock scheme, and whose rows have both encrypted columns and null columns, can produce rows that are wrongly formatted but are not detected when the rows are inserted. Replication Agent may report error 9289 when attempting to replicate a DML operation done on the badly formatted rows.
492373 Implementation of "Large Page" support on AIX platform
492422 'In rare circumstances, DBCC CHECVERIFY can fail with error 12921, 'A problem was encountered

while accessing the faults recorded in the dbccdb database' in a heavily loaded

server due to an internal but unreported deadlock.

492426 In certain specific cases if there is not enough space in transaction log execution of commands may hit 3935 error
492430 Multiple per-CPU served licenses with different versions (i.e. different purchase dates or different support-end-dates) cannot be accumulated.
492498 Insert into APL table with both cluster and noncluster index could be rollback as we try to avoid using blocking lock to avoid undetected deadlocks with physical lock.
492552 New Feature - Sybase Central ASE Plug-in and DDLGen support IPV6 addresses
492554 When the target table has a clustered index on 1 datetime column, with_allow_dups, the insert select from a 9mil row archive table takes days to complete.

When you add a char(3) column to this clustered index, it completes in an hour.

The where clause does not contain the char(3), it only contains the datetime column.

492583 In rare cases, in multi-instance cluster, the rollback of a transaction may encounter a 692 or 694 error while reading Syslogs.
492586 Stored procedure created with WITH RECOMPILE option may be executed using existing query plan instead of generating a new one at each execution if some procedural statement is compiled in the deferred mode during runtime execution.
492598 Trace output from ASE kernel processes is not printed to the error log when traceflag 3623 is active.
492632 After HK CHORES task fails to generate a new RSA key pair for network password encryption with the message "ks_falloc: Cannot allocate using ubfalloc",

you may find approximately 3000 bytes memory leak in Network Buffers.

492642 (Internal Only) An assertion that "Local commit timestamp is less than global commit timestamp" may fail if two thread simultaneously calculate global commit timestamp.
492643 sp_monitorconfig shows very high reuse counts for permission cache entries.
492645 When statement cache and literal autoparam are on, if a like pattern contains

a control character at the end, less rows might be returned. Similar, if a like

pattern is a variable or stored procedure parameter that has control characters

at the end, less rows might be matched.

492681 Need to print reserved and allocated % values for each disk piece so as to set sp_dumpoptimize parameters.
492688 Performance issue might be hit for a query with

upto 5 joining tables involving cartesian products

and/or theta-only joins.

492712 A new serials of wizards are added to upgrade a pre-SDC server to SDC server.
492717 In ASE 15.0 and later, a procedure referencing a temporary table

created in a caller procedure may result in signal 11 if the indexes

created on the temporary table changes between executions of the

caller procedure. This change of indexes on the temporary table

could be caused by index creation failure due to resource issues.

492726 An invalid column length error may be reported in the error log or 1142 error may be returned

when a database is loaded using a database dump that was taken on a platform where the byte

order (endian type) is different.

492733 A 3484 error, "Recovery encountered an error in acquiring locks for reinstantiated transactions..." may be reported either during boottime, when recovery is processing a prepared distributed transaction, or during node failover (cluster edition only) when recovery is processing an incomplete transaction.
492754 Improve multi-insert performance with statement_cache & literal_autoparam
492794 Feature Request: enhance sp_monitorconfig output for 'additional network memory"
492796 In rare circumstances, ASE may not start with the error message, "Error: ./dataserver: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory" when $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/lib3p64 is not included in LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64.
492801 A new option for the display command, 'all' has been added to qrmutil utility.
492810 Clusters with only coordinator is up and running, cache update operation never fails. For example,

sp_cacheconfig 'default data cache','mixed' operation succeeds instead of failing.

492819 When delete row involving forward rows, server could hit Signal 11 if it hits out of log space 1105 error.
492825 Under the following conditions:

1) There is a parallel query plan with at least one correlated subquery,

2) At least one correlation column or the result value must be variable

length datatypes (i.e. INTN, not INT2 or INT4, or VARCHAR, not CHAR).

3) The query plan is being reused (it must be a stored procedure),

4) The query plan is runtime adjusted from a parallel to a serial

plan when the plan is reused after the first execution.

A signal 11 can occur during execution, which includes the function sq_add_to_cache in the stack trace.

492828 When run in a database not set to single user mode, dbcc gam 'check' displays a misleading

message that the database must be in single user mode - and proceeds to display the results

of the check. The database does not need to be in single user mode to run the 'check'

option, however, spurious errors may occur due to concurrent activity.

492868 srvbuildres upgrade server fails if the interfaces file not in default directory.
492888 Generate RPM packages of ASE 15.0.2 GA including ESD#3 for Linux platform
492947 Upgrade fails to boot server with error message: The configuration area in device appears to be corrupt. The server cannot continue and will shut down.
492949 Stacktrace when querying a proxy table mapped to a DirectConnect server and unichar columns are used in the where clause.
492974 In rare circumstances, checkstorage may report the error 835, "Illegal attempt to change contents of buffer" followed by a stack trace that includes the module pchk_copy_page().
492978 In rare cases a 692 error for a page belonging to syslogs, might be reported when a transaction is rolled back.
493048 The message "process infected with signal 11" may be reported in the error log

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'proc_release' and

'ptnc_replace_ptncond' when an ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION command is run

while concurrent activity on the target table takes place.

493057 Using built-in character set conversions, ASE does not raise error 2402 and prevent the insertion of characters

that are considered invalid in the client character set.

493078 Equijoin on two correlated subqueries could lead to signal 11 stacktrace

in e_eval*LeEvals::LeEvGetFirstEval() during execution.

493097 Client's setting of SET ROWCOUNT affects the processing of triggers and stored procedures.
493107 1) sp_modifylogin <login>, "authenticate with", "ANY" sets a value of 480 but it should be 0. The value set should be the same as sp_addlogin "ANY" which is correctly value 0.

2) Kerberos logins upgraded from pre 12.5.4 to 12.5.4 having status value of 224 can not login.

3) No upgrade action automatically fixes status values 224 and 480 to be 0. sso should execute new stored procedure sp_update_authmech_value to fix the status.

493130 Server signal 11 stacktrace could happen in ResRelOp() when using variable

assignment in a DISTINCT query with outerjoin.

493134 A large network packet size you request may not be used.

Or the message "ks_falloc: Cannot allocate using ubfalloc(rnetmempool, 8192)." may be

printed out from HK CHORES task in ASE errorlog.

493138 In ASE Cluster Edition, when an instance executing alter database command on master database fails, the instance performing cluster failover recovery hits error 940.
493142 After redirecting the target model OOM, mapping of element lost
493149 If a threshold is crossed then it may be handled twice by two different tasks which can result in incorrect threshold pointers.
493170 In rare circumstances for clusters with two or more instances , the message

"current process infected with 11 in module 'cmcc_bufsearch'" may

be reported in the errorlog while doing cache configuration.

493177 In rare cases, after an instance leaves the cluster, a process might hit error 1295 when

it tries to add log records to Syslogs.

493178 In rare cases, after instance failover recovery, some cipc message on the instance that did the recovery could be corrupted. The resulted errors could be that server is trying to free a cipc message that is already freed, or server is trying to use a message that is not allocated.
493184 Include ROWCOUNT in the list of SET options included in the sysoptions table.
493198 Pre-12.5.4 and pre-15.0.2 logins need an upgrade action so that "Authenticate with" functionality will properly work for KERBEROS logins. An upgrade action should modify the status bits so that values 244 or 480, which have meant 'ANY' in the past, are reset to 0 in the 4 authentication mechanism bits of syslogins.status
493220 The configuration options "cluster heartbeat interval", "cluster heartbeat retries",

and "cluster vote timeout" are incorrectly allowed to be set at the instance level.

493223 Under rare circumtances , a deferred update of an APL table may result in a 2620 error: "The offset of the row number at offset <offset> does not match the entry in the offset table of the following page."
493227 Optimizer doesn't choose the (join) SARGs present on multiple columns in an index when the columns happen to belong to same tcid i.e. are joined to only one column from outer table.
493255 Document regarding assignment of new connection to engine needs change in System Administration Guide.
493262 A 1763 error, "Cannot insert rows into sysstatistics, due to multiple equal frequency values, please contact Sybase Technical Support." may be reported when "alter table <tabname> partition by roundrobin n" is run on a DOL table with a primary key constraint/ index, where n > 3
493264 infected with 11 may occur in CgEvals::_CgCompVcol() when executing a query which has 400 or more predicates.
493301 Feature request for an option that would prevent any non-ANSI compatible TSQL from running - i.e. block anything that SET FIPSFLAGGER ON would flag as a TSQL extension to ANSI SQL.
493317 When quorum device cannot be accessed, running 'show cluster status' will report an inexplicit error "The cluster entry did not contain any servers"
493342 signal 11 stacktrace might happen during CgpDistinct::_CgpInitSubstitution() call

for complex join query using DISTINCT view or DISTINCT derived table on expression(s).

493344 A 8201 error will be reported "Keep count of descriptor (objid=<value>, dbid=<value>)

was expected to be 1. Instead 2 was found." when SP_FIXINDEX is run against the system

table systabstats.

493360 ASE running on windows reports blocks four "Cannot get value ..." [from registry] error messages every time it starts
493362 In rare circumstances, the message "current process ... infected with 11" may be reported in module

'dfl_dmp_initflushlist' or 5205 error may be returned during the execution of a DUMP DATABASE command,

The modules 'cdfl_dmp_initflushlist' and 'dpdb_main' would also be reported in the stack trace in

the error log.

493365 For large join query (more than 6 joining tables), APL clustered index scan might

not be used in the final plan even when it would be better.

493412 The statements referencing temp table are now cached when statement cache is turned on.

Trace flag 467 can be used to turn off this functionality. So when 467 is on, such statements are not cached.

493428 ct requests an update on the documentation.

ct misses a clear documentation about the Repositories supported by each Version and Platform of ETL.

E.g. Where can a one find out if for IQ EEE on WIN Terminal Server an ASE native Repository is supported? And what for AIX?.....

Same is true for all ETL Versions.

Information needed is:

ETL Product, ETL Version, Database Name, Database Version, connect via: Native or ODBC, Driver Version supported.

493451 Request to reword message 4325 to more clearly indicate that either the dump need not be loaded because all transactions contained committed prior to until_time or that dump contains no transactions that had not committed prior to until_time.
493453 Backup Server in cluster may generate different size dumps for different nodes. The different size is due to dumping additional free pages of database which results in greater size dump.
493461 Installation of 15.0.2 on Windows 32-bit

SYB_BACKUP srvnetname is SYB_BACKUP, where it should be {SERVERNAME}_BS, as is in the sql.ini

The result is an inability to connect to the backupserver from isql.

493463 sp_dbcc_run_configreport receives error 265 when database size is a terabyte or greater
493476 Incorrect SQL generated when querying a proxy table with an IN clause that compares a constant to a list of columns.
493488 ASE 15.0 ODBC driver may encounter an error when unsigned integers are used in a search criteria.
493565 signal 11 stacktrace might happen during CgpDistinctSorting::_CgpInit() call

for DISTINCT on a scalar aggregate result together with another expression result.

493566 Signal 11 may occur for complex queries on multiple views which involves UIV and correlated


493579 Provide a periodic warning in the error log if the system time on two instances varies by more than two minutes. The clocks are checked, and the warning generated, every 10 minutes.
493592 If merge-join is used between a proxy table mapped to a table in DB2 and a local ASE table on a character field that contains numeric characters, some matches may be missing in the result set.
493608 Query on an audit table will hang when the audit table is full.
493648 ASE gives ip address as network name when ipv6 address is used in interfaces file.
493654 In rare circumstances while dropping a system table message 3702 may be

reported in the errlog instead of message 3708.

493669 clear doc's on @@cmpstate values in SDC or in non-HA env.

@@cmpstate is >= 0 in HA-env, and it has no meaningful value in SDC or in non-HA env (it will be < 0).

493684 Using DISTINCT on expression involving a char type column and also having equijoin between the column and another different length char type column could lead to wrong result.
493701 On tables where all of the following occur:

1) lock scheme is APL (All Page Locking),

2) table has at least one encrypted column,

3) table has at least one variable length column,

4) a row has more than 255 bytes of fixed length data,

then BCP IN on those tables will fail to insert rows.

493711 In badly partitioned applications, stale copies of pages of dataonly locked tables might be scanned on different nodes.
493732 The command DBCC CHECKSTORAGE may abort with the error 871, "Process is trying to release a latch on buffer without holding a latch on it." if the last log page is found cached and more recent in a remote node when checking SYSLOGS.
493736 During UPDATE STATISTICS, the number of extended steps, that is, the product of the

requested step count and the histogram tuning factor, is restricted to the maximum of 10% of the

number of rows in the table and the requested step count. However, if the histogram tuning factor is at the default value of 20 and the proposed number of extended steps is greater than 400, then the actual number of steps in the histogram is restricted to a maximum of the requested step count and 400.

493751 When the power() builtin function is used in a SQL statement and the second argument to

power() is an integer datatype, a 3606 error (arithmetic overflow) can be incorrectly


493827 With using forced join order, optimizer may choose a reformatting plan which is slower than using an index.
493833 sp_sysmon does not report the number of lock promotion when page lock is promoted to table lock.
493885 Migrate user defined application context. Tasks which have run "set_appcontext" will now be migratable and the define context will be migrated to the new instance.
493891 CREATE EXISTING TABLE fails to import indexes when an index contains more than 1 million pages. The ASE errorlog contains the message "user api layer: internal common library error: The bind of result set item 12 resulted in an overflow."
493894 Disallow the migration of tasks which have established an application context using the set_appcontext() built-in.
493908 Select from syslogshold does not provide the latest secondary truncation point when the Rep Agent thread has changed it.
493919 A query that uses the same column more than once and assigns multiple instances of this

column in the select list the same column alias will cause error 7348. If the same query

is executed without assigning column aliases, the query executes successfully. An example:

> select col1 as 'column1', col1 as 'column1' from tab1

> go

Msg 7348,

Level 15, State 1: Select expression results in more than one column having same name.

Column name 'column1' is specified more than once.

493935 Sometimes, even if all the rows on a page get deleted the page is not deallocated.
493937 A signal 11 may occured with a stacktrace involving 'ResRelOp' called from 'OptFindLegacyOj' for

an OUTERJOIN query whose inner table is a VIEW with a CASE expression in the SELECT list and the CASE expression from the VIEW is also referenced in a correlated subquery above the OUTERJOIN.

493941 Insert could goes to a deallocated page from index reorg rebuild.
493953 Starting IPV6 needs turning on trace flag 7841. This requirement is removed. We need to just give machinename.v6 or ipv6 address in interfaces file to start ASE with IPV6.
494008 QP metrics is not captured for INSERT...VALUES statement consistently
494013 When statement cache is on, if a goto query is run after a cachable statement, the branching to the label statement might not happen.
494066 Setting the server option 'net password encryption' for non-ASE backends is silently ignored.
494069 When a remote instance has XP server running, the command to shut down cluster and shut down remote instance may fail.
494097 Large buffer pool created by recovery process is not getting deleted after booting instance.
494105 If the current instance name string is a substring of any other instance name,

configuration file format error will be seen during server boot-up. The handle

for this special case is added in cfg__read_section().

494128 Error 10863 "Initialization of the cache (<cache name>) failed due to lack of space. Changes will

take effect when server is rebooted. To make changes in the same instance increase the value of

'max memory' config parameter and retry command." may be reported while configuring a named cache

with 64 cache partitions using sp_cacheconfig.

494166 Range cell density on varchar column jump when insert or delete one row.
494180 When a procedure is created by sa (or a user with sa_role) and accesses an object in another database and the access permission on the object is granted to dbo through a group, then a user (who is aliased to dbo in both databases) executing the procedure may get a permission error on the object.
494181 In rare circumstances, DUMP DATABASE command may hang when it is executed during node failover recovery

and DUMP DATABASE was running on the crashed node when the node crash happened.

494188 An expression involving Blob type (such as text/image) column in the SELECT list

for a join query could lead to signal 11 stacktrace in CgEvals::_CgCompVcol() when

a reformatting (store_index) plan is chosen.

494195 Default value of CIPC message pool is increased from 4096 to 8192. This value is set in server's configuration file <server>.cfg via following: CIPC regular message pool size = DEFAULT.
494202 Error 694 suggesting device i/o error has occurred will be raised because of an stale transfer cancel

request sent to the node.

494232 In rare circumstances message "Identity value overflow " may be reported ,

while explicitly inserting max precision identity value to identity column.

494239 A new static configuration parameter "max nesting level" is added to configure the maximum allowed nesting level in the SQL queries for execution.

This configuration value can be in the range of 16 - 100 with 16 being the default value.

494244 1. After successfully upgrading from an Adaptive Server 15.0 (or later) installation

to 15.0.1 CE, the system view sysquerymetrics will be missing. When installmaster

script is run it will hit error 208 while installing the sp_show_metrics system

stored procedure.

2. After successfully upgrading from an Adaptive Server installation version older

than 15.0 to 15.0.1 CE, the config option 'enable metrics capture' will be missing

in the sysconfigures system table.

494278 In the "Quick Installation Guide" for Linux, Document ID: DC00468-01-1502-01 we refer to setting the size of available shared memory by using the sysctl command (see

We then correctly note that this change will not be permamnent (which is true) and that the command should also be entered into either the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file or /etc/init.d/boot.local (depending on platform) to make the change permamnet.

Whilst both these options work, the published method to make such changes permanent is to add the commands to /etc/sysctl.conf which should be supported on all Linux platforms.

For redhat confirmation see

or for SuSe see

494315 If a query which uses distinct either explicitly or implicitly and no legal query plan is found and it is observed that there has been a timeout event during optimization then it may be due to this CR
494321 Migrate existing Sybase Central plugins on Vista.
494324 In rare circumstances, concurrent dump tran activity on a database may cause errors numbered 4218 and 692.
494337 The message "current process infected with 11" together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'cursor_process_error' and 's_handle' maybe be reported in the error log if a client session with a distributed transaction having open cursors had to be aborted.
494369 Feature request for PIVOT and UNPIVOT operators.
494397 Updates to date columns of proxy tables mapped to direct connect servers cause the millisecond portion of the date to be set to zero.
494407 With abstract plan load on, sometimes the optimizer could stack trace
494441 insert-select statement fails with Cs-Lib datatype conversion error when the select portion of the statement is a union of proxy tables
494474 Index linkage corruption or deadlock when page is not transferred but read from disk in the remote node.
494487 A 2540 error might be reported by DBCC TABLEALLOC or DBCC CHECKALLOC following the recovery of a database after instance failure, when a REORG REBUILD command was being executed concurrently with failover recovery.
494493 Implement virtual hash tables on all platforms, currently these are only supported on IBM plinux.
494527 The messages raised while doing consistency checks for cache operations and checks for cache configuration at startup were localised.
494528 In rare circumstances 871 error may be reported when backout from system table update
494568 A cluster with Job Scheduler enabled (in active or paused state) may hang during

recovery after an instance shuts down, if the instance that shuts down was the instance running

the Job Scheduler. Also, the shutdown of the cluster or instance when Job Scheduler is enabled

result in server hang. This happens when the cluster is configured with only one engine.

In the following scenarios, the server may hang :

o A Cluster enabled with Job Scheduler may hang during shutdown if

shutdown cluster was issued from the instance that was not running Job


o A Cluster enabled with Job Scheduler may hang during shutdown if

shutdown instance was issued for the instance that was currently running

the Job Scheduler from the other instance that was not running Job


494587 When running update queries against tables that are being dropped and recreated on the fly, ASE can run into a signal 11 while trying to compute the resultant row size. This generally happens under stress conditions.
494605 Customer asked for a tool/utility to read the contents of syslogs like LogAnalyzer from CA's. It seem that LogAnalyzer permits to read syslogs

and mount the commands that will permit customer to apply the transaction again or to revert some transaction. There was CR 315186 but it was closed.

494608 When the the query plan chosen by the optimizer has:

1) A left semi-join using the hash join algorithm and

2) Filter predicates in addition to the join clause that can

eliminate rows after they have matched on the joining column and

3) Rows with duplicate joining keys in the outer input stream

to the hash join op and

4) At least two rows that match in the inner input stream, the

second of which must fail the additional predicates the first time

it matches the joining column and pass the additional predicate

on a subsequent match of the joining column,

too few result rows may be returned.

Query plans with left semi joins usually appear for queries that have subqueries in an


494629 In ASEPlugin, a new tab page "Localization" is added into server properties pages to allow the user to configure localization information for SDC server.
494648 Under rare circumstances, executing UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS on a table that has been

unpartitioned might result in a 14108/20/4 error message "Could not find partition

descriptor for objid xxxx, indid x, ptnid xxxxx in dbid x" followed that by a stacktrace

that includes the following routines: ptn_get_pdes(), ptn_pdes_set(), open_partition(),


494650 Sometimes, when you try to login to ASE with the requested packet size equal to 'default network packet size', you may get a protocol packet error below and fail to connect to ASE.

CT-LIBRARY error: ct_connect(): network packet layer: external error: There is a protocol packet error. An illegal length was received

494686 Under exceptionally rare circumstances, sp_setpassword may hit Signal 11 in routine set_password(). This is benign and only affects the user running sp_setpassword.
494690 In sp_sysmon, "Total ULC Flushes" under Transaction Management gives the total PLC flushes.

At present, the PLC discards are also displayed under the column "by Other" in the PLC flushes section. This leads to erroneous counter value for PLC flushes.

494709 The dataserver engine fails to restart after running CSMD in sybmon.
494711 When there is a DDL statement in a batch, at the time executing DDL statement, entire batch is getting displayed instead of single DDL statement that is currently being executed.
494720 It's a known issue caused by glibc version. It had been fixed in CR479363 in ASE From ASE15.0.2 ESD#3.
494724 ASE error report, when instance file descriptor usage exceed OS limit, does not provide the correct count.
494742 Occasionally wrong results or even procedure cache corruption

could happen raising messages like "current process infected

with 11" with routine names like 'mjutil_sdes_update' and

'memcpy' when a query joining two or more tables is executed

in parallel inside a stored procedure, the configuration

parameter "enable sort-merge join and JTC" is ON and the

query uses one or more of the stored procedure parameters

in the WHERE clause.

494757 ASE hangs when connecting to a shutdown server configured with retry/delay
494769 Cursors are not able to use FRIDs to satisfy HASH_UNION operator.
494870 Error 3621 - intermittent and when ASE is set up for parallel processing.
494894 In a cluster system, a database checkpoint may take an unnecessarily long time if

there are no concurrent database updates on the instance on which the checkpoint

is executed, and many concurrent database updates on one or more other instances.

494936 ASE may return wrong results when a SQL statement satisfies the following conditions:

1) It has correlated subquery that does not get flattened (i.e. NOT EXISTS)

2) Subquery caching on (it's on by default)

3) It has two or more correlation columns that come from at least two

different tables (i.e. a join under the left-most child of

the LeSQFilterOp.

4) The values of correlation column(s) comming from the inner

scan of the join must have varying lengths (i.e. some NULL

values and some not NULL or different VARCHAR string lengths).

5) There must be multiple rows from the inner scan of the join

that match the joining column of an outer scan row.

5) The ordering of the columns in the rows of the subquery cache

has to have the corrrelation column from the inner side of the

join placed before the column from the outer side.

6) You have to get some matches in the subquery cache.

Also, this bug is most likely to happen after the size of the

subquery cache has been adjusted down to a single row - but this

is not a prerequisite.

494981 In a rare case where we hit log full condition while allocating an extent for the

first time on an allocation unit, we might ask for an EX_LATCH while already

holding it. The task will keep waiting indefinitely for the latch to be granted.

This task can block other tasks too which tries to take latch on same allocation page.

494982 Running a query whose subquery referencing a table with functional index and another table from the outer query may hit SIG11 from pre__replace_fi().
495049 When statement cache is in contention (full, and all cached statements are

in use) and literal parameterization is on, stack trace may occur from

opt_like_and() -> find_ep() when executing a statement with like clause against

a literal value.

495052 In rare circumstances for clusters with two or more instances, an error 891 may be raised by

fail over recovery process.

495055 When sp_monitorconfig "number of user connections" is run, the result may show "Num_active" and "Max_Used" as 0.
495066 On the Solaris platform, the loss of connectivity to the SAN may result in ASE core dumping and shutting down.
495118 Sub-optimal performance can be noticed with SELECT queries involving large IN lists. Use runtime traceflag -T15393 introduced in this CR for better performance.
495149 ASE Cluster Edition server instances may hang or result in unexpected behavior when all the instances are heavily loaded with simultaneous access of same database objects.
495163 A 803 error "Unable to place buffer ..." may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'txst__read_node', 'gettxtpage' and 'bufkeep' when a SELECT command has been previously run to extract XML data. Alternatively, a 804 error "Unable to find buffer ..." may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'updtext', 'inserttext', 'alloctext' and 'bufunkeep' when an UPDATE command has been previously run to update XML data.
495176 In rare circumstances, determination of the database timestamp may inadvertently set it higher than it needs to be, increasing the likelihood of running out of timestamps for any database during its lifetime.
495237 In rare cases, recovery reports a 3478 error "During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log...", when the size of a buffer pool had previously been altered using sp_poolconfig.
495245 "sample" command in sybmon can't print useful stack info on hpia64 platform
495261 Add Evaluation install type and change SYSAM related panels.
495328 A rarely happened case: while trying to insert big rows into a table with all-page locking clustered index that has big size index row.
495382 A query that selects from a derived table that converts the results of an aggregate function to a BIT column returns the resulting column to the client as an INT rather than a BIT
495400 When statement cache and literal parameterization are enabled, a query with like clause

may run into stack trace in opt_like() -> find_ep() if the query is run under 'set noexec on'.

495419 A 7451 error, "Cluster threshold manager failed to rebuild log segment free page counts for database <dbname>(<dbid>) because log space info on dbinfo page is invalid...", might be reported during ALTER DATABASE after the last-chance threshold had been hit.
495429 Feature Request to change convert() money to varchar w 4digits after decimal point.
495431 Installmaster will encounter errors while creating the sp_clusterlogical stored procedure on a

case insensitive server.

495438 GroupHashing operators with large input sets that are not

partially sorted may do many useless comparisons. This can

use a significant amount of CPU and slow down the query

significantly as well. We now check to see if previous

group checking is not effective (low hit rate). If not,

the last group comparisons are disabled.

495499 The message "process infected with signal 11" may be reported in the error log

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ptn_rowcopy' and

'ind__get_sysindrow' when the DBCC CHECKVERIFY command has been previously run.

495524 In rare cases, after an instance failure, the cluster could hang while trying to print a message from sysmessages before failover recovery had even started.
495544 When an online database has previously been used to bring an archive database online

a timeslice error may be reported in the error log. In this case, the timeslice error

will be accompanied by a stack trace which includes the modules 'online_database' and 'th__recover_altered_logsegment'.

495555 This is a request to have Sybase HA cope gracefully with the following two scenarios:

1> primary node fails, processing moves to secondary (already works)

2> power fails to the secondary node

3a> power is restored and only the secondary reboots (primary hardware still offline)

3b> power is restored and both hardware nodes recover

495569 sybmon sample command gets a signal 11 when framewalking on linuxamd64 platform at the 15.0.2 ESD#2/3 levels. 15.0.2 GA release is ok.
495587 12.5.x OpenClient that are using SSLPlus 3.x cannot connect to ASE15 or OpenServer with 2048bit RSA keys.
495601 ASE running with multiple engines may hang during shutdown.
495644 the first instance's information in sysservers table is not correct after upgrade.
495681 A deadlock may occur on SYSCOLUMNS when concurrent sessions execute a CREATE VIEW command in the same database.
495683 Previously ASE Plug-in's table data columns would not sort unless all rows (to the limit) were fetched. This behavior has been changed so that column-sorting would always occur when user clicks the column. Note that the behavior is now consistent with DBISQL11's column-sorting feature.
495684 Unable to sort by column when viewing table data Sybase Central\2456
495714 An update of a column that is part of an index on an APL table fails in some circumstances with a 644 error.
495725 In very rare cases, when large scale allocation is enabled,

alter table lock change may run into 1142 error:

"Invalid OAM Page 0. ..."

495746 Previously in DBISQL 9.0.2, multiple result sets' row numbers were not shown for each result set. This has been fixed in DBISQL 11.
495747 In DBISQL when executing multiple select statements you only get one row count

back from the last statement in the data frame for grid mode. For text mode, you do not get any row counts at all.

select * from publishers

select * from authors

select * from authors where au_id = 'white'

Even though you get all the data back in data windows that are tabs.

You only get the last statement row count in grid mode.

Text mode returns no row counts at all.

Customer would like to get the row count listed for each select statement

executed. in each tab with the results set./ Or, in text mode, at the end of each output or in a seperate tab with the messages.

495751 Explicit conversion from null numeric/float/decimal/money to univarchar/unichar may get 265 error

or sig 11 from com__subexctnumetochar().

495768 Under rare circumstances, 644 or 2628 errors might be be reported when executing DML commands soon after node failover recovery has completed most of the work, but before it has written pages modified by recovery, to disk.
495791 Garbage collection for dataonly-locked tables in a local temporary database may be slow, resulting in unnecessarily increased space usage.
495826 The message "process infected with signal 11" may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ptn_rowcopy' or 'ptn_nextcopy' along with 'ind__get_sysindrow' when previously running the DBCC commands EXTENTCHECK and


495830 select case and xmlextract will hit signal 11 at LeRun when xmlextract returns a large result
495843 Using a select statement having a where-clause of "null is null" evaluates differently (true) from earlier releases. The same clause in earlier releases returned error 403 message, "Invalid operator for datatype op: is null type: VOID TYPE."
495847 A select statement which will return results against a local table will return error 403 against a proxy table. 125x version returned the same results for local and remote tables. The select clause evaluates to "where (null is null)" in the 15x version.
495877 Signal 11 (SIGSEGV) could happen in the module 'ResRelOp' when compiling a query qualified for a general OR plan (e.g. with IN predicate). Also it would only happen when the index used for the general OR doesn't cover all search clause columns of the table and there is some equijoin on the column which is not part of the index.
495966 The documented technique for avoiding division by zero errors using CASE does not apply if the divisor evaluates to a constant expression, as for efficiency ASE evaluates all constant expressions just once prior to executing the CASE statement for each row.
495993 In rare cases, in a multi-instance cluster, the rollback of a transaction may report 692 or 694 errors when scanning syslogs.
496047 The creation of the jstask login account fails because of password complexity checks specified on the server.
496069 disk init command allows quorum device path as the physical path.
496074 Using the DUMP DATABASE WITH COMPRESSION = command can be significantly slower on some machine configurations than using the COMPRESS:: syntax.
496132 Display the page and rid of the current last log record at the time that the sp_help_rep_agent 'scan' is written.
496160 Greedy algorithm for search engine might lead to suboptimal plan for large

join query (more than 6 joining tables) with correlated subquery in the SELECT list.

496170 sp_sysmon in ASE Cluster Edition ESD1 doesn't show correct output for "log_lock_waited"
496178 Sub-optimal performance can be seen for queries involving MIN/MAX aggregates in the SELECT list and a equality predicate on the same aggregate column in the WHERE clause.
496181 After more than one instance is configured instance-specific new value for the same configuration attribute and the cluster is shut down, the cluster may fail to reboot because of signal 11 fatal error.
496201 Commandline trace flag 456 has been introduced to allow SQL statements that appear within

an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command to be added to the statement cache. Without trace flag 456,

all SQL statements that appear within EXECUTE IMMEDIATE commands are excluded from the

statement cache. With trace flag 456, SQL statements within EXECUTE IMMEDIATE comands that

appear in SQL batches and in SQL stored procedures that have a not-dynamic ownership chain

will be eligible for the statement cache.

496203 A deadlock may occur between SYSCOLUMNS and SYSDEPENDS when concurrent sessions execute a

CREATE TABLE command using column defaults and an ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT command.

496225 In some rare circumstances, a query which involves VIEW column (which returns a subquery) in an OR term having a subquery may fail with a stack trace being printed in the error log containing the functions 'sqx__do_transform' and 'GtcChildOptBlock*GtqSingleSubqScan::GtInterestingTcIdBm'.
496230 In very rare cases an undetected deadlock may be seen which involves tasks on different instances of cluster accessing OAM page and allocation page.
496247 In cases where the "max resource granularity" is set very low and/or a tempdb's pagesize cache pool is small, the hash operator could SEGV during the probe phase of processing. This case will only occur in underconfigured systems.
496265 Customer would like to see an error window pop-up if "Execute Selection" is selected without first highlighting sql in the top pane.
496277 The 'upgrade server' command in SybCluster will return to the prompt immediately and perform no processing if the SDCADMIN-1_0/lib/commons-codec-1.2.jar file is missing.
496352 A 2546 error, "Table Corrupt: Extent id <pageno1>

on allocation <pageno2> has objid <objid>, indid <indid>, and used bit on,

but reference bit off", may be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC if a sort was

active just prior to an instance or a server being shut down abnormally.

496395 CIS: max cis remote connections is still in use for 'remote descriptors'

An 'remote descriptors' is required for every ct-lib connection used by CIS

496449 Feature request to have 12.5.x showplan output indicate usage of SET FORCEPLAN or Forceindex options.
496489 Enabling the Job Scheduler may cause unexpected behavior or hang in ASE Cluster Edition ESD#1.
496497 ASE Cluster Edition ESD#1 may hang if one instance has high activity during node-crash recovery.
496541 request for a set option so DDL statement give out put like set showplan and set resource statistics.
496556 When running SELECT command, if two columns end up having same names, and if one of those columns is used in the ORDER BY list also, then ordering of the result might be done on a wrong column with the same name.
496645 A 631, 3478, 6902 or 696 error may be reported during failover recovery of the global system temporary database or a user temporary database.
496696 sp_dbcc_help_fault to give better suggestions for 100016 (checkalloc\textalloc)
496754 server_cert: feature request for Sun VxVM/VxFS 5.0 with ASE 15.0.x and HA
496881 In badly partition applications it's possible that we get an undetected deadlock when DBCC CHECKSTORAGE is running on a database that is being updated in another nodes. DBCC CHECKSTORAGE holds a share latch on an oam page and can sleep forever waiting for a physical lock on an allocation page that is exclusively locked on a remote node.
496932 sp_configure would allow "max resource granularity" to be set to 0.

Valid values are documented to be between 1 and 100 inclusively.

Using sp_configure to attempt to set "max resource granularity" to

0 will now generate an error.

497035 During preupgrade, the hint of the database size to increase is not accurate enough so that users have to alter database twice to get enough space for upgrade.
497066 A NOT IN subquery transformed into NOT EXISTS might use table scans instead of available indexes when isnull() builtin is used on either side of the NOT IN.
497071 There is a deadlock across nodes that involves at least three tasks, one

of them validating a data page at a node and another node cannot give-up

the lock on allocation page as it is blocked during destroy of a buffer.

497118 A 257 error, "Implicit conversion from datatype '...' to '...' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT

function to run this query." maybe be raised when "statement cache" is configured and a

parameterized statement (containing '?' parameters) is executed without using the "dynamic prepare"

option and it sends a NULL value for one or more of the parameters and the datatype specified for

the NULL value is incompatible (no implicit conversion available) with the target column affected

by the statement. Command line traceflag 7741 is added to allow the execution of those statements

with success when "statement cache" is configured but those statements sending NULL values for

parameters will not be cached.

497142 The le_execerr() routine could SEGV if it is dispatched a second

time and the Lava context has been cleaned up. That is, if a

second exception occurs while cleaning up for an initial exception.

In these cases, the stack will show that there is some intervening

handler before le_execerr(). In the typcial case, le_execerr()

is the first handler dispatched below the exec_lava() routine and

there is no problem.

497170 The buffer size used by the SQL debugger command 'show where' to display stored procedure's parameters and their values is too small. It has been expanded to 2K.
497173 sp_tables on UDF reports type = "system table" vs. "function"
497213 The "sp_cluster logical" stored procedure always returns the value NULL for the @handle output parameter.
497259 INSERT from view with unions may sometimes show poor performance because of unnecessary

view materialization.

497266 command line option to print checksum with dump/load
497269 CPU affinity feature supported on linuxamd64 platform
497292 ALTER DATABASE might take an uneccessarily long time to complete the

extension of a large database when the database has been extended over

a boundary that is a multiple of 63 GB.

497328 Request for a Unix/Java ETL Development client
497335 Popup a non-modal message dialog to the user to inform him that this will take a while: "Upgrade is now beginning. The procedure may take a long time. When it is completed, the Finish button will be enabled".
497387 ASE 12.5.4 ESD#8 Installer would not proceed again when a wrong directory is specified in the first instance.
497473 pre-allocated extent parameter desc incorrect in utility guide 12.5.x/15.0
497476 use of bcp argument -E is incorrectly stated in utility guide
497482 utility guide falsely states requirement for slow bcp 'select into' true
497491 An attempt to immediately reboot a failed instance may be unsuccessful if "cluster heartbeat interval" is configured to a large value.
497557 A 821 error "Attempt to unhash buffer in cache ..." may be reported

in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules

'buf_online_database' and 'cm_bufunhash' when an offlined database is in

the process of being onlined while a concurrent session is trying

to run a DBCC command in the given database.

497627 In rare circumstances, in a multi-instance cluster, there could be duplicate values in the identity

columns of a table.

497663 The message "A listener with protocol <network_protocol>, host <hostname>, port <port_number>, engine <engine_number> already exists."

may be encountered while starting a new listener on the abnormally terminated listener port.

The status of that listener is listed as active. However, no logins can be made to ASE using that listener port.

497750 Newly added audit options are not removed when downgrading from 15.0.2 to 15.0.1.
497853 A Cost based optimiser chooses plans based on what it believes to be the

lowest cost. There are certain circumstances, such as the use of Dynamic

Partition Elimination which result in the true cost of a query being lower

than the estimated cost as the value of the dynamic partition elimination

cannot be considered in costing to plan before execution.

498007 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module 'col_encrypt' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'LeEvRun' and 'LeRun' may be reported in the

error log when using encrypted column in a WHERE clause in a UNION query

498072 When the 'expire login' option of sp_passwordpolicy is set to '0', the password of new logins are expired and needs to be changed upon first login.
498076 When a database is set in single-user mode and one tries to start the replication agent on the database, replication agent does not start and reports errors 924, 9229 and 9241. Subsequent attempts to re-start replication agent will fail with error 9262 and 18421.
498088 SySAM2.0 setup of ASE15.0.2 installer can be set up only at once. When you make a mistake in a setup of SySAM2.0, please modify using a sp_lmconfig command.
498167 LOAD DATABASE may fail with error 8241 for database dumps taken with verify option and the database volumes are used greater than reserved threshold value.
498184 Clarification of error message 7628. This error needs to explicitly state that the ASE must be rebooted to start the auditing process.
498192 Error log may show errors like "kpsched: kpid #### bad status 0x440" when server is in heavy load and killing of ASE task(spid) has been happening.
498196 ASE boots using normal mode if shmat fails to attach Intimate Shared Memory (ISM) for SUN. With traceflag 1658, ASE will not boot using normal mode if shmat fails with ISM.
498213 Doc Perf. Tuning: Performance considerations when creating a proxy table on a view
498214 Please add a section in the Performance and Tuning guide regarding the performance considerations when creating a proxy table on a view
498215 When Running the following query sp_helpdevice it is taking DBISQL a very long time

to return the plan in the plan tab. In some case past the five min mark.

Seems to be performance degregation going on.

498243 Request to support configurable keystore for SSL certificates.
498257 A 8419 error, "Could not find index descriptor for objid <value>,

indid <value> in dbid <value>" together with a stack trace which

includes the modules 'ind_getrow' and 'startscan' maybe reported

when a stored procedure which uses temporary tables (or tables

create inside) and conditionally creates different indexes on

them is executed reusing a query plan from a previous execution.

498285 LOAD DATABASE command may change segment maps on the target database wrongly if a smaller database dump is loaded and the target database has more than 7 device fragments.
498333 MDA: Insert rows into a table does not update monitor counter LastUsedDate of monOpenObjectActivity.
498360 The PowerBuilder 11 Installation Guide's information on served licenses is incorrect and/or misleading. This is leading customers to believe that they can share a license file as long as they are not using PowerBuilder 11.x concurrently. Customers are calling technical support believing that if only one user is using the license at a time, their license should work. PowerBuilder does not have an option for a floating license and so the documentation below should be changed to reflect the correct usage of served licenses.

Current Documentation on Served Licenses from the PowerBuilder 11 Installation Guide

Installing a served license

If you are installing a served license, your organization needs a license server. The license server allows you to share and control licenses within a pool of users. It controls license availability and allows you to use licenses as needed. The license server also blocks use when all licenses are being used.

498414 insert into a view on proxy table fails if column name is aliased
498465 ASE may disconnect a session along with a stack trace reported in the error log

after error 1105 is raised. The modules "dol_insert", "pg_getdatapage_forinsert"

and "ex_reraise_lasterror" will be shown in the stack trace.

498476 Errors 804 or 806 may be encountered during disk refit if a raw device is used that previously contains ASE databases from a different server.
498501 Sybmigrate - unable to generate index ddl when user\db have same name
498515 DBCC CHECKSTORAGE may incorrectly report a 100025 (row count mismatch) when an error of other kind is found in one or more pages.
498525 While two parallel transactions performing DML on same table, are running in parallel on two instances. Rolling back of one of them may cause meta data corruption leading to inconsistent results.
498534 The license heartbeat process exited with a SIGSEGV (signal 11) when the license was lost but then subsequently re-verified in the next heartbeat.
498592 When the RAND builtin function is used without a seed value or with a literal seed value

and the RAND builtin appears in a SQL WHILE loop, the same value of RAND will be used in

each iteration of the WHILE loop. An example is:

delcare @v int

select @v = 1

while @v < 10


if (rand() < .5)

select 1

select @v = @v + 1



The result of rand() in the IF statement will not change for each of the 9 iterations of

the WHILE loop.

498631 A SQL statement containing an IN-list and an OR-clause, and with at least one NOT in the OR-

clause such as:

declare @v varchar(20)

select 1 where

@v IN ('abc', 'def')

OR (@v in ('data') and NOT exists (select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'foo'))

can return incorrect results. If the query is executed with the diagserver, and assertion

will fire:

Assertion (pNode->sym.node.type == AND) failed in file


498682 Monitoring and diagnostic data to monitor the queuing delays experienced at the

inter-node messaging layer of Shared Disk Clusters.

498685 Adding a column to a table using ALTER TABLE that already has an existing functional index can cause error 2780 "maxlen (10) is less than length (16)" or similar when a SELECT is executed.
498734 When the RAND2 builtin function is used in a SQL statement that contains no table

references, it will return incorrect results. An example SQL statement that returns wrong

results is:

if (rand2() < .5)

498740 AP load might fail to load a previous dumped AP for query with comments.
498764 When a user with sso_role executes a select into from a table

in a database of which he is not an assigned user and which has

no guest user, error 2736 is returned.

498834 A LOAD TRANSACTION containing a create index from a pre-15.1 server to a 15.0.1ce server may cause dbcc checktable to return 2583 or 2540 errors
498885 Request to suppress large numbers of "UNSUPPORTED:" errors in lmgrd.log when licenses are changed.
498898 Request to suppress large numbers of "UNSUPPORTED:" errors in lmgrd.log when licenses are changed.
498930 Remove licensing requirements for Java in database feature.
498931 Need ECDA 15.0 unserved license to run via Remote Desktop Connection Windows.
499000 Network performance may degrade due to disabled "tcp no delay" config parameter if ASE has both tli and tcp master entries in interfaces file.
499037 A error 8402 may be reported when we didn't find the requested index in table. The message "process infected with signal 15" may also be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the module 'ind_refresh_ides'.
499058 Improved "insert into <table> values " performance when statement cache is off.
499092 Update variable assignment expression involving subquery was being evaluated at the Subquery Filter operator in order to improve subquery performance and avoid possible exception. But this led to some undefined behavior change compared to pre-15.0 with respect to some form of variable assignment. This happens only because we use a form on non-deterministic SQL syntax that is well documented. The fix here is temporary in nature using trace flag 15322 so that customers could use the old semantics with the possible caveat that this could lead to run time exceptions or performance issues.
499135 Fix a stacktrace in ds__configinit() when boot a server with trace flag 3607.
499147 When a stored procedure that accesses an externally created temporary table (#) is re-executed after the temporary table has been dropped and re-created, an assertion may fire when the diagserver is used instead of the dataserver. The calling stack that is printed as part of the assertion output will print out the filename, useful.c and line number 13251.
499170 In rare circumstances, while acquiring a physical lock, it may appear to be a self-deadlock situation even though the requestor has no Address lock or Latch and the ASE may proceed with aborting the transaction.
499319 DBISQL all versions.

Customer has requested a search option under the plan tab for the pull down Menu

for the Results

See attached file for screen shot.

Customer would like to be able to search the results for table names for example.

499407 increasing/decreasing size of default data cache only on 1 instance can corrupt master device.


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